Only Chess
14 Oct 05
Originally posted by NordlysHe would stretch himself too thin. He told me one night he had 150 games going and had to make 150 moves in 90 minutes, then get 4 hours of sleep and get up for work!
Game 1462324 I guess.
When I asked him why he was playing so many games at once he said he was trying to make points for the clan.
Originally posted by The Slow PawnSomeone has to throw the first insult in any argument. HoH is very good at that.
This person would beat you blindfolded even after 2 bottles of straight vodka, so I judge his statements in chess terms considerably higher
Oh and just to add, you're complete w*nker as well, this person has never insulted you in the first place
Originally posted by fierytormentHe probably didn't use his engine in everygame, so he'll have a lower rating than normal engine users as well as not matching up as much. Why is that so hard to get?
I'm involved in a game with him right now, and he just GAVE his queen away for nothing. I'm sorry, but until the mods reveal the evidence, I feel this is total BULL ****
We seem to be developing a pattern here with banned players cept Yozzer who you could see right thru. If you play 100+ games consider yourself ban-able!? Or is it a cabal against the top and D. Tebb didn't like getting beat by what he would consider a hacker with his vaulted 2200 rating? Just food for thought 😏
Originally posted by zakkwylderPlease don't.
Honestly, I could give a rats @$$.
As for fiery tournament's game, from the mods point of view that could be a move in which he didn't use an engine, or he could've copied Bd3 instead of Qd3.
But I am very skeptical of this decision. Exy is honestly the last person I'd expect to be cheating.
Originally posted by satyaprakashSo what does that mean? If you use an engine, you cant chat "nice and enjoyable"????
This information is most shocking and disappointing indeed.
Can we request some comments from the game mods please?
I have had some games with Exy and we chatted along the game and it was very interesting and enjoying..
Originally posted by NordlysActually, his opening was weird, but not unheard of, and in this case it was sound and really didn't violate any principals, but it surrenders the advantage and leads to basic equality as white. Unlike many of the openings I looked at were he should of been punished by proper positional play. This one was alright until he outright blundered a queen. Maybe that is a sign of engine use, the mods figured? Most engine users do not use their engine until the middlegame, and if he blunders queens in the opening? I don't know, but his middlegame is just as non engenic, and he often has difficulty converting won endgames. The game against Tebb, although he won, wasn't exactly a sound endgame win.
Game 1462324 I guess.