Originally posted by fierytormentMaybe that was the real Exy. God, for the third time in this thread, he probably didn't use his engine in every game and that explains why the percentage and the rating doesn't make send. Doesn't mean he didn't use an engine though, just means he was smart.
to me, the evidence really doesn't add up, who knows, maybe he blundered the queen on purpose, but I doubt it.
Originally posted by fierytormentAnd you assume he's not..
your assumption is that he was cheating....... I don't think he was
But I trust the mods and respect their decission and thank them.
Playing unorhdox openings is common cheat evading technique and if he plays such openings and then matchs up with the engines then simply a cheat.. after something like 8 moves in chess there is 100,000 (im not quite sure but I know its alot) posistions..
So I truely believe he was cheat.. or has cheated..
1= 20
2 = 400
3 = 8,902
4 = 197,281
5 = 4,865,609
6 = 119,060,324
7 = 3,284,294,545
I think the total possible variations in chess was 1 000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (should be 1 followed by 120 zeros 🙂 ) More than all the atoms in the universe...although dont quote me on that.
hi, sorry i have not been online much to actually get involved with this, its completely shocking, any weirdly enough, 4/5 games im playing with exy and i was lossing 4 outta 5 of them lol, but yet he just blundered in almost all of them, which is scary, either hes got some amazing moves i never ever seen coming, or he is rushing his moves. I doubt that he is blundering because its really him, otherwise, we would see games like him and fierytorment alot more. And i know im not the greatest player on this site, but ive had some ups and down, ive beaten 2200 rated players, and ive lost to 1300 😞😞 but i dont think in over 20 tries ive ever beaten Exy, ill have to check it out...
whats more interesting, me and Exy have had long talks against cheating, and he has always been the first win with Arrakis to back up the mods and stand up against cheating, atleast from what i remember...