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16 Oct 06
06 Jan 07
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Originally posted by EveRyDay
I could post a couple of names I helped through playing - some of them several times. And I do post on private forums. With all the benefits of private forums: namely if people want to ask you questions they won't start with trash-talking, but by reading what I wrote.
I told Sicilian who the master was, without a name - if you really need to know.
His nam ...[text shortened]... - simply because I don't like blitzing the past years - I only follow the world events.
Sorry, I wasn't asking a question myself but rephrasing some of cmsMaster's post. I was hoping to show some of the people posting here that there is a civil way of doing things.

my pimp hand's strng

kinda like my homies

14 Jul 06
06 Jan 07
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One of my first private posts. 😛

This will be long, so steel yourself. But I think it's worth it after all.

First, about psychology. A serious high leveled chess game starts way before the parties sit down to play. And even if I don't count these games serious (I mean no disrespect here, I just can't help not having the same feeling like on the board.) psychology is still an aspect. Why? Let me explain. Every high leveled player can research after the other, find their favourite openings, typical positions they like, positions they can't handle that much. Sure here I don't have that much an option, but having two games at once against dsarge30 is a big help. Both games started off smoothly. With white I ran into a sicilian, which I like, with black I followed the king's indian line, which is one of my favourites. (Answering 1. d4 with g6, Bg7, Nf6, O-O, d6, later c5 or e5.) I thought dsarge wants two good fight here, with weapons sparkling brightly. I soon realized it's not so, since with white he went for early trade of queens, which is - most often - a sign of "a draw is enough for me". When I saw that I started to wonder why he choose sicilian in the other game. But let's get down to business.

1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 d6

The most common move, leaves the most options for black open for later. After Nc6 one could expect the Svesnikov or some deviance from the main lines, or getting there through a side-branch.

3. d4 cxd4
4. Nxd4 Nf6
5. Nc3 Nc6

I thought it would be a Najdorf with a6, probably one of the most aggressive answers for black. (Along with the dragon, probably. But dragon isn't played much lately, thought it's going to happen in one of my games now, I think.) So Nc6 surprised me a little, but then again I didn't know early queen trade is going to happen in the other game.

6. Bc4

I chose the Sozin system. I had Bg5 and Be2 for other main options, or play f3 then Be3. Personally - unlike ex-world champion Tigran Petrosian - I'm not fond of a the Bg5 move in any opening, and Be2 or f3 would declare my wish for short or long castling too soon. I wanted to keep him guessing about my intentions. (Psychology, psychology...)

6... Qb6
7. Ndb5 a6
8. Be3 Qa5
9. Nd4

That's merely a little trip. I didn't want to exchange the knights on c6, neither did I want to play Nb3, I just wanted to keep my knight in the center and develop with the black square bishop - still leaving black in doubts about which side I'm going to castle.

9... Ne5

I don't know. Probably a variant, but I don't like the move. Making me back to d3 or e2 with the white squared bishop. (For anything else, Nxe4 threatens, while the c3 horse is pinned by the black queen on a5.) Anyways, this should be a playable variant. A good one if you don't want to shoot your big guns on a web game. But if you don't play that serious in real life, you might as well go for e6.

10. Nb3 Qc7
11. Be2

I don't want to leave trading off the bishop on d3 an option. I'll have to give the B for the N later, probably. But my queen isn't very good on d3, and taking with pawn doesn't seem nice either. (Talking about 10. Bd3 here.)

11... e6
12. f4

Turning the seemingly positional (so far) battle into a more aggressive one. Doesn't stop me from later O-O, since f4 is a usual "guest" after king-side castling for white in the sicilian. Plus, I still can choose between where to castle.

12... Nc4
13. Bxc4

A must do. White can't hope to win without the black bishop. (A lot of black's pawns are on white squares, which makes the white squares strong, but the black ones weak for black. Sure for the endgame a white squared bishop is nice against pawns blocked on white squares. But the endgame is very far ahead, and frankly: I didn't want to push the game that far.)

13... Qxc4
14. Qf3

Could have gone with Qd3 and a more drawish line, but then again. I hate draws. The e5 push is in the air now, but I think it would be pre-matured. If you play for a win you have to take every move into deep consideration. It may be a good one, but if it makes the attack to frontal, too decisive too early in the game, you might end up in a drawish endgame, which won't make you happy if you 'go for the kill'.

14... e5?!

Well... To prevent white's e5. But as I mentioned... I blame this for the loss. A tempi (tempo) black shouldn't have given away. If I take on e5 I seemingly get an attack, but I think it's a holdable position, so I just deviated from that line in hope of a bigger prize.

15. Nd2!

I would give this move a ! (good move). The reason is it's deep idea. Black probably follows a line he knew this far, and now he is out in the blue. This is the moment which is hardest to catch. When you get out of your prepared opening, and you start to 'live on your own'. I spent a lot of time that night analizing this move, while my opponent answered fairly quickly on the next day, when I started moving. The bad thing is (for him at least): I had the variation analized to point where I no longer needed to think what to move. Moral of the game: never rush into the mid-game carelessly. Always think 'Am I out of home preparation yet?'. If the answer is yes, start thinking. With time control like this you don't have to spare your minutes like on the board, and even on the board you have to spend a lot of time, because it's no use you have 90 minutes left for the moves after the 40th if you get mated at 27, or even sooner.
But back to the game. Nd2 makes the queen backing away, thus allowing short-side castling once again. And I had a feeling he would move to b4 instead of c7 (which, I think, would have been more accurate), and I'm winning in that line for sure.

15... Qb4?

As I expected.

16. O-O!

Pawn sacrifice, which should be taken, or else Qb4 has no meaning to it. But if taken it's going to pain black highly for his greed. Look at the position now. (Set up the board, or check the game, I gave the link in the previous post.) Typical gambit position. White is developed greatly. Be3, Qf3, Rf1, Nc3, king is safe, knight on d2 can head to c4 any time. (Or maybe to f3 after Qg3 in some lines which didn't happen.) While black has Nf6, Qb4 which isn't defending the king, d6 which is a very weak and attackable pawn, and e5, which doesn't do much. This verifies the sacrifice.

16... Qxb2
17. Nd5

Multi-tasked move. The knight was under attack anyways. Nxd5 is a must do. (Threatens Nc7 and other nice things.) And that eliminates black's only defending piece. Plus the pawn that gets on d5 keeps the weak d6 pawn under blockade, making blacks development even harder.

17... Nxd5
18. exd5 f6

Against fxe5 probably. Without f6 or f5 white's cannon (Qf3-Rf1) takes a peek at f7 and f8 (after fxe5 that is), visiting the king for dinner.

19. Nc4

The d2 knight activates itself and charges into the battle.

19... Qc3

Qxc2 is sudden death after Nb6-Rac1.

20. Nb6

The knight which seemed passive on d2 now presses black's position on b6. It eyes the c8 square, making black unable to get his rooks on the c, throwing anything into the fight. (Not that he has time for it now.) And beside that Nb6 threatens with taking the white squared bishop, as explained later.

20... Bg4

Black had to move something after all, and the threat of taking the white bishop on c8, thus making the white squares even weaker was there. (Realize the fact, that while before the black squares were weak, now a lot of black pawns are on black squares, thus making the white squares weak. Which is a good attacking possibility for the white queen.)

21. Qg3

I first thought of Qf2?. I'm pretty sure even that would have been winning, but when you lead a lethal attack you shouldn't care for a couple of more pawns, but to keep your major pieces active.

21... Rd8
22. Rab1

That prepares Rb3, after which Qxg4 is possible, since the rook is defending the e3 B. Now black has a tough decision to make, in a much worse (I think I can say losing) position. He could have tried to stir things up with Be2, but I don't think it would have been enough. That variant may not ended in so many pawn sacrifices, but by attacking the queen and the e2 bishop I'm sure I could have won the tempi for a decisive attack.

22... Bh5
23. Rb3 Qxc2
24. Rc1 Qxa2

(EveRyDay says: two too greedy 😉
dsarge30 says: yumm)

The rest, as they say is only a matter of technique.

25. Rbc3 Bg6

Black's last hope, he migth think that's enough for catching his breath and make his extra pawns matter.

26. Qg4 Be7
27. Rc7

Black should castle, though even that is losing now. The other option may be f5, but as I mentioned in my previous post I had a nice variant prepared for that line. (27... f5 28. Rxe7+ Kxe7 29. Qg5+ Ke8 (or Kf7 with Rc7+ and mate coming along.) 30. fxe5 Qe2 31. Qxd8+ Kxd8 32. Bg5+ Ke8 33. Rc8+ Kf7 34. e6+ Qxe6 35. fxe6+ then Rxh8.)

27... O-O
28. f5

Bh6 is in the air, with fxg6 after g6. The best option may have been Qb3, but R7c3 and Bh6 still threatens with much more active white pieces.

28... Be8?
29. Rxe7 Rf7
30. Rxf7 Bxf7
31. Bh6 g5
32. fxg6 hxg6
33. Nd7

Threatening with Nf6+.

33... Rxd7

Now Qxd7 wins easily. But...

34. Rc8+

Weaves a deadly web around black's king. If you spend so much time solving chess 'puzzles' and are constantly looking after possible tactical sacrifices in all of your games, finding that mate-web is not that hard.

34... Kh7
35. Qh4 Qxg2+
36. Kxg2 g5
37. Bxg5+ Kg6
38. Qh6+ Kf5
39. Qf6+


39. Kg4 40. h3 Kh5 41. Rh5#
39. Ke4 40. Qf3 Kd4 41. Be3+ Kd3 42. Bc1+ Kd4 43. Qe3#

I hope you enjoyed the analization. If you have any more questions feel free to ask.


29 Jul 06
06 Jan 07
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Originally posted by cmsMaster
Wait...you got accused too!?

Where are all of my accusations!?! 😛
it was a while back by some 1400ish guy. I ended up disecting a game for him to make him shut up.


30 Oct 05
06 Jan 07
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Originally posted by cmsMaster
I just checked out what you were referring to - his posts were NOT that impressive. Not bad, but...I mean, a lot of his posts were basically "Thanks pulsatilla!"

After a quick glance his annotation with him and akizy wasn't too great.
Do you honestly want to debate the merits of his analysis? Akizy thought it was good, and it pretty much ended all debate about the subject of, "why did he resign?"

The only point is, a person's knowledge of chess (especially one post) doesn't necessarily mean they aren't a cheat.

"Thanks pulsatilla!" - 🙂


02 Feb 06
06 Jan 07
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Originally posted by Ramiri15
Do you honestly want to debate the merits of his analysis? Akizy thought it was good, and it pretty much ended all debate about the subject of, "why did he resign?"

The only point is, a person's knowledge of chess (especially one post) doesn't necessarily mean they aren't a cheat.

"Thanks pulsatilla!" - 🙂
Ok, I'm tired of arguing right now. But my point was that by posting some knowledgeable posts a lot of people will believe you're the real deal - and Ironman31 did this, and a lot of people really did believe him.


30 Oct 05
06 Jan 07
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Originally posted by cmsMaster
Ok, I'm tired of arguing right now. But my point was that by posting some knowledgeable posts a lot of people will believe you're the real deal - and Ironman31 did this, and a lot of people really did believe him.
I don't want to argue either; I was just trying to show you I didn't contradict myself.


02 Feb 06
06 Jan 07
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Originally posted by Ramiri15
I don't want to argue either; I was just trying to show you I didn't contradict myself.
Yeah, well, anyhow, Everyday do you get my point? I mean, already you have to see that you seem to have people like Ian68 and Ramiri15 supporting you in your efforts to prove you're the real deal - and honestly, you haven't posted anything that even remotely shows that you have chess talent.

It's really not hard to convince the skeptics on RHP.

my pimp hand's strng

kinda like my homies

14 Jul 06
06 Jan 07
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As I said before I kept posting on private forums and I made my first public one just to tell you why high rated players wouldn't post. To be honest all the points I said why I don't post turned out to be true. 😛

Whale watching

33°36'S 26°53'E

05 Feb 04
06 Jan 07

It really doesn't matter what high rated players post in this forum, or how many people "believe" that they are the genuine article.

The only determinant of a player getting banned is whether they play like a computer or like a human being.

Some of the most convincing commentaries in this forum's past have been made by the most outlandish cheats.

What ultimately matters are the moves on the board.


02 Feb 06
06 Jan 07
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Originally posted by Gatecrasher
It really doesn't matter what high rated players post in this forum, or how many people "believe" that they are the genuine article.

The only determinant of a player getting banned is whether they play like a computer or like a human being.

Some of the most convincing commentaries in this forum's past have been made by the most outlandish cheats.

What ultimately matters are the moves on the board.
Gatecrasher, why are you so damn wise? 🙁


The sky

05 Apr 05
06 Jan 07
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Originally posted by cmsMaster
Gatecrasher, why are you so damn wise? 🙁
Because of his beautiful move number (29292). Anyone with such a nice move number must be wise. Alternatively, it's because of all the gatecrashing.

my pimp hand's strng

kinda like my homies

14 Jul 06
06 Jan 07
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See, CMS.
It doesn't matter what one says for most people. The only thing that matters for them is who says it. If the shoe (cap) fits wear it. 😉
My respect for the exceptions.

Renouned Grob Killer

17 Dec 05
06 Jan 07
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Originally posted by cmsMaster
Gatecrasher, why are you so damn wise? 🙁
Well he blew a win against Weyerstrass, but other than that he is


02 Feb 06
06 Jan 07
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Originally posted by HomerJSimpson
Well he blew a win against Weyerstrass, but other than that he is
Did he?

Well at least he got that far. 😛


30 Oct 05
06 Jan 07
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Originally posted by cmsMaster
Did he?

Well at least he got that far. 😛
Game 1783702

I remember him lamenting it.

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