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Originally posted by asassin
Yes that's the next move! Black has a possible draw with kb8 if white slips up, but after kb8 there is mate in 11. 1.b6 kb8 then what?
I don't see it...

1. b6+ Kb8 2. h4 a5 3. h5 a4 4. h6 a3 5. h7 a2 6. h8Q a1Q! 7. Qh2+ (7. Qxa1?? Stalemate!) 7...Ka8 8. Qc7 Qe4+

9. Qd7 Qxd7+ 10. Kxd7 Kb8...Obvious draw
9. Kc8 Qh8+ 10. Kd7 (10.Qd8 Qxd8+ 11. Kxd8 Obvious draw again) 10...Qe4+ Etc...

Am I missing something?

EDIT: Forget all that stuff...I just found...Instead of 7. Qh2+...

7. Qg8! Qa2 8. Qe8! Qa4 9. Qe5+ Ka8 10. Qh8 Qh4+ 11. Qxh4 Kb8 12. Qh3 Ka8 13. Qc8#

Although, I can't get it done in 11

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Very, very close. Try Q e8 instead of queen Qg8, and after Qxh4 try something on the a file

PS. If black does 9......Qh4+ then 10. Kd7#

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Originally posted by asassin
Yes that's the next move! Black has a possible draw with kb8 if white slips up, but after kb8 there is mate in 11. 1.b6 kb8 then what?
You are not answering my point. Please prove how white wins in 11 (or even 12 moves) after 1.b6+ Kxb6 2.h4 Kc5 ....

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Originally posted by Mephisto2
You are not answering my point. Please prove how white wins in 11 (or even 12 moves) after 1.b6+ Kxb6 2.h4 Kc5 ....
Maybe I'm just bad, but I can't get it done in 11 πŸ™‚

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As this issue doesn't seem to get resolved in the next few millenia,here's a new puzzle:

White: Ka1,Qd1,Rf1,Rh1,Bb4,a3,b2,e2,g6
Black: Kg8,Qe8,Rf8,Rf5,Nc4,a6,b5,g7

White to mate in 5.

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Originally posted by SirLoseALot
As this issue doesn't seem to get resolved in the next few millenia,here's a new puzzle:

White: Ka1,Qd1,Rf1,Rh1,Bb4,a3,b2,e2,g6
Black: Kg8,Qe8,Rf8,Rf5,Nc4,a6,b5,g7

White to mate in 5.
That one was fun :-) (risking making an ass of myself)

1.Rh8+ Kxh8
2.Rh1+ Kg8
3.Rh8+ Kxh8
4.Qh1+ Kg8


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Originally posted by chasparos
That one was fun :-) (risking making an ass of myself)

1.Rh8+ Kxh8
2.Rh1+ Kg8
3.Rh8+ Kxh8
4.Qh1+ Kg8

Quite correct πŸ™‚

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Originally posted by SirLoseALot
Quite correct πŸ™‚
Got one right.

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Originally posted by chasparos
Got one right.
Yeah,feels good eh πŸ™‚
Your turn to provide us with hairsplitting problems πŸ˜‰

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Hm... mate in 11, quite possible after Kb8, which isn't a totally unobvious, scince alot of people would take on a1 after promotion without looking.

How about this, I don't know if Black has better moves, but it seems to be OK.

1.b6+ Kb8 2.h4 a5 3.h5 a4 4.h6 a3 5.h7 a2 6.h8Q a1Q 7.Qg8 Qa2 (OK, this is the move I'm doubting so much about, has Black got better options?) 8.Qe8 Qe6 (Same here, but I'm more sure about this one that I am about move 8b) 9.Qxe6 Ka8 10.Qc8# 1-0


EDIT: Hm... I'm having the feeling I'm misunderstanding something here... πŸ˜•

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This one was fun.. :-)
white: Kd1 Re1 Bd8 c4 d3 e4
black: Kd4 c5 d5 e5

fen: 3B4/8/8/2ppp3/2PkP3/3P4/8/3KR3 w - - 0 1

White to play. Mate in five..

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Originally posted by chasparos
This one was fun.. :-)
white: Kd1 Re1 Bd8 c4 d3 e4
black: Kd4 c5 d5 e5

fen: 3B4/8/8/2ppp3/2PkP3/3P4/8/3KR3 w - - 0 1

White to play. Mate in five..
No tries? I may have two solutions:

1.Kd2 (the more obvious one) dxc4 (dxe4? Rxe4 mate)
2.Ba5 (but also Bc7 leads to the same end) cxd3 (c3+? Bxc3 mate)
3.Bb6 Kc4
4.Rb1 Kd4
5.Rb4 mate

1.Kc2 dxc4
2.Bb6 cxd3+ (c3? 3.Ba5 c4 4.Bb6 mate)
3.Kd2 Kc4
4.Rb1 Kd4

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Any new puzzles?

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Originally posted by TimmyToilet
Any new puzzles?
OK, try this one. In my time (centuries ago) it was considered as one of the best combinations in chess history and a must in chess study. Don't spoil it for yourself by looking it up.

White: Kh1 Qe2 Ra1 Rf1 Bb2 Be4 Nc3 a3 b4 e5 f4 g3 h2
Black: Kg8 Qh4 Rc8 Rd8 Bb7 Bb6 Ng4 a6 b5 e6 f7 g7 h7

Black to play and win.

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Originally posted by Mephisto2
OK, try this one. In my time (centuries ago) it was considered as one of the best combinations in chess history and a must in chess study. Don't spoil it for yourself by looking it up.

White: Kh1 Qe2 Ra1 Rf1 Bb2 Be4 Nc3 a3 b4 e5 f4 g3 h2
Black: Kg8 Qh4 Rc8 Rd8 Bb7 Bb6 Ng4 a6 b5 e6 f7 g7 h7

Black to play and win.
Just for assistance for people, below is the FEN described in Mephisto2's post above.... now I'll try and work it out!

2rr2k1/1b3ppp/pb2p3/1p2P3/1P2BPnq/P1N3P1/1B2Q2P/R4R1K b - - 0 1

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