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Originally posted by yamiyokaze
The trick here is to get rid of Black's passed pawn and then to get the other rook down there...but I think the more looming question in my mind is not the way to get checkmate, but how that Black king got all the way over there! o__O[/b]
That's right! I think the king did one of those Kh1 to Kg8 jumps to get there. 😛

Amazing you got that! It would've taken me days to figure out the b4 pawn was the key to it all, especially without a hint, since b4 seems like such an unlikely little piece to deliver a forced mate. Once you see it though, it's tough not to see, because white's Rb5 threatens to mate in less (Rb5 moves to Rd5 to Rd1++) if not prevented somehow.

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Taken from one of my own games...

With Black to move...what is Black's best move...

Hint: You are looking for a stalemate...

1r5k/7p/3Q4/2p1pbq1/p7/2P3P1/1P3RNP/7K b - - 0 38

White: Kh1, Qd6, Ng2, Rf2, b2, c3, g3, h2
Black: Kh8, Qg5, Bf5, Rb8, a4, c5, e5, h7

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This is so cool! I made the 300th post!

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ok, since nobody seems to be able to find the solution, i better give it here. Lets refresh the position:

white: Ka2, Be8, Nf7, Nh5
black: Kd5, d2, e4, f3

White wins like this:
1. Ba4 e3
2. Bd1! e2
3. Nf4+ Ke4
4. Nxe2 and it seems like white gets the pawns neutralized. But black plays
4... Ke3!
5. Ng3 Kf2 and white still has some problems.
6. Ne5! Ke1!
7. Be2!! threatens Nxf3+ and Nd3+ mate, so the bishop must be captured
7... fxe2
8. Nd3+ Kd1
9. Kb1! e1(Q)
10. Nb2+ mate

Pretty beautiful in my opinion.

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Originally posted by Firesword
ok, since nobody seems to be able to find the solution, i better give it here. Lets refresh the position:

white: Ka2, Be8, Nf7, Nh5
black: Kd5, d2, e4, f3

White wins like this:
1. Ba4 e3
2. Bd1! e2
3. Nf4+ Ke4
4. Nxe2 and it seems like white gets the pawns neutralized. But black plays
4... Ke3!
5. Ng3 Kf2 and white still has some problems.
6. ...[text shortened]... aptured
7... fxe2
8. Nd3+ Kd1
9. Kb1! e1(Q)
10. Nb2+ mate

Pretty beautiful in my opinion.
7...fxe2?? is a blunder...as it leads to mate in three:

7...fxe2?? 8. Nd3+ Kd1 9. Kb1 e1Q 10. Nb2++

A better move for Black here is: 7...Kf2 which does not lead to an immediate mate!

My advice?...make sure you're a little more familiar with the puzzle...

Best wishes,

Yami Yokaze

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try this one on for size
white: q on a7 pawns on a2 b2 c2 and f2 bishop on c1 rooks on a1 and f1 knight on g3 king on g1
black: pawns on b7 c7 f6 g7 g6 bishops on e5 and c6 rooks on d8 and h8 knight on e7 king on c8
black to play and checkmate white in 5 moves

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Originally posted by kr1dude
try this one on for size
white: q on a7 pawns on a2 b2 c2 and f2 bishop on c1 rooks on a1 and f1 knight on g3 king on g1
black: pawns on b7 c7 f6 g7 g6 bishops on e5 and c6 rooks on d8 and h8 knight on e7 king on c8
black to play and checkmate white in 5 moves
I'm only seeing mate in six...I don't think it can be done in five...

1...Rh1+ 2. Nxh1 Bh2+ 3. Kxh2 Rh8+ 4. Bh6 Rxh6+ 5. Kg3 Nf5+ 6. Kf4 Rh4++

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Taken from one of my own games...

With Black to move...what is Black's best move...

Hint: You are looking for a stalemate...

1r5k/7p/3Q4/2p1pbq1/p7/2P3P1/1P3RNP/7K b - - 0 38

White: Kh1, Qd6, Ng2, Rf2, b2, c3, g3, h2
Black: Kh8, Qg5, Bf5, Rb8, a4, c5, e5, h7

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Originally posted by yamiyokaze
Taken from one of my own games...

With Black to move...what is Black's best move...

Hint: You are looking for a stalemate...

1r5k/7p/3Q4/2p1pbq1/p7/2P3P1/1P3RNP/7K b - - 0 38

White: Kh1, Qd6, Ng2, Rf2, b2, c3, g3, h2
Black: Kh8, Qg5, Bf5, Rb8, a4, c5, e5, h7
Is this really such a stumper? You're just looking for the best move...o_O

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