Originally posted by Munck1. Bh7+ Kh8 2. Bg6+ Kg8 3. Qh7+ Kf8 4. Qxf7#
(Just learned how to write FEN)
Well, kinda simple. White to move.
Game 5243264
Originally posted by heinzkat1.Rc8 Rxc8 2.Qe7! and there is no good way to hold the back rank. 2...Rg8 just allows White to promote safely, while 2...Qc6 3.d8Q+ is disaster.
Okay, here is one:
Alekhine - Nestor, Trinidad 1939.
[fen]3r3k/3P1ppp/p3q3/1pR1P3/2p5/Q5PP/P4P1K/8 w - -[/fen]
White to move
Edit: important note - 1...Qxd7 2.Qf8+ mates.