Originally posted by AlboMalapropFoozerWell my line would be 1. Bxc8 a2 (what else) 2. Qe6+ Kc5 3. Qe7+ and the Black King has no trouble-free square:
Not a mate in n. Just White move and win. Though I suspect your solution is sufficient, the given solution is far more elegant.
3. ... Kb6/Kb4/Kc6/Kd5 4. Qxb7+ +-
3. ... Kc4 4. Be6+ ~ 5. Bxa2 +-
3. ... Kd4 4. Qxf6+ ~ 5. Qa1 +-
But there might be/there is something more economical & elegant.
Your solution looks correct to me. So if I was a problem theorist, I need to modify the problem to eliminate the "cooks". I think adding a black pawn on c7 will work.
Invalid FEN inserted - r1b1Q3/1pp5/3k1p1p/5B2/7P/p7/2P3P1/7K/
Of course, I'm not a problem theorist, so it would not surprise me if I've created new cooks. 😉
Originally posted by heinzkatVery nice heinzkat. I'm not really a fan of puzzles, but the more 'realistic' they are, the more interested I get. Lots of ideas for tricks and traps to use OTB!
Have I already shared this one here? It is quite cute, White to play and draw:
[fen]3K4/8/8/4k3/8/N2bB3/p7/8 w - -[/fen]
Originally posted by heinzkatOk, let's try one more mod (moving the black pawn from h6 to g7) and if that doesn't eliminate the cooks, then I'm giving up my quest to become a problem composer 😉 and will post the solution.
1. Bxc8 a2 2. Qd8+ should still work ...
White to move and win
Invalid FEN inserted - r1b1Q3/1pp3p1/3k1p2/5B2/7P/p7/2P3P1/7K/
and on an unrelated note, I think I've figured out the solution to the puzzle you posted, and I agree with you, it is very clever.
Originally posted by heinzkatOh well, I tried. I'd be curious to know what the cook is now, but no big deal. Anyways, the solution given to the original diagram (which applies equally well to my modified diagrams) is the rather nonintuitive 1. Be6.
Still appears cooked; in the meanwhile I have yet to find anything elegant about the position.
And since nobody has posted a solution to your diagram:
1. Nb5 Bxb5 (on anything else, White plays 2. Bd4)
2. Bh6 Kf6 (on anything else, White plays 2. Bg7)
3. Bd2 a1/Q
4. Bc3+ Qxc3 stalemate!
note that White plays 4. Bc3 against any move except 3... a1/B 😉
Very cute problem and solution. Thanks for posting it.