I'm looking at Rc4 - can anyone use fritz (or something) to see if its any good??
all the lines I see [from Rc4] it seem to lead to equal postions (well, close to)....
If we ever got to double the Rooks or even Qc7 we can put pressure on c1.....and the Queen Itself...
I.e Rc4 Bd7.....then I guess White will play Qd5 or Qe5
Originally posted by blindcheesecakeMy vote: Rc4.
It looks like Na5 wins by one vote.
chessmaster has moved: Qb4
[fen]2rq1rk1/pp3ppp/4b3/n4P2/1Q2p3/P3P3/1P1P2PP/R1BB1RK1 b - - 0 2[/fen]
(Qb5 - Bd7 - Qd5 - Ba4 line... I dont care the Q exchange at d8. I think it derives in a rook ending favourable to black)
Originally posted by ShinidokiThat would be cheating. Fritz would slaughter CM.
I'm looking at Rc4 - can anyone use fritz (or something) to see if its any good??
all the lines I see [from Rc4] it seem to lead to equal postions (well, close to)....
If we ever got to double the Rooks or even Qc7 we can put pressure on c1.....and the Queen Itself...
I.e Rc4 Bd7.....then I guess White will play Qd5 or Qe5
I've pitted them several times against each other. Fritz on a 3 times slower computer = CM.
Fritz 8 800 Mhz = CM 10000 2.4 Ghz
Sad hey?
Originally posted by CrazyLilTingAs I mentioned and Miccar? What is the point of chasing around the white queen?
My vote: Rc4.
(Qb5 - Bd7 - Qd5 - Ba4 line... I dont care the Q exchange at d8. I think it derives in a rook ending favourable to black)
Bc4 and Bd3 is good and leave more options open to us. We have more space, why trade off material.
Originally posted by ShinidokiA bishop on Bd3 looks much better then Bd7.
Why chase the Queen?
chasing it for the sake of chasing is pointless.....
however, We can chase it and develop pieces....
Rc4 Qb5 Bd7 ---- In two moves we have advanced a rook [and if doubled up could threaten the bishop] and defend [with tempo] our bishop.....
Rc4 is good but comes with the cost of having a bishop on d7.
A very important rule I follow is never to attack a piece if that results in the piece moving to a BETTER square.
With Rc4 Qb5-d5 we have helped white centralise his queen. He is up in material. So the chance to trade off will be welcomed.
Bc4 helps keep the queen right where it is. And if he moves it we can take advantage of the wasted tempo.