Originally posted by 88sOsOI looked at those lines. For the b3 line though I think this is better, I posted it above so i'll just paste it.
1..g5 2.fxg6e.p...fxg6 3.Rxf8..Qxf8 4.Qxf8..Rxf8 -/+
1..g5 2.fxg6e.p...fxg6 3.b3?!..Bd3 4.Bb2 with Qd4 ideas
just food for thought
What about:
19.Rg4 Bd3 20.Rxe4 (just a thought) Nc6 21.Qa5 Bxe4 22.Qxe4
This line is the most probable I think:
19.fxg6 e.p. fxg6 Not sure. Every move for White looks bad.
20.Bc2 Rxf4 21.exf4 Qd5
20.b3 Rxf4 21.exf4 Qf6 22.Rb1 Bd3 23.Bb2 Qxf4
g5 looks tempting, that's for sure. I'm sure we are missing something though. Is there any other decent moves after 19...fxg6?
My vote 18..Qd5
It does more and in addition to the three points mentioned by Rahim it also protects the knight and we are threatening to gain a tempo with Nc6 in some lines. I think 18..g5!? is indeed very interesting but respectfully we have to complete the natural devlopment of our forces and fell much happier once are rooks can say hello to each other and a centralised queen when possible is a must move. It looks a simple, solid move that performs a number of functions - I see five at least. We can play g5 in some lines say after 19. f6 maybe as I mentioned. The knight on the rim has to be improved also as folk said and it would make a nice living on b3.
Hmmmm.....What about Bd3?
After Bd3 White Must defend the Queen from Rc4 ....I think b3 does this best.... Then Qf6 - this prevents that marching pawn and delievers an attack on the rook...Qd4....
so to make it easier....
Bd3 b3 Qf6 Qd4 Qxd4 exd4
Look at that position -- we go into the endgame a pawn down - but, d4 could soon fall....
after this....Maybe Bc2 Bxc2 Rxc2 Rb1 Rfc8 [this will mean white no longer has a powerful bishop duo and we have a powerful claim on the c-file]
Originally posted by micarrThat changed my mind again.
My vote 18..Qd5
It does more and in addition to the three points mentioned by Rahim it also protects the knight and we are threatening to gain a tempo with Nc6 in some lines. I think 18..g5!? is indeed very interesting but respectfully we have to complete the natural devlopment of our forces and fell much happier once are rooks can say hello to each other ...[text shortened]... he knight on the rim has to be improved also as folk said and it would make a nice living on b3.
I vote: 18...Qd5
Back to my original move 🙂
I like Bd3. I think if we play Qd5, CM will play d4, and can free his pieces (especially with an f6 push coming soon too).
I have to admit, I can't see much wrong with g5 either, but I just have a gut instinct that I'd rather not do that just yet. Of course, as Bd3 seems way off winning the vote, I'll go for g5, as I'd much rather that than Qd5.