Originally posted by TenguBecause Qd5 was a solid move compared to g5 which was iffy.
Not one to pick a fight but...
I'm curious as to why g5 now looks good? If anything that white pawn on d4 takes away options (like qd3)!
I like:
19...f6 20. Bd2 Nb3 with exchange and opp col bishops.
Now that we got Qd5, g5 is looking good to me.
What's with 19...f6 though? I don't see a point ?
f6 by white doesn't seem like a threat to me.
I vote xd3 e.p.
I think we have to take the d4 pawn while we can, g5 will have to wait. I'm busy at the moment, so I haven't been able to analyse the position as much as I'd like (even with only one RHP game on the go). If i can find where I put my notes on my analysis of the previous position (I think I stuck them somewhere when travelling back home), I will post them here for you guys to give your opinions.
From what I can remember: I think we need to take d4, but CM will get in f6 soon, which isn't looking great for us.