Originally posted by caffienexAn isolated pawn? Ignorance sucks hey? An Isolated PASSED PAWN.
Lol you guys suck, an undeveloped rook, a bad bishop and an isolated pawn, I guess playing by commity is not a good method if you want to win.
I could say the same about White's position but I got higher standards then some.
Originally posted by exigentskyI don't think they are any 2000+ player helping us anyways besides Micarr and Schakur maybe.
But he probably is right. Chessmaster would have the hardest time against a select few 2200+ players teaming together than the collective RHP community,
Anyways thats still rude after his rating is higher then ours then fine, but till then, he sucks not us.
Originally posted by blindcheesecakeI think that g5 looks even better now than it did before, since white can't capture ep anymore. Also, the g5 pawn is protected by the Q now that the f pawn has been pushed up, and white doesn't have much to do with the rook. If Rd4, then ... Qe6 looks OK for black.
[fen]2r2rk1/p4ppp/1p3P2/n2q4/1Qb2R2/P2pP3/1P1B2PP/R2B2K1 b - - 0 2[/fen]
Originally posted by richjohnsonI was almost only looking at g6, but I like this idea. however I would adjust Qe6 to Qe5 because after Qe6 white wins material with Bg4!
I think that g5 looks even better now than it did before, since white can't capture ep anymore. Also, the g5 pawn is protected by the Q now that the f pawn has been pushed up, and white doesn't have much to do with the rook. If Rd4, then ... Qe6 looks OK for black.
Shinidoki, perhaps you could show us how white is winning?
Originally posted by schakuhr......
I was almost only looking at g6, but I like this idea. however I would adjust Qe6 to Qe5 because after Qe6 white wins material with Bg4!
Shinidoki, perhaps you could show us how white is winning?
actually......I was just trying to wind up the other guy....
"you suck"..."oh, my bad, chessmaster sucks"
I just wanted to know how much knolledge was behind those opinions....
anyway...I'd prefer to be white....Once the bishops get in the game, i'd say White's got it in the bag...
Anyway...Time to make myself "Useful"
.....g6 does seem like the best move here.....
"21..g6 22. Rd4 Qe5 23. Rc1 Bb5 24. Rxc8 Rxc8 25. Bg4"
at 24. Rxc8 has anyone looked at the other possibilites....
for example....
23. Rc1 Bb5.....
24. Bg4 Rxc1 25. Bxc1 Nc6 [best move??] 26. Qd6 Qxd6 27. Rxd6 Rd8 28. Rxd8 Nxd8....
after all this, White has a bishop duo....vs. Knight+ bishop....significant advantage yes? no?