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Cludi Deciding to Leave

Cludi Deciding to Leave

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Originally posted by eldragonfly
yeah i saw that, it was a rather silly personal attack.
I'm glad somebody else saw it! Do you reckon it was worth a 3(c)? 😀

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Originally posted by incandenza
The devil's avocado? Man, you must be able to make some killer guacamole out of that thing...
Ahahahahah! Too funny!

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Originally posted by Pawn Qween
I'm glad somebody else saw it! Do you reckon it was worth a 3(c)? 😀
It was unbelievably dense and didn't make a whole lot of sense, in my mind anyway. 😉

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Originally posted by eldragonfly
yeah i saw that, it was a rather silly personal attack.
A silly personal attack ???

What's wrong with you guys ???

{unnamed} player has been sending PM's to CL's claiming {unnamed_2} is a proven engine user. (which we know is not true)

{unnamed} player is now trying out for the game mod team ...

Where are the admins ? First of all {unnamed} player has been sending theese mesages undermining the credibility of {unnamed_2} AND it is a clear violation of:

3c) You may not threaten or harass other users of this Service.

If that is not harassing I don't know what is ? And add up making up rumors in the public forums.

I don't think it should be very hard to check the messages sent from {unnamed}. Get to it !!! - instead of deleting posts !!!

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Originally posted by Richardt Hansen
A silly personal attack ???

What's wrong with you guys ???

{unnamed} player has been sending PM's to CL's claiming {unnamed_2} is a proven engine user. (which we know is not true)

{unnamed} player is now trying out for the game mod team ...

Where are the admins ? First of all {unnamed} player has been sending theese mesages undermining t ...[text shortened]... rd to check the messages sent from {unnamed}. Get to it !!! - instead of deleting posts !!!
The contents of a PM are nobody's business but the people involved. The only way a PM can be considered evidence justifying a 3(c) is if A sends an abusive, harassing one to B. A sending a PM to C saying B is a cheat isn't harassing B; if it was, every time a player complained to a Game Mod it would justify a 3(c).

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Originally posted by no1marauder
The contents of a PM are nobody's business but the people involved. The only way a PM can be considered evidence justifying a 3(c) is if A sends an abusive, harassing one to B. A sending a PM to C saying B is a cheat isn't harassing B; if it was, every time a player complained to a Game Mod it would justify a 3(c).
If you can convince yourself of that I'm impressed 😀

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Originally posted by Richardt Hansen
If you can convince yourself of that I'm impressed 😀
Could you please cite to any instance on this site where a player got a 3(c) ban for sending a PM to a third party? Thank you.

You've shown a complete lack of rationality in this thread due to your extreme partisanship. You might try thinking about these things in a logical matter.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Could you please cite to any instance on this site where a player got a 3(c) ban for sending a PM to a third party? Thank you.

You've shown a complete lack of rationality in this thread due to your extreme partisanship. You might try thinking about these things in a logical matter.
And this is comming from you ???

Yes I am biased in my oppinions (which I have also stated several times), but so are you !!!

Let me ask you this:

- Do you think it is ok to sent PM to other players claiming a player is a proven engine user when it is not true ?

- Do you think it is ok to start rumors about a player in the forums ?

Maybe YOU should try thinking about things in a logical matter

- somehow you blindly trust {unnamed} in al his statements - even though you have not seen any proof
- somehow you have convinced yourself that it is ok to go public wth accusations undermining another players credbility because the outcome was not to ones satisfaction

Man get a grip !!! Just because you have a cirtain name does not give you privilleges to do what ever you want !!!

If it had been me sending messages like that I would have been long gone from this site - I can guarentee you that !!!

1 edit

Originally posted by Richardt Hansen
If you can convince yourself of that I'm impressed 😀
BTW, earlier in this thread you claimed that Cludi was a 2100+ OTB player. I've taken the liberty to look through the ratings list of the Danish Chess Federation and can find only one Claus Jensen; he is no. 169 here http://www.dsu.dk/index.php?id=41&Type=1&hk=2 with a 1650 rating.

This, of course, doesn't mean he couldn't play much better CC for some of the reasons Korch, Quirine and others have gave. However, I thought I'd set the record straight.

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Originally posted by Richardt Hansen
And this is comming from you ???

Yes I am biased in my oppinions (which I have also stated several times), but so are you !!!

Let me ask you this:

- Do you think it is ok to sent PM to other players claiming a player is a proven engine user when it is not true ?

- Do you think it is ok to start rumors about a player in the forums ?

Ma ...[text shortened]... ing messages like that I would have been long gone from this site - I can guarentee you that !!!
I guess you just refuse to answer the points raised and revert to hysterical ramblings.

Do I think it is OK to send a PM to Player C saying Player B is an engine user? Yes, I've done it quite often and have received numerous PM's saying the same thing as well. How that is "harassing" Player B is beyond my comprehension.

I've already stated that once the Game Mods were abolished, that in my view DT had no choice but to bring the issue into the public forums; because he did, it will be resolved - a new Game Mod team will be named and investigations into alleged engine use will recommence. That is what the vast majority of people here want even if you don't.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
BTW, earlier in this thread you claimed that Cludi was a 2100+ OTB player. I've taken the liberty to look through the ratings list of the Danish Chess Federation and can find only one Claus Jensen; he is no 169 here http://www.dsu.dk/index.php?id=41&Type=1&hk=2 with a 1650 rating.

This, of course, doesn't mean he couldn't play much bette ...[text shortened]... reasons Korch, Quirine and others have gave. However, I thought I'd set the record straight.
Err... 1650 OTB elo does not equate to 2300 CC.
I'm in my first OTB season & unless that Claus Jensen has some sort of bionic CC database or OTB phobia then this is damning evidence.

Of course it could be possible that the Claus Jensen that played here is a different one & is rated 2300+ OTB, but has requested to keep his rating off the official Danish Chess Federation lists for reasons of modesty...

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First of all: no1 you did not answer any of my questions - looking forward to your answer .....

Second: Both Claus and myself for that matter is not a member of a club right now - so actually you cannot find us on any list.

I know that Claus has not played OTB in a club i quite a few years - neither have I - if you were to find me I would probably be like 1350 or something - I think I am abit stronger than that 😀

Same thing would apply for Cludi - even though he has not played in a club for a few years he used to match up with 2100+ players - I'm quite sure he is not that good OTB now - but I can assure you that he is a very strong player.

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Originally posted by Squelchbelch
Err... 1650 OTB elo does not equate to 2300 CC.
I'm in my first OTB season & unless that Claus Jensen has some sort of bionic CC database or OTB phobia then this is damning evidence.

Of course it could be possible that the Claus Jensen that played here is a different one & is rated 2300+ OTB, but has requested to keep his rating off the official Danish Chess Federation lists for reasons of modesty...
I don't consider it "damning evidence". My OTB rating is 385 points lower than my rating here. If one is used to playing without a clock most of their life in casual settings or on an internet CC site, the changeover to OTB tournament play with a clock ticking can be quite a shock.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
BTW, earlier in this thread you claimed that Cludi was a 2100+ OTB player. I've taken the liberty to look through the ratings list of the Danish Chess Federation and can find only one Claus Jensen; he is no. 169 here http://www.dsu.dk/index.php?id=41&Type=1&hk=2 with a 1650 rating.

This, of course, doesn't mean he couldn't play much bett ...[text shortened]... reasons Korch, Quirine and others have gave. However, I thought I'd set the record straight.
There are actually three of them, and the highest-rated one has a rating of 1691 (http://www.dsu.dk/index.php?id=56&fornavn=Claus&efternavn=Jensen&klub=&min_rating=&max_rating=&kreds=-1). You somehow ended up with the list of senior players. Not that it makes much of a difference. But anyway, the ratings only go back to 1995, and according to this part of his blog: http://www.clausjensen.com/?page_id=2 it sounds like he didn't play OTB tournaments anymore at that time.

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Originally posted by Richardt Hansen
First of all: no1 you did not answer any of my questions - looking forward to your answer .....

Second: Both Claus and myself for that matter is not a member of a club right now - so actually you cannot find us on any list.

I know that Claus has not played OTB in a club i quite a few years - neither have I - if you were to find me I would proba ...[text shortened]... quite sure he is not that good OTB now - but I can assure you that he is a very strong player.
I answered both your questions.

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