Originally posted by JieHe did resign almost all his 2008 championship final round games. Except the ones with banned players or players which turn was to move.
[pgn][Event "2008 Championship"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2008.09.14"]
[EndDate "2008.11.15"]
[Round "3"]
[White "English Tal"]
[Black "no1marauder"]
[WhiteRating "2296"]
[BlackRating "1899"]
[WhiteELO "2296"]
[BlackELO "1899"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "5436064"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nb1c3 Nb8c6 3. f4 g6 4. Ng1f3 Bf8g7 5. Bf1b5 Nc6d4 6. O-O ...[text shortened]... Bg7f8 24. Bc1e3 1-0[/pgn]
Why did no1marauder resign in that game?
Originally posted by GatecrasherHa! Thanks, that's going to keep me laughing all day! 😀
No thanks. Who would want to drink from that poison'd chalice?
It's nice to hear from someone with such healthy attitude towards these games. Good luck to you and all the other honest players in this year's finals!
Originally posted by misterrigelPerhaps it should be like the Olympics, winners/top placed people should all be tested for steroids er engine use. I thought English Tal was an established OTB player being in the OTB chess club, even though OTB credentials should not mean one is allowed to cheat.
I've never seen a tournament that was awarded to a cheat be revoked, and then given to someone else... I wonder if it's even possible? I hope Russ can do it - there are a lot of tournaments stolen on this site and it would be nice if the championships could be kept in the hands of legitimate players. Either way though - good job secret mods!
Originally posted by Fat Ladycool...Fritz 11 is supposed to be around 2900-3000 in OTB...it seems out best RHP players have a higher level...probably around 3100-3200 OTB, they would easily defeat the WCh 🙂
I don't think English Tal used an engine in all his games, just those he was desperate to win!
This game Game 4967959 was a bit of a shocker. Of the 22 non-database moves, 18 of them were the first choice of Fritz 11 (run at 30 seconds per move) and the other four were its second choice! Of course the astonishing thing is that Weyerstrass won anywa ...[text shortened]... strong players would have noticed that the pawn was "poisoned" (White's queen gets trapped).
this makes me to again start wandering...
no relation to previous, but
maybe they should just allow centaurs on this site and just to ask these users to menstion this in their profile notes...I would not mind to know...
wow. I was a bit suspicious in our games at first, as he made some weird choices. but as my mistakes were so obvious in retrospect (blunders really), I sort of had to accept the responsibility and abandon all suspicion as excuses.
I mean, what good player will let his queen kicked around like this for a pawn (which I simply dropped, no excuses there) and exchange his monster g7 bishop for my semi-developed knight? I'd be hard pressed to give that diagonal even for winning an exchange, because of the attack I almost pulled off. (a last-ditch effort, as I knew I'd never hold that lost queenside pawn endgame against so much stronger player, which was also the reason why it made no sense trying to hold the second pawn. so I ignored it for tempi.) - I thought I had him a while there, but in post analysis dr. fritz revealed there really wasn't anything. which now of course makes perfect sense.
I know I lost that one (and the other as well) for my own errors, but I still feel immensely pissed off right now.
This is pretty dissapointing, I thought based on English Tal's presence in the forums as a respectable non engine player was very valuable. Seeing that we were all mislead again is pretty humiliating. Many of you, you have commented at one point aligned with English Tal against other members when they were banned. Just really makes you think, obviously Tal had a lot of knowledge of the game, and was a strong player, so he must have used an engine in stronger games against 2200 plus players, or around that...So maybe most of the top, maybe even all are doing the same thing. Using fritz as a mental check or something, but nonetheless, its pretty dissapointing that when playing anyone of this level, no one can be sure that they are not refering to an engine on difficult moves.
Wow, I didnt see that one coming - I even respecfully resigned a game against him recently because I was certain he was a human.
Although, we did analyse a game in the forums where he got a 100% engine matchup - that sort of thing is a bit of a giveaway.
With this news, I think I am probably the only player left in the championships who will survive.
Originally posted by TyrannosauruschexYou recently made a claim about non-native English speakers being prone to cheating or something similar. Care to tell us more with English Tal's ban? What is English Tal's OTB rating?
Wow, I didnt see that one coming - I even respecfully resigned a game against him recently because I was certain he was a human.
Although, we did analyse a game in the forums where he got a 100% engine matchup - that sort of thing is a bit of a giveaway.
With this news, I think I am probably the only player left in the championships who will survive.
Originally posted by randolphWow - that told me!
Stop whining. If he's really an engine (I don't think he is) then he'll get banned. Don't make yet another thread get removed with your pointless accusations.
Now view the analysis they don't want you to see by PM'ing me your email.
Statistical fact will put you in a rather better position to form an opinion on the matter.
When I mentioned analysis of a player who wasn't a member of one of your clans in SPS forum your reply was "so... *****'s going? Awesome!" just 3 days ago.