I think Red Night means that posting a position like this is very likely to lead to discussion even if the intent of the poster was only to offer it up for the admiration of all, and that discussion may well affect the outcome of the game.
At the very least one should specify that the game is still in progress before posting it, but to avoid the risk of unintentional consultation, it makes sense to refrain from posting entirely until the game is finished.
Originally posted by jgvaccaroThank You!
I think Red Night means that posting a position like this is very likely to lead to discussion even if the intent of the poster was only to offer it up for the admiration of all, and that discussion may well affect the outcome of the game.
At the very least one should specify that the game is still in progress before posting it, but to avoid the risk of ...[text shortened]... tional consultation, it makes sense to refrain from posting entirely until the game is finished.
By the way, read the following comment from the MODS on a different thread:
"the rule is a blanket ban on talking about games in progress, or parts/off shoots thereof, to remove the chance or suspicion that someone is seeking advice to aid their game.
I hope you understand
Originally posted by Red NightI dont see why your making such a big problem out of nothing. I posted the game (which had a forced mate in it for white) and I asked you to look at it. I never asked for move recomendations. If you dont want to talk about the game then you can ignore the tread and move along...
Thank You!
By the way, read the following comment from the MODS on a different thread:
"the rule is a blanket ban on talking about games in progress, or parts/off shoots thereof, to remove the chance or suspicion that someone is seeking advice to aid their game.
I hope you understand
Originally posted by LordOfTheChessboardThere is a rule that you don't discuss games in progress. It is a hard rule. If you wanted to say, as you should, "oh. I'm sorry I didn't mean to break the rule;" I would let it go. Instead you try to argue that you didn't break the rule, or that you were an exception because you imagined an immediate forced mate, or that the rule is irrelevant. None of those things were or are true!
I dont see why your making such a big problem out of nothing. I posted the game (which had a forced mate in it for white) and I asked you to look at it. I never asked for move recomendations. If you dont want to talk about the game then you can ignore the tread and move along...
Finally, there was no immediate forced mate in the game.
Originally posted by Sicilian SmaugTrue - but he can't defend himself, he's not allowed to discuss the game in progress.
..And only then, judge him to have made bad moves!
You can say - "Look at my gam and admire, I'm going to win!"
But he can't say - "Perhaps, but you're about to lose your (rook/knight/...), can't you foresee that?"
I find it unpolite and rude to brag about a game when the opponent can't defed his moves.
Originally posted by Red NightShow me your analysis of how you are going to prevent mate please, im interested.
There is a rule that you don't discuss games in progress. It is a hard rule. If you wanted to say, as you should, "oh. I'm sorry I didn't mean to break the rule;" I would let it go. Instead you try to argue that you didn't break the rule, or that you were an exception because you imagined an immediate forced mate, or that the rule is irrelevant. None of those things were or are true!
Finally, there was no immediate forced mate in the game.
I never discussed the game in progress (but I would have) as you know you need at least 2 people to be able to discuss anything.
Dont post here if you dont want to discuss the game - (imaginary) problem solved.
Originally posted by Red NightThere is no such rule on this site.
There is a rule that you don't discuss games in progress.
Just what part of that do you not understand. If you think that there is, then by all means show it to me.
Do not show me the rantings of a mod on a self proclaimed power trip. Jesus wept.
Part of TOS says:
(b) You will not use chess engines, chess software, chess computers or consult any third party to assist you in any game. Chess books and databases can be consulted during play
By showing a game in progress and brag about it is wanting comments from third party.
I say again - why not waiting utnil the game is over and then brag? Then there will be no discussionof this kind...
Originally posted by FabianFnasYou are really stupid. I've already answered that in a prior post. Jesus wept.
Part of TOS says:
(b) You will not use chess engines, chess software, chess computers or [b]consult any third party to assist you in any game. Chess books and databases can be consulted during play
By showing a game in progress and brag about it is wanting comments from third party.
I say again - why not waiting utnil the game is over and then brag? Then there will be no discussionof this kind...[/b]
Originally posted by LordOfTheChessboardThe combination was pretty, the problem with posting it before the game is over is that we now have two pages of flaming about whether anyone is ever justified in posting an in progress game rather than talking about the actual combination (we couldn't) or posting their own examples.
I dont see why your making such a big problem out of nothing. I posted the game (which had a forced mate in it for white) and I asked you to look at it. I never asked for move recomendations. If you dont want to talk about the game then you can ignore the tread and move along...