Originally posted by schakuhrYes! My suggestion is heeded! Now let's ignore the attack- little can be done that is not good for White... controversial as it is, I'd say c6. Until it is shot down by you lot.
1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.Nf3 g6 5.Ng5 f6 6.c4 Nb6 7.e6 fxg5 8.d5 Bg7 9.h4
I was going to say, 9...0-0, but then I think white's best follow up would be 10. h5, threatening to blow open the h file for the rook and instantly mobilize both bishops. So, maybe black is best off keeping his rook available to defend the king side.
My next thought is Rf8 to prevent Qh3. After h5, black can play Bf6. But, I'd still be very worried about the white rook having the open file to later move into h7. Maybe black should try Bf6 now, hoping that white takes the pawn.
Either way, I think h5 is coming and I don't see a great way to stop some brutal play along the h and f files.
I am not quite sure about that white is winning.....It is so easy to underestimate blacks position.
We know that white is going to attac on the K-side, that means that we should break throw in the center. Black has the posibility to sacrifice back the piece to open the game. 1....Bxe6 2.dxe6 d5.
The question is: Sacriface now or could we preper it , so it will be better for black?? I am thinking of c5 and then go for the Bxe6 ?!
Originally posted by jockmcgeeI think the pawn should be pushed further, so Bxg5 indeed looks like a good move to me. It develops a queenside piece. White can castle queenside later to get the other rook working so Bxg5 for me.
Looking at the board for a single move, I like Bxg5, it develops a piece (which white could do with doing) but for some reason I'm going to have to say hxg5, get the rook involved on the h-file...
10. ... Qe8 seems vital. White's mating threat on h7 is quite strong already despite how distant it is in my opinion. It's funny how the central pawn chain has effectively disabled all the pieces on black's queenside.
While I could easily be wrong (it's happened so often before and proven so by other posters) I think we can all agree that 10. ... gxh6 deserves the full ??)
Originally posted by jockmcgeegxh5?? leads to Qxh5 and mate in two, right?
10. ... Qe8 seems vital. White's mating threat on h7 is quite strong already despite how distant it is in my opinion. It's funny how the central pawn chain has effectively disabled all the pieces on black's queenside.
While I could easily be wrong (it's happened so often before and proven so by other posters) I think we can all agree that 10. ... gxh6 deserves the full ??)
I don't know what black's best response is here..i'm going to think about it.