Originally posted by kbaumenNo worries - I was simply curious not criticizing you. 🙂 I think you are right after all! Bh8/Rf8/Qh5 setup Black to move white threatens h7 mate, rook moves, white mates with h7, h8.
Sorry, my bad.
2)13. ... Bxh8 14. Qh5 Rf5 (14. ... Rf7 15. gxf7+ Kg7 16. Qxg5, if 16. ... Kf8 then 17. Qg8#, if 16. ... Kh7 then 17. Bd3🙄 15. Qh7+ Kf8+ 16. Qxh8#
I simply never considered the Bxh line all the way through. Very good. 🙂
Originally posted by bosintangif he doesn't then Qh5
...hxg6?? and white responds Qg4, Qh3, and Qh7#. Black has no moves to stop this mate.
I'm thinking Qe8 is black's only hope, but it's fading.
even if Qe8 white can still play Qh5
11...Qe8 12.Qh5 Qxg6 13.Bd3 Qxh5 14.Rxh5 h6 15.Bxg5 is commanding for white...but I think after Qe8 there are better options than Qh5.
Originally posted by DagamoStyle11...Nxd5 and what about Bxg5 guarding f6...11...Nxd5 12.Bxg5 Nf6 13.Bxf6 Bxf6 14.Qh5
Hmm.... I have any other idee.
11.... Nxd5 !? If white don´t take the N white follow with Nf6.
So 12.cxd5 Qa5+ 13.Bd2 Qxd5 or 13.Nc3 Bxc3 14.bxc3 Qxc3 15.Bd2 Qe5+ and black is alive and white center-pawns are history.
Originally posted by schakuhrOkay...I think black has an advantage after Bxg5? by white..but Nxd5 and white just plays gxh7+..I think black has an advantage in the position after hxg6 and all he has to play is 11...h6.
1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.Nf3 g6 5.Ng5 f6 6.c4 Nb6 7.e6 fxg5 8.d5 Bg7 9.h4 0-0 10.h5 c6
Originally posted by bosintangwoah woah woah...no moves to stop this mate?...how about simply playing Rf5? I think that hxg6 is a plausible move...even holds the advantage for black.
...hxg6?? and white responds Qg4, Qh3, and Qh7#. Black has no moves to stop this mate.
I'm thinking Qe8 is black's only hope, but it's fading.
11. hxg6 hxg6
I don't think hxg6 is the best move here but somebody said it was very bad for black.
11... Nxd5 12. gxh7+ Kh8 13. cxd5 Qa5+ 14. Qd2 [i]
and white has the advantage here I believe with blacks king immobilized mating threats hang in the air along with quite a few promotion tactics.
12. Qg4 Rf5 13. Qh3 cxd5
[i]13... Re5+ 14. Kd1 cxd5 15. Qh7+ Kf8 16. Qh8+ Bxh8 17. Rxh8+ Kg7 18. Rxd8 Nc6
19. Re8 dxc4
14. Qh7+ Kf8 15. Qh8+ Bxh8 16. Rxh8+ Kg7 17. Rxd8 Nc6 18. Re8 Re5+ 19.Kd1 dxc4
my analysis so far...I don't think many comments on the moves are necessary as I have left a ton out...I will post a more detailed analysis in the near future.