There's been a problem . My program is not functioning properly , I have to check something with the BIOS software , this may be a one day delay . Sorry for the inconvienience . However , just so you people can analyse on it , maine is CHESS 10 and CHESS 9 has played 8...Be7 and CHESS 8 has played 8...Bb4 Analyse on it in case he plays the same but don't vote yet . 8.e4 is our fixed move.
I am sorry for any inconvenience . CHESS is finally on operation now and my program has been re-installed . It has not lost any playing strength so please don't blame my disfunction . All errors have been restored . He has made reply as 8... Qd7 taking 10 minutes + 11 seconds .
Game History :
1. d4 d5
2. c4 Nc6
3. Nf3 Bg4
4. cxd5 Bxf3
5. dxc6 Bxc6
6. Nc3 Nf6
7. f3 e6
8. e4 Qd7
His analysis was on the following moves :
8... Bb4
Time Controls : Due to non-activity from his move , 24 extra hours will be allocated to our timebank thus leaving us with an extra day , our voting shall end tomorrow and not today .
31 hours + 40 minutes remaining before voting will end .
Originally posted by SicilianNajdorfok., b5 in itself isn't a problem, but b4 the move after would be as we've nowhere good to put the knight, the alternative posts for the bishop are e2 or d3. If black castles queenside there's a double attack on the pawn so we'll need Be3. But 0-0-0 would prevent the b pawn advancing. The problem with Be3 immediately is that we'll be putting castling off for another move, but if black castles queenside we'll have to anyway. After Be3 black has Bb4 and can still castle either side so Bc4 would be out of the question. a3 would let us see what black's going to do, prevents Bb4 and allows Bc4-b3 as b7-b5-b4 isn't a problem, but means we castle even later after 0-0-0. The options seem to be:
Better vote and make it quick .
9.Bc4 and CHESS is likely to play 9...b5!
1) Be3
2) Be2
3) Bd3
4) a3
I think that we should put off making a descision about where to put the white squared bishop, so I think it's between Be3 and a3. We've got plenty of central control so unless anyone sees a problem a3 gives us the most options.
So 8. ... Qd7 it is. Hmm, does CHESS want to castle queen side? If that's the case we might want to seize the c-file and increase the pressure along it. Any move with our queen bishop clears the c1 square for our rook. So with this in mind 9. Be3 seems allright. It also defends our d4 pawn a second time. Our own king is fairly safe for now. But we do not want to wait to long with castling. 9. a3 looks also ok. It's a waiting move and allows us to see what CHESS wants. So for now I tied between 9. Be3 and 9. a3.
I'll post my final vote tomorrow.