Originally posted by RahimKI like the Najdorf.
I like the 5...a6 Najdorf but I don't like the 6.e5 move, so I play in between the two.
5...a6 and then 6...e6 like in the svenighen. So after 5...a6 6.Be2,6.Be3 I would play 6...e6 instead of 6...e5.
I had the same problem with e5 in response to Be2 or Be3, Rahim. But now, I'm learning to love e5.
It creates a strong position with a bunch of tactical tricks, but it is different from the older Bg5 and Bc4 lines.
Remeber the old Boleslavsky Variation. a6 was invented to stop both Nb5 and Bb5.
Originally posted by exigentskyYou've been on the site a lot talking about the hyper accelerated dragon.
Ok, I narroved down the "best Sicilian" for me to the HAD (2 ....g6) and the Najdorf. Which one of these do you think is objectively best and why? IMO so far, the HAD makes more sense, but the Najdorf can offer more rich and complex games.
If you are looking for someone to talk you out of it, then yes play the Najdorf. "Come down off the Bridge." I never liked playing against the Maroczy Bind. At chessgames there are 11 thousand Najdorf games and 1100 HADs.
If you are looking for someone to talk you into playing the HAD, then sure keep playing it. You like it and its what makes you unique.
But for me, I don't want any part of the Maroczy Bind or the Yugoslav and I never drink the kool-aid.
Originally posted by cmsMasterNot sure if its the most aggressive after all theres things like the wing gambit, but I play the Sveshnikov (Pelikan) siclian. The positions are imablanced black gives up the d5 square (quite a large concession) but gets compensation (in the main line) in the form of a misplaced white knight....the g1 knight normally ends up on a3 of all places, central pawn mass and the bishop pair.
One more question, in your opinion what is (objectively and subjectively if possible) the most aggresive sicilian variation?
Originally posted by BedlamWhat about the Kalashnikov?
Not sure if its the most aggressive after all theres things like the wing gambit, but I play the Sveshnikov (Pelikan) siclian. The positions are imablanced black gives up the d5 square (quite a large concession) but gets compensation (in the main line) in the form of a misplaced white knight....the g1 knight normally ends up on a3 of all places, central pawn mass and the bishop pair.
Originally posted by Sicilian SmaugI don't play it either. The question was which was the most aggressive.
sicilian Kalashnikov
1. e4, c5
2. Nf3, Nc6
3. d4, cxd4
4. cxd4, Nxd4
5. e5
I've had a few struggles against this variation, but don't like playing it myself as black.
Do you play the Dragon, Smaug?
Originally posted by Sicilian SmaugI agree. I'm starting the love the Najdorf. One of the great things about RHP is the chance to play so many games.
I used to but I'm only playing the najdorf these days, still got loads to learn about it but had some good wins against high rated players with it recently.
For me it just leads to more interesting games than any other Sicilian.
Originally posted by AkashicDo you mean 9. 0-0-0? If so, I wouldn't play that. It is too dangerous for Black. The only Yugoslav I would dare to play is the safe one from the HAD.
The Sicilian Dragon mainline (Yugoslav or 9. 0-0) offers a lot of counter attacking chances for Black if he know how to play it properly.