Originally posted by Burnsiderhe might try c4, he played that a lot in the candidates.
Was surprised to see Anand switch to e4 today, thought he might try f3 against the Grunfeld again.
Gelfand needs to come up with something as White, as thus far he's been toothless against Anand's Slav. Wonder if he'll give e4 a whirl tomorrow?
18 May 12
Originally posted by 93confirmedFIDE has announced a radical change for the next round.
We'll probably see 11 draws and Anand will go all out in the final. 6.5/5.5
So, who would your money be on now?
As Kasparov would say "Why are they not playing chess?"
Originally posted by WilfriedvaThey don't need a rest but their computers need a day off to cool down.
a rest day after every two games
Do they really need one that often?Will they collapse if they play three in a row?
I see I was mistaken and they have indeed swapped colours
for the 2nd half of the match so the Big G has two Whites in a row.
Obviously some anti Gelfand ploy to stop him from playing
his super-duper TN in the very last game.
The only winners so far are of course the authors of opening
books on the Slav. They will be rubbing their hands and counting
the dosh at all the free publicity this opening is getting.
But keep your keeps your hand in your pocket my glum faced friends.
Game 11 beckons. (soon to be known as the Moscow Masterpiece) and the
Big G will uncork a shot that has lay unplayed on the board since 1886.
Steinitz played the Slav 3 times in the 1886 World Championship
Match with Zuckertort.
It really should be named after Steinitz but he already has a defence
tagged to him in the Lopez and the last thing anybody wants to do is
confuse the opening book buying public.
Dupe them by all means, but don't confuse them.