This is where Anand (Black) resigned.
The mate is 1... e1=Q 2. Ng6+ Kg8 3. Rg7 mate.
It is obvious that Gelfand got the mating pattern from study the games on RHP.
sven1000 - bostonranger RHP Ch 2009 Game 5834201
1. Ra7+ Kh8 2. Ng6+ Kg8 3. Rg7 mate
I just saw the game in-progress:
Ben Oni-like opening by Gelfand!
He changed his style completely.
I am rooting for Gelfand in this game - he certainly learned something from one game I hade played here on RHP ... 😛
edit:: 10. ... f5!
Great! He is going to exploit weak black fields with his Queen.
Originally posted by vipiuI agree. I can't believe some people on here were feigning excitement over some of the dire first six games of this match. This is more like it! I prefer Gelfand's position after ten moves. Whatever happens though, it looks like it will be an exciting game worthy of the World Championship.
nice...a KID going on...with Samisch...what took them so long to start playing real chess ?
Edit: Having read Susan Polgar's assessment of the position (in my opinion she's a great player and fantastic commentator, but a lousy person), I have to agree that Anand has got the better winning chances. As a King's Indian player myself, Gelfand's position after 10. ... f5 looked ideal, but unfortunately Anand's 11. exf5 and 12. g4 seem to force Gelfand to exchange off his white-squared bishop and probably allow Anand's king to escape to the safety of the queenside.
21 May 12
Originally posted by Fat LadyI feel sorry for people, calling game 3 "dire" only because of draw.
I agree. I can't believe some people on here were feigning excitement over some of the dire first six games of this match. This is more like it! I prefer Gelfand's position after ten moves. Whatever happens though, it looks like it will be an exciting game worthy of the World Championship.
21 May 12
Originally posted by Fat LadyInitially I could not understand the same...
I agree. I can't believe some people on here were feigning excitement over some of the dire first six games of this match. This is more like it! I prefer Gelfand's position after ten moves. Whatever happens though, it looks like it will be an exciting game worthy of the World Championship.
maybe they support one of the players for some specific reasons(like sharing the same roots) and in this case they are not objective...
21 May 12
Originally posted by vipiuIt was said by person who demonstrated his prejudices before the match was started.
Initially I could not understand the same...
maybe they support one of the players for some specific reasons(like sharing the same roots) and in this case they are not objective...
Originally posted by Fat LadyI like white here also...that d5 square looks so nice 🙂...
How about this line for Gelfand:
[FEN "rn1qr1k1/pp3p1p/3p2p1/2pP3n/2P3P1/2N2P2/PP1Q3P/Rb1K1B1R w - - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
r n . q r . k .
p p . . . p . p
. . . p . . p .
. . p P . . . n
. . P . . . P .
. . N . . P . .
P P . Q . . . P
R b . K . B . R
white to play
1. Rxb1 Qf6 2. gxh5 Qxf3+ 3. Kc2 Qxh1 4. Qf ...[text shortened]... Anand seems to have several very clear plans if Gelfand just retreats his knight on move 14.