Originally posted by rubberjaw30I dont think so - engines does not uderstand how to play gambits - they are playing better against gambits.
two different players offer different variables, mood, stress differences, confidence, fatigue, etc..
you should use engines to eliminate such variables.
have two Fritz engines set on max. strength play each other in a theme match of the Latvian gambit.
black should draw every game.
To be honest, I've been looking at the Bxf7+ line a lot more than usual since this thread has started and it seems that if white deviates from mainline (ie, not playing the line fritz suggests but rather a more conservative, save the pawn line 😛) then white can hold just less than a pawns worth of advantage...
I can't seem to find much if any improvement to Northern Lad's line although I will continue to play the Traxler on the grounds that any misstep by white leaves black in at least an equal if not better position.. and there are tons of ways to blunder in such a touchy line.
It seems that the perfect traxler game looks something like this.
1. e4, e5 2. Nf3, Nc6 3. Bc4, Nf6 4. Ng5, Bc5!? 5. Bxf7+, Ke7 {Kf8 is probably just as good} 6. Bb3 {Bd5?! might work}, Rf8 7. d3 ... and white holds a very unstable advantage with any following options to be relatively unclear.
as for myself I think it's time I look at Kf8.. seems interesting.
Gonna throw this out there for more consideration.
1. e4, e5 2. Nf3, Nc6 3. Bc4, Nf6!? 4. Ng5!?, Bc5!? 5. Bxf7+, Kf8!?
lol sorry for all the !?'s but i think they were warranted.
Now what do you do after Kf8.. probably Bb3 still ... buth then after d5 isn't white pretty well off? In fact maybe better than after Ke7 where black has a slightly stronger position but does not really have a true development advantage because black has to blow some tempo putting his king back on a decent square?
Originally posted by ih8sensHow you can give 6.Bd5 '?!' god only knows. Basically, theory and practice has shown 6.Bb3 to be good and 6.Bd5 to be probably even better. After 6.Bb3 Rf8, 7.0-0 may be even better than 7.d3. As for 5...Kf8? this must be a very poor try since it neither aids black's development nor any counterplay on the f-file. After 6.Bb3 d5 7.exd5 Nd4 8.0-0 Black has no compensation whatsoever for the pawn.
To be honest, I've been looking at the Bxf7+ line a lot more than usual since this thread has started and it seems that if white deviates from mainline (ie, not playing the line fritz suggests but rather a more conservative, save the pawn line 😛) then white can hold just less than a pawns worth of advantage...
I can't seem to find much if any improvemen be relatively unclear.
as for myself I think it's time I look at Kf8.. seems interesting.
Originally posted by Northern Lad6.Bc4 is perfectly playable for white as well, as I may have proved earlier.
How you can give 6.Bd5 '?!' god only knows. Basically, theory and practice has shown 6.Bb3 to be good and 6.Bd5 to be probably even better. After 6.Bb3 Rf8, 7.0-0 may be even better than 7.d3. As for 5...Kf8? this must be a very poor try since it neither aids black's development nor any counterplay on the f-file. After 6.Bb3 d5 7.exd5 Nd4 8.0-0 Black has no compensation whatsoever for the pawn.