-Removed-I just saw this post today.
Is this question what you were referring to as prompting you to be "tired" of chasing for an answer? If so I didn't see it.
The seven letters to the seven churches in Revelation chapter 2 and 3 are addressed to Christians. This means they are addressed to human beings for whom the issue of eternal redemption has been decided in the positive. They are justified in Christ forever.
Tired of reading yet? Okay, I go on.
Each letter is to a church. Today people may be sloppy and imagine that there be unbelievers who are unsaved as part of a church. But Jesus Christ is not so confused. Church is believers. And believers are justified, redeemed, will never perish forever. Strictly speaking NO unbeliever is a "member" of a new testament church. We may not know who is in the congregation as an unsaved person. But Christ is not ignorant of this.
Still with me?
Okay. To two of these churches, Jesus says something very unusual which indicates that even a saved person may be disciplined in a way which gives them a "taste" of being lost. But it is a temporary discipline.
That is all I will write in this post except to indicate the two passages which show this matter of temporary discipline severe enough for me to say such will get a temporary "taste" of what it is to be lost forever.
The two passages are Revelation 2:11 to the church in Smyrna and Revelation 3:5 to the church in Sardis. Read them carefully and I can elaborate latter.
-Removed-Peace Always!
I just want to point out that i purposely sepparated the concepts of "extreem and eternal" in my last statement.
I know i've mentioned in this forum some of my spiritual experiences, and it is through them and also based on scripture that i have made my conclusions.
I can tell you without a doubt there is a place called hell. It is not purgatory, and that exists too.
I can also tell you without a doubt there are some who go to hell, that have been released.
Both of these are scriptural as well.
I also know (and you might find this hard to believe), some who go there choose to do so of their own free will. (trust me, i don't fully understand it either)
I guess my question to you is what does God do with the people who abuse others for thier own satisfaction? In my spiritual work i have met people whom take pleasure in watching others suffer. Satanic groups that take children and bury them alive. Or in Africa, gangs that take pleasure in forcing new members (children in particular) to butcher thier own parents. Chopping off arms, legs, genitals, and finally killing the parents. What of bankers that steal from the poor. Or so called 'Christians' that condemn a child of God (such as yourself) because you don't think like they do. They, the Christians, have forgotten thier own scriptures.
This is exactly what i was saying when i told you the scripture. Jesus spoke of the judgement. And the people were separated into two groups.
"We cast out demons in your name" "we healed people in your name" , but the King said, "away from me, i never knew you" . There is a just anger here.
In thinking of your question, " why would he want that? " I don't think He ever did "want" that. But He created us with a free will. I personally can not fathom, not wanting to be with Him.
For those, "so called" Christians who comdemn you, divegeester, for his thinking, i give you this warning. Judge not, lest you be judged. Don't ever think yourself so wise that you know it all.
As for yourself, Mr. Divegeester, don't let these silly people get so under your skin. There are some in this forum that find it amusing to get others worked up.
Originally posted by sonhouseAnd hardly a day goes by that you don't drag out this tired old argument that you have the ego to assume what God would or would not do. You miss the entire point by such a huge mile, as evidenced in the fact that you do not believe in the one God there is. You can NOT judge God, especially by the same yardstick you hold up to Man.
Don't forget MY hateful diatribes. The whole edifice of religion is built on a house of cards.
I keep pointing out, for instance, the Leviticus 27 thing, a man is worth (AND supposedly assigned such by GOD) 50 shekels but a mere woman only 30.
Now you can do the cop out thing, say, we are modern, we don't follow the OT any more. But that is not true. ...[text shortened]... viate from that.
It just SCREAMS man made or women made, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE RELIGIONS.
You also prove my point that "It's not religion that is evil. It's Man. We're the ones with the sin nature, not God."
-Removed-There is a certain irony though. You protest very loud that someone wants to condemn you forever because you don't believe certain teaching.
But then those who do not agree with your view, who are Christians, are medieval, dupes of the Dark Ages.
Your " Go back to the Middle Ages, heartless torture loving fanatic !" tone of retort is quite like what you say is being done to you.