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A request to Dasa and his several detractors

A request to Dasa and his several detractors



16 Feb 08
28 Sep 11
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Originally posted by Dasa
Type into your google box (Atheism - Veda - Hare Krsna) click enter - and you will have a selection of articles explaining atheism.
Once again I try to engage with and you deflect the question with a quite condescending reference to google. Irrespective of your beliefs and your trolling in this forum, I find you to be a very arrogant and conceited person.


28 Oct 05
28 Sep 11
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Originally posted by Dasa
Hinduism is not false............but confused and mixed up and it often presents incorrect knowledge (but not deliberately)
So although you say Hinduism presents "incorrect knowledge", it is "not false" and you accept Hindus calling themselves "theists". But followers of Christianity, Judaism and Islam equal "atheist"?


Brisbane Qld

20 May 10
28 Sep 11
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Originally posted by FMF
So although you say Hinduism presents "incorrect knowledge", it is "not false" and you accept Hindus calling themselves "theists". But followers of Christianity, Judaism and Islam equal "atheist"?
True demigod worship is not false - but modern Hinduism is the misunderstanding of demigod worship giving false conclusions which end up amounting to incorrect teaching.

It is the Indians themselves that are creating incorrect teachings by their misunderstandings - with teachings that are originally true and are still true.

If you have a problem with this then go and ask the Indians why they are misunderstanding everything.

Vaisnavas have nothing to do with all this.


28 Oct 05
28 Sep 11
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Originally posted by Dasa
It is the Indians themselves that are creating incorrect teachings by their misunderstandings - with teachings that are originally true and are still true.
How many people think this and agree with you, Dasa? How is it that you... Vaisnavas is that what you call yourself? How come it is such a small cult? Were the people in the Brisbane Temple, that you don't go to anymore, involved in false conclusions, incorrect teaching, and misunderstandings? Have your own children grown up to be Vaisnavas?


28 Oct 05
28 Sep 11
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Originally posted by Dasa
True demigod worship is not false - but modern Hinduism is the misunderstanding of demigod worship giving false conclusions which end up amounting to incorrect teaching.
According to you, followers of Christianity, Judaism and Islam are "atheist" because they reach false conclusions which end up amounting to incorrect teaching. So Hindus are not "atheists" even though they reach false conclusions which end up amounting to incorrect teaching?


Brisbane Qld

20 May 10
28 Sep 11
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Originally posted by FMF
According to you, followers of Christianity, Judaism and Islam are "atheist" because they reach false conclusions which end up amounting to incorrect teaching. So Hindus are not "atheists" even though they reach false conclusions which end up amounting to incorrect teaching?
Vaisnavism is the method/process/essence of the Vedanta Sutra when accepted/followed and lived by honest genuine persons..

Modern Hinduism is a hodge podge mixture of demi-God worship corrupt Indian culture with a dash of Vedic understanding thrown in --and the consequent incorrect knowledge that proceeds from all of that.

You work it out.

Chief Justice

Center of Contention

14 Jun 02
28 Sep 11
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Originally posted by Dasa
Vaisnavism is the method/process/essence of the Vedanta Sutra when accepted/followed and lived by honest genuine persons..

Modern Hinduism is a hodge podge mixture of demi-God worship corrupt Indian culture with a dash of Vedic understanding thrown in --and the consequent incorrect knowledge that proceeds from all of that.

You work it out.
What do you think of Shankara's work in particular, or Advaita Vedanta more generally?


Brisbane Qld

20 May 10
28 Sep 11
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Originally posted by bbarr
What do you think of Shankara's work in particular, or Advaita Vedanta more generally?
Mayavada (Advaita) is a Vedic heresy started by Adi Shankara (incarnation of Shiva) to serve as a temporary bridge to pass over Buddhism back to Vedas. This is confirmed by early Buddhist writers who testify that pre-Shankaran philosophers were monotheists.

Classical mayavadis, strict followers of Adi Shankara, are present mainly in India and accept Vedanta (with advaita commentaries) and Upanisads (mainly those commented on by Adi Shankara).

Neo-Vedantists (Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Krishnamurti, dr. Radhakrishnan, etc.) with their dilutions of Adi Shankara's doctrine are the main inspiration for New Agers.

True spirituality as presented in Vedanta Sutra presents personalism - while Adi Shankara presents impersonalism.

This is all ok.......because it is all going on under the supreme supervision of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Atheists want desperately to have a doctrine to support their falsity - so the Lord allows them to have one in the form of impersonalism.

Ultimately the impersonalists can never experience loving exchange between God and themselves - especially after killing him off.

Chief Justice

Center of Contention

14 Jun 02
28 Sep 11
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Originally posted by Dasa
Mayavada (Advaita) is a Vedic heresy started by Adi Shankara (incarnation of Shiva) to serve as a temporary bridge to pass over Buddhism back to Vedas. This is confirmed by early Buddhist writers who testify that pre-Shankaran philosophers were monotheists.

Classical mayavadis, strict followers of Adi Shankara, are present mainly in India and accept Vedanta ...[text shortened]... can never experience loving exchange between God and themselves - especially after killing him.
Thanks. Could you say a bit more about the distinction between personalism and impersonalism? I'm curious.


Brisbane Qld

20 May 10
28 Sep 11
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Originally posted by bbarr
Thanks. Could you say a bit more about the distinction between personalism and impersonalism? I'm curious.
The ultimate realization of the Absolute Truth is the Supreme Personality of Godhead (a person)

A transcendental person like no other ....one without a second.

Impersonalism is the denial of this truth.

Impersonalists understand God to be only the all pervading spiritual energy - devoid of personality. (its called Brahman realization)

Whilst this understanding is partially true it is incomplete.

Chief Justice

Center of Contention

14 Jun 02
28 Sep 11
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Originally posted by Dasa
The ultimate realization of the Absolute Truth is the Supreme Personality of Godhead (a person)

A transcendental person like no other ....one without a second.

Impersonalism is the denial of this truth.

Impersonalists understand God to be only the all pervading spiritual energy - devoid of personality. (its called Brahman realization)

Whilst this understanding is partially true it is incomplete.
So I recognize that in Vedic thought the notion of the self is complex. There are inner levels to the self, some higher or more spiritually refined than others. Could you explain this to me? In particular, I'm interested in what you think happens to the self (or some parts of the self) when one spiritually advances.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
28 Sep 11
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I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, or a punchline, or something.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
28 Sep 11
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Originally posted by Suzianne
I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, or a punchline, or something.
Nah, it's just turtles all the way up from here...


Brisbane Qld

20 May 10
29 Sep 11
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Originally posted by bbarr
So I recognize that in Vedic thought the notion of the self is complex. There are inner levels to the self, some higher or more spiritually refined than others. Could you explain this to me? In particular, I'm interested in what you think happens to the self (or some parts of the self) when one spiritually advances.
I must say you are the most polite person I have come across in this forum to date.

The self is - the pure transcendental soul.

Eternal, indestructible, pure, full of knowledge, blissful and eternal servant/friend of God.

In this world the self has given power of attorney to the mind and the mind is guided by the intelligence.

When the mind is absorbed in illusion and falsity and false ego - the pure self cannot reflects its true nature of bliss knowledge and love for God.........like a mirror covered with dust cannot give true reflection.

True spiritual living and the acquiring of true transcendental knowledge is the process for removing this dust from the mirror - or removing the material contamination covering the heart and mind.

The material contamination covering the heart and mind is the false belief that the body/mind - is the true self. (hence false ego)

This false conception of what constitutes our true self runs so deep into our conditioned consciousness that every part of our life is governed by falsity.

We believe our material body to be the true self.
We believe the mind to be our true self.
We believe the by-products of our body to also be meaningful and true.
We believe the country we are born in to be worshipable..
We believe the body to be chemicals and therefore intimately meaningless.
We believe therefore upon death our existence is finished.
And with all this comes the inability to engage in the true purpose of our lives.

True religion gives the process for removing the contamination from our heats and mind that has conditioned us to accept layers upon layers of falsity over countless life times of repeated birth and death.

When one engages in true spirituality the true self becomes awakened and we become free of false ego and falsity and are able to re-establish our lost love for God allowing us to return home back to Godhead - and never return to this world of suffering ever again..

Aficionado of Prawns

Not of this World

11 Apr 09
29 Sep 11
2 edits

Originally posted by Dasa
If you ask the question again politely I will respond.

Your launching into an attack first up - is not the way to enquire about spirituality.
You demanding politeness from others is rather ironic, wouldn't you agree?

I'm watching you get called out for your behavior and you are not willing to man up, admit it, and explain it.

Instead you are dodging, evading, and doing anything but addressing the inquiries, even to the point of answering with a non answer becasuse the question wasn't "polite" enough by your standards; standards which you have raised infinitely higher than the ones you impose upon yourself.

Perhaps it was inevitable, but nevertheless, you forced it. On my Dasa page, I'm now putting a checkmark under "not to be taken seriously."

Actually, I'm relieved. You probably just saved me a ton of wasted effort and time. Thank you sir.

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