Originally posted by galveston75I did respond, but you apparently got amnesia again like you do most of the time I say something you don't like.
It goes both ways. I'll always disagree with you because of your "not seeing" and supporting what the bible says about being a part of his organization and why it has to exist in order to do the world wide teaching work a Christian has to do in order to educate all who are looking for knowledge of Jehovah and of the time period we are in.
This work has ...[text shortened]... t God's Kingdom and what it will do not only for the person your talking too but all of mankind?
Originally posted by RJHindsWell yes I guess you did somewhat. But your answer only explains the excuses you have that keep you from doing the teaching work Jesus told you to do.
I did respond, but you apparently got amnesia again like you do most of the time I say something you don't like.
Yes the world has changed for the worse, so what? Did Jesus say if it gets too tuff to stop the the teaching work?
Did Jesus stop because he knew many wanted him dead?
If your happy with whatever it is you do fine with me as it's not me you have to answer too. Just have a really good excuse made up and see if Jesus buys it as he's been watching and wants to see the results of your work in helping others on this panet.
Matthew 28:19, 20
19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”
I'm just wondering what you guys see when you read this scripture?
Is there something extra written in there I don't see like:
"No you really don't have to do this"
"it's just a waste of time, no one will listen"
"it applies only to certian people, like the priest or ministers of your churches"
"this doesn't apply today because the world is different"
"I would have no idea what to do or say"
"maybe I'm not really a Christian, so I can't do that"
"yeah their lifes are at stake, but who cares, I'm saved"
Originally posted by galveston75Let me take this opportunity to remind you that the WT Organisation has destroyed thousands of lives with their false doctrines which are contrary to the teachings of Christ:
Matthew 28:19, 20
19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”
I'm just wondering what you guys se ...[text shortened]... y a Christian, so I can't do that"
"yeah their lifes are at stake, but who cares, I'm saved"
- discouraging blood transfusions has led to many deaths
- encouraging family members to sideline siblings, parents etc if they do not accept the JW doctrine has broken up many stable family units
- steering young people away from education and insisting that they go preach door to door has led to a lot of poverty among the JW ranks.
- discouraging the purchase of property or selling of property with a constant barrage of false prophesies of Christ imminent return has caused home owners untold distress when these prophesies fail.
Overall the WT Org is not a raving success that you make it out to be.
-Removed-As far as I can tell, twhitehead's concern was regarding whether or not you "really" believe that P (P = there is life after death, e.g. ) because it seemed to him that you are not properly responsive to implications of P. You do at least understand the concern here? Propositions have logical implications. Generally speaking, for the sake of rationality, if one believes P; and if P clearly implies Q; then one ought to also believe Q. So, that's his concern: his concern is that it is not clear you "really" believe P, given the fact that you do not seem to believe Q.
I then gave four potential rebuttal points for you to use. (No, no, you don't have to thank me. )
(1) Even if you don't believe Q, there's no good reason for twhitehead to jump to the conclusion that you don't "really" believe P (even if P really does imply Q). After all, persons often fail to grasp all the implications of things they really do believe.
(2) There's no good reason in this particular case to think that P implies Q.
(3) Perhaps what is at issue here is your faith, not your belief; and perhaps faith follows different consistency rules than belief.
(4) Given the probabilistic and gradated nature of belief, it is not that obvious that one ought to believe Q, even if, in fact, one believes both P and that P implies Q.
Originally posted by Rajk999meh
Let me take this opportunity to remind you that the WT Organisation has destroyed thousands of lives with their false doctrines which are contrary to the teachings of Christ:
- discouraging blood transfusions has led to many deaths
- encouraging family members to sideline siblings, parents etc if they do not accept the JW doctrine has broken up many stab ...[text shortened]... ese prophesies fail.
Overall the WT Org is not a raving success that you make it out to be.
h8ters gonna h8
Originally posted by robbie carrobieYep. They fail to see the truths and messages of the Bible that completely back up such things as "abstaining from blood" and being removed from the congregation because of conduct not accepted in the bible. When they can't reason and see those points they resort to this type answering all the time.
h8ters gonna h8
Very typical and expected just as Jesus said would happen.
Originally posted by Rajk999Lol...... so far off it's funny.
Let me take this opportunity to remind you that the WT Organisation has destroyed thousands of lives with their false doctrines which are contrary to the teachings of Christ:
- discouraging blood transfusions has led to many deaths
- encouraging family members to sideline siblings, parents etc if they do not accept the JW doctrine has broken up many stab ...[text shortened]... ese prophesies fail.
Overall the WT Org is not a raving success that you make it out to be.