An ad that I saw

An ad that I saw



At the Revolution

15 Sep 07
14 May 09

Because I'm a non-sub, I get ads when I do this site. It's ok, but it's sometimes aggravating.

Like this one that I just saw that was all about "Visit Israel and see your Christian Heritage."

Now, this site apparently has some sketchy sources of funding. (*free speech, mods; don't delete that comment*) Any site that advertises Christianity to a Muslim for a pilgrimage to a Holy Land that I was BORN IN so that the Zionists can make MORE MONEY out of American pockets has some pretty sketchy sources.

I suppose this is a plea to the mods to please stop accepting funding from these sources. If I stop seeing pro-Israel ads, I'll subscribe.

Any comments from the peanut gallery about this outrageous abuse of religious imperialism?


26 Aug 07
14 May 09
5 edits

Originally posted by scherzo
Because I'm a non-sub, I get ads when I do this site. It's ok, but it's sometimes aggravating.

Like this one that I just saw that was all about "Visit Israel and see your Christian Heritage."

Now, this site apparently has some sketchy sources of funding. (*free speech, mods; don't delete that comment*) Any site that advertises Christianity to a Muslim ny comments from the peanut gallery about this outrageous abuse of religious imperialism?
i was on a plane charted from Glasgow to Islamabad via London, it got rechartered because of the Haj and I had to stay three nights in London ( a city which i loath) at the expense of PIA. Now i am not a Muslim, nor is my wife, did i object, no! this was a persons religious duty and therefore i acquiesced, what else could i do. did i feel bitter, no, then why are you so incensed when others also want to fulfill their religious leanings like visiting 'the holy land', you had best be careful Sherzo my friend otherwise it may be construed as unislamic 🙂

For example i was reading a wonderful account about the crusades, Richard the II ? or someone was fighting Saladin, when he was running out of water in the desert, what did he do, he petitioned Saladin his enemy for water, knowing that because he was a muslim and hospitality was incumbent upon him, he would have to acquiesce, which Saladin apparently did!

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
14 May 09

Originally posted by scherzo
Because I'm a non-sub, I get ads when I do this site. It's ok, but it's sometimes aggravating.

Like this one that I just saw that was all about "Visit Israel and see your Christian Heritage."

Now, this site apparently has some sketchy sources of funding. (*free speech, mods; don't delete that comment*) Any site that advertises Christianity to a Muslim ...[text shortened]... ny comments from the peanut gallery about this outrageous abuse of religious imperialism?
Why is this in spirituality?

Anyway, the site has not advertised "to a muslim" it advertises to everyone doesn't it? And just because YOU were born in a particualar country doesn't mean that the rest of that country's populace has to leave and give it to you. Nor does it have exclude itself from business opportunities because you are too tight to subscribe.


At the Revolution

15 Sep 07
14 May 09

Originally posted by divegeester
Why is this in spirituality?

Anyway, the site has not advertised "to a muslim" it advertises to everyone doesn't it? And just because YOU were born in a particualar country doesn't mean that the rest of that country's populace has to leave and give it to you. Nor does it have exclude itself from business opportunities because you are too tight to subscribe.
Your first question is actually a good one. I figured, I saw the ad when I was browsing through Spirituality posts, and Debates people hate me enough already, and it's about pilgrimage, so why not?

Your second paragraph is junk.


At the Revolution

15 Sep 07
14 May 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
i was on a plane charted from Glasgow to Islamabad via London, it got rechartered because of the Haj and I had to stay three nights in London ( a city which i loath) at the expense of PIA. Now i am not a Muslim, nor is my wife, did i object, no! this was a persons religious duty and therefore i acquiesced, what else could i do. did i feel bitter, ...[text shortened]... hospitality was incumbent upon him, he would have to acquiesce, which Saladin apparently did!
I'm not saying religious tolerance is bad! All I'm saying is that RHP is getting funding from sketchy pro-imperial sources! You're misunderstanding my point.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
14 May 09
1 edit

Originally posted by scherzo
All I'm saying is that RHP is getting funding from sketchy pro-imperial sources! You're misunderstanding my point.
So what, to both?

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
14 May 09

Originally posted by scherzo
Debates people hate me enough already
I doubt that, but thinking there are significantly different people reveals your myopic and bi-polar view of social groups.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
15 May 09

Originally posted by scherzo
I'm not saying religious tolerance is bad! All I'm saying is that RHP is getting funding from sketchy pro-imperial sources! You're misunderstanding my point.
The first question is whether an internet website (or any business for that matter that makes money by passing on advertising) should reject adverts from sources whose principles they disagree with.
For example, I am sure that as a Muslim you do not drink alcohol. If you ran a website would you filter out all alcohol adverts?
The second question is whose views matter, what if some of the people who run rhp support Israel and some don't? I doubt rhp has a stated policy on the matter. Should they have a policy on all countries, morals etc and filter adds accordingly?

I am not saying you are wrong, I believe some amount of public sanctions against South African apartheid was effective. But it can also go too far. I remember hearing about people in Canada getting their orders from the US rejected because their suppliers said "If you are not with us, you are against us" (Canada did not support the Iraq war).


11 Nov 05
15 May 09

If, by every ad there is a clickable button that says "I don't approve of this ad", then it would be a feed-back to the ad administratior. If more than a certain percentage click the button, then he should have a second opinion if this ad is appropriate or not.
However, I don't think this is technically possible.

I'm from Sweden, and sometimes I see ads in Swedish. Therefore I think the ads are localized to the country you're from. I think RHP does not support this info to the ad company, but the ad company themselves see the IP-adress, and from that deduce the kind of ad they show.

Does anyone from Moslem countries, who has a provider operating inside that country in particular, seen any 'anti islamic' ads? I don't think so, but correct me if I'm wrong.

RHP is a international site, with members from allover the globe. The majority are from US, and therefore we should see through our fingers and tolerate some US-local things that we see here.

Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
15 May 09

Originally posted by scherzo
Because I'm a non-sub, I get ads when I do this site. It's ok, but it's sometimes aggravating.

Like this one that I just saw that was all about "Visit Israel and see your Christian Heritage."

Now, this site apparently has some sketchy sources of funding. (*free speech, mods; don't delete that comment*) Any site that advertises Christianity to a Muslim ...[text shortened]... ny comments from the peanut gallery about this outrageous abuse of religious imperialism?
Kindly please feel free to enjoy the Immortal Game and the chat at this site -but you too you have to help RHP a bit to prosper in order to enable it to keep up offering its services. Therefore feel free to enjoy the miscellaneous ads in case you estimate that for the time being it is unreasonable for you to subscribe 😵


At the Revolution

15 Sep 07
16 May 09

Originally posted by FabianFnas
If, by every ad there is a clickable button that says "I don't approve of this ad", then it would be a feed-back to the ad administratior. If more than a certain percentage click the button, then he should have a second opinion if this ad is appropriate or not.
However, I don't think this is technically possible.

I'm from Sweden, and sometimes I see a ...[text shortened]... we should see through our fingers and tolerate some US-local things that we see here.
My flag says I'm from Palestine, and my profile says I'm Muslim, so I don't think that this is true, given that the ad was Christian Zionist.


28 Oct 05
16 May 09

Originally posted by FabianFnas
RHP is a international site, with members from allover the globe. The majority are from US, and therefore we should see through our fingers and tolerate some US-local things that we see here.
You seem to be buckling under the weight of perceived hegemony. You need to pull yourself up off the ground, dust yourself down, jut out your chin, and never again think of assuming that you are part of a numerical minority simply because your hair is all blown back by American rhetoric and chest beating.

There are approximately 294,000 members of RHP.

Only 60,250 of them are from the U.S.A.


11 Nov 05
16 May 09

Originally posted by FMF
You seem to be buckling under the weight of perceived hegemony. You need to pull yourself up off the ground, dust yourself down, jut out your chin, and never again think of assuming that you are part of a numerical minority simply because your hair is all blown back by American rhetoric and chest beating.

There are approximately 294,000 members of RHP.

Only 60,250 of them are from the U.S.A.
Is there really a quarter of a million active members at RHP?
How many of these are USers?
Perhaps it's the same proposion, I don't know. Lets assume that.

Do the experiment:
Criticize USA and you will get a bucketload full of negative answers.
Criticize Iraq and you will get bucketload full of positive answers.
I would say that the point of opinions is more likely to be centered about USA values, than any other country, culture, religion, than that of USA.

I see that as obvious if you read postings in the Forums, very clearly in the Debate Forum. But perhaps you should be outside US to see it, I don't know.

Is this bad if I'm actually is right in the matter? No, I don't think so. That's the way it is. If I don't like it I wouldn't be here.
If I want to have a Sweden centered discussions, then I go to a Swedish discussion Forum.
I'm now looking of an interesting Italian discussion Forum, but I haven't had any luck to found any. (Please help!)

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
16 May 09

Originally posted by FabianFnas
I see that as obvious if you read postings in the Forums, very clearly in the Debate Forum. But perhaps you should be outside US to see it, I don't know.
You must also realize that the forums are mostly frequented by English speakers - though obviously not all of them have it as a first language. However I would expect a higher percentage of Americans to participate in the forums than the percentage of members.
It would be interesting to know what the percentage of Americans in the non-subscribers is (those that see the ads).

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
16 May 09

Originally posted by scherzo
I suppose this is a plea to the mods to please stop accepting funding from these sources. If I stop seeing pro-Israel ads, I'll subscribe.
I doubt if the site really has any choice about what ads are shown. They certainly don't have the resources to look at every ad and decide whether it is suitable or not - because there are too many people like you who use the site but don't pay for it. If you truly object strongly to the policies of the site then you have three basic choices:
1. Stop using it.
2. Try to change it.
3. Live with it.
If you choose 2. or 3. then you should still subscribe as you are using the service.
Its the same with politics. If you don't like your country's government you can either leave the country (if you can), try to change it (through votes or political activism), or learn to live with it. But you cant stop paying taxes unless you leave the country.

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