Originally posted by HandyAndy"When all hell breaks loose during Lucifer's rebellion,
In Genesis 1, God creates mankind "in his own image." When all hell breaks loose during Lucifer's rebellion,
darkness prevails, oceans freeze and life ends for humans. But then we have the "restoration" in Genesis 2
and the arrival of Adam and Eve and the return of life forms.
Who was that masked man in Genesis 1?
darkness prevails, oceans freeze and life ends for humans."
Are you suggesting that there existed a pre-Adamic race of humans created in the image of God?
16 Dec 14
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyThanks for clarifying the timeline.
"Eternity Past: Angelic Creation;
Genesis [b]1:1 Creation of the Heavens and Earth;
Lucifer's Revolt;
Genesis 1:2-31 Restoration of the Earth;
On Day Six: Creation of Land Creatures and Mankind) ---> [human history began]---> (Eternity Future"
Genesis 1:27 "in his own image.": ...[text shortened]... onsciousness, mentality, conscience; self determination [only creature uniquely reflecting God].[/b]
Specifically, what is the relationship or connection between dinosaurs and Lucifer? Please clarify.
If you put the question to me, I would say - I don't know.
Some Bible students say that the book of Job refers to some prehistoric animals. Maybe that is true. But the view does have its problems for me.
God is speaking with the man Job about a behemoth in Job 40:15 - 41:31. I don't know why the man Job would know anything about the mysterious creature if it was one made extinct before man was created, ie. before God made Adam.
God's question to Job about the behemoth includes these words -
"Will anyone catch him while he is watching, or pierce his nose with a snare?" (40:24)
I wouldn't know who was around with a snare or a device to pierce the nose of an animal no longer existing concurrent with human beings.
Of course some would say that the dinosaur (if that is what the behemoth means) and humans did co-exist. But most of the people who claim this usually do not believe in any pre-adamic world.
So on this day, I could only say, I'm not sure what is being talked about in Job 40:15 - 41:34 when two, not so easy to detect, kinds of beasts are being spoken about by God to Job.
It is difficult to submit the Holy Bible to 100% systematization.
I have some opinions about the pre-adamic earth. But I personally would not push them too far because I cannot bring everything into a 100% consistent system.
I would note that the magicians of Pharoah were so deeply involved in the occult that they imitated God's miracle and turned lifeless sticks into serpents (Exodus 7:8-14) . If they did that, we may not know the extent of Satan's power. And perhaps Satan's creative power perhaps assigned to him when he was good played some part in that world.
I do not know for sure.
Originally posted by sonship"I do not know for sure." Then why reply?
Specifically, what is the relationship or connection between dinosaurs and Lucifer? Please clarify.
If you put the question to me, I would say - I don't know.
Some Bible students say that the book of [b]Job refers to some prehistoric animals. Maybe that is true. But the view does have its problems for me.
God ...[text shortened]... aps assigned to him when he was good played some part in that world.
I do not know for sure.[/b]
Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
"I do not know for sure." Then why reply?
An Invitation
Would any objective thinkers who are active contributors to this forum be interested in discussing the biblical account of the angelic creation in eternity past; Lucifer's arrogant rebellion; the third of the angelic host who shared his desire to replace the very God who created them; and its impact on human history? Please indicate Yea or Nay in your initial reply. Thanks.
I reply because this is a discussion.
If what you really meant is that this is your class and we are all blank white sheets of paper with nothing to contribute then it may be better to phrase your Invitation as that - An invitation as wholly unprepared and unlearned students to come to your class.
Even the Apostle Paul wrote that he didn't know something - ie. whether he was taken to other realms in the body or in spirit (2 Cor. 12:1-10). If Paul, who authored some 13 books of the New Testament canon could say he did not know something for certain, I think it is ok if I admit that I am not sure about something.
A rather blunt reply to a blunt question.
Agape, brother Grampy.
Originally posted by sonshipWould you agree that discussion of biblical references in an online spirituality
[quote] An Invitation
Would any objective thinkers who are active contributors to this forum be interested in discussing the biblical account of the angelic creation in eternity past; Lucifer's arrogant rebellion; the third of the angelic host who shared his desire to replace the very God who created them; and its impact on human history? Please indicate Yea ...[text shortened]... m not sure about something.
A rather blunt reply to a blunt question.
Agape, brother Grampy.
forum should avoid confusion while generating more light than heat?