29 Dec 21
@galveston75 saidThats a kind of circular argument and you should not make it if you want to be taken seriously. I mean do it in the Kingdom Hall, where all of you believe the same thing, Around here people will just laugh at you.
If one believes in Jehovah being the one who inspired it's writing then he designed it in the format he wanted and the other two writings were not included because they were not inspired by him. Here is a link to check out on that....
How do you explain that there were about 14 books in the Apostles bible, the Septuagint which someone removed. Are you saying that God told them to remove those books from the original bible?
29 Dec 21
@avalanchethecat saidThere are several early Christian sects in the far east which still have those books in their bible.
Athanasius of Alexandria didn't like them
29 Dec 21
@sonship saidSure you can be as positive as you want. But is that because you might be dodging the question? Hummmm?
To tell the truth, I would rather speak positively for awhile.
Some of us are not so much hunting for Babylon the Great but keeping our eye out for the Wife. The things which make for her to emerge we long to nourish.
And then some people only want and expect the status quo as if God is gone and moves on earth no more. They resent anyone who has another hope.
Anyway here is a very popular one that we've discussed a time or two: "TRIADS OR TRINITIES OF GODS BEGIN"
"From that start in the worship of Nimrod the gods of that first Babylonian Empire began to multiply. Among these were a number of triads of gods or deities. In Babylon the temple erected to the god Belus is reported as having been surmounted by three statues, namely, that of Bel or Bel-Merodach, his mother Rhea (Semiramis), and Bel-Merodach’s wife, Juno or Beltis Zer-panîtu this according to the ancient Greek historian Ctesias. According to the later Greek historian Diodorus Siculus, at one period in Babylon the religious triad consisted of two goddesses and the son, namely, Hera the Roman Juno, Rhea or Semiramis and Zeus = Merodach, Nimrod.
Regarding the religion of Babylon and its triadic worship we read: “In the late Babylonian period the worship seems chiefly devoted to Marduk, Nabu [Nebo, meaning Speaker or Announcer, Sin, Shamash and Ishtar. . . . The Babylonians, with all their wonderful gifts, were never able to conceive of one god, of one god alone, of one god whose very existence makes logically impossible the existence of any other deity. Monotheism transcends the spiritual grasp of the Babylonian mind. . . . neither the Babylonians nor the Assyrians arose to any such heights as distinguish the Hebrew book of Psalms.”—The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, edition of 1955, Volume 1, page 370.
Another triad was that of Sin the moon-god and Shamash the sun-god and Ishtar—the rulers of the zodiac. From Babylon triads of deities spread throughout the earth, even into the time of the Christian Era.
Belief in a triad or trinity defies the sovereignty, even the supremacy, of the one true Almighty God. Fittingly serving the Devil’s purpose, it is a potent poison that has contaminated Christendom’s religions to the extent that the trinity, which it is claimed consists of three persons in one god, is called today “the central doctrine of the Christian religion.”
So it would seem that this teaching that is still taught by most Christian religions is clearly a teaching from Babylon.
29 Dec 21
@galveston75 saidSo if you extend that argument you could say that Jehovah wouldn’t allow the bible to get tampered with and you know full well that it was e.g psalm 83:18 John 1:1
If one believes in Jehovah being the one who inspired it's writing then he designed it in the format he wanted and the other two writings were not included because they were not inspired by him. Here is a link to check out on that....
Then we have the warnings not to tamper with the law or the book of revelation, so because Jehovah inspired the bible does not mean that it’s totally foolproof does it? It can be “got at”.
29 Dec 21
@rajk999 saidIf their not in the bible then I guess Jehovah didn't want them there. Do you question his authority on that?
Thats a kind of circular argument and you should not make it if you want to be taken seriously. I mean do it in the Kingdom Hall, where all of you believe the same thing, Around here people will just laugh at you.
How do you explain that there were about 14 books in the Apostles bible, the Septuagint which someone removed. Are you saying that God told them to remove those books from the original bible?
29 Dec 21
@galveston75 saidYour argument does fall down when you consider that the bible has been changed.
If their not in the bible then I guess Jehovah didn't want them there. Do you question his authority on that?
29 Dec 21
@galveston75 saidSo God had one bible for the Apostles and Jesus Christ also.
If their not in the bible then I guess Jehovah didn't want them there. Do you question his authority on that?
God had another one for the Catholics
God had another one for the Protestants
God had one for the Jehovah Witness
Another one was created for the Seven Day Adventists
Your God is creating confusion.
What I question is your authority to decide what is the correct bible when there are doxens
29 Dec 21
@medullah saidOh for sure it can be. I wouldn't want to be the ones that have done that. But if one "test scripture with scripture" and does a little research and deeply prays to Jehovah, he will make sure you get the correct understandings from him in the bible.
So if you extend that argument you could say that Jehovah wouldn’t allow the bible to get tampered with and you know full well that it was e.g psalm 83:18 John 1:1
Then we have the warnings not to tamper with the law or the book of revelation, so because Jehovah inspired the bible does not mean that it’s totally foolproof does it? It can be “got at”.
The constant bashing the Witnesses get is that we've changed the bible to suit our needs or beliefs. But to the contrary we've gone the opposite way and have done very honest and deep research thru intense prayer to Jehovah, not to Jesus but thru him to his Father Jehovah for the ability to see the real truths, not watered down so called Christian doctrines which have been influenced by Babylonian teachings mixed in such as the trinity, churches filled with idols, etc.
The Bible clearly warns "to get out of her" Christendom, which is filled with teachings still practiced with pagan influences.
29 Dec 21
@mike69 saidHi Mike
😳What is Kraken, maybe I’ll try it.
It’s a very smooth dark rum sold in England. Best not diluted with filth like coke. My Father-law (rip) was a marine with an extensive collection of spirits - in particular rums, who forbade me to drink rum any way but neat. Talk about heartburn to start with !!
29 Dec 21
@medullah saidOn the rocks is best though in a hot climate. That is actually a made in the USA rum, I believe.
Hi Mike
It’s a very smooth dark rum sold in England. Best not diluted with filth like coke. My Father-law (rip) was a marine with an extensive collection of spirits - in particular rums, who forbade me to drink rum any way but neat. Talk about heartburn to start with !!