@galveston75 saidSo, it's clear that the No True Scotsman logical fallacy plays a big part in creating the "unison" you talk of.
I can guarantee they were never JW's. If they were they would see Jehovah's view in the Bible and on what they did and repent from it and understand why they were disfellowshipped.
@galveston75 saidOstrazised: past tense: ostracized; past participle: ostracized
And never, never, never is anyone ostracized ever!! If that ever happened I would never be a JW.
1. exclude from a society or group.
You need to look up the word “ostracised” and then resign from your cult.
@galveston75 saidThat is what being “ostracised” is.
In fact it is extremely difficult to ignore anyone disfellowshiped. But that is needed to hopefully impress to all the congregation to keep themselves free from serious sin as well as the one that has gotten themselves into this position.
You and your religion ostracise people as psychological punishment for non-conformism to the accepted group-think values.
@galveston75 said:
Not once were any of us ostracized in any way shape of form. It never even came close to that, ever.
What you are describing is, exactly, ostracisation.
Look it up.
@galveston75 saidFro someone who claims to “not care” what FMF or other think about your Church’s unpleasant control methods, you certainly seem to get quite uptight when scrutinised about them.
So if you still insist on bringing this subject up "again", you'll know my answers on that and I will not respond to your misunderstood thoughts on this again.
@galveston75 saidI wonder who is really the “dumb” person here...
Please excuse my first thought here but are you really this dumb? It has been explained by myself to you many times and why can't you understand this?
Do you think that these topics come up again and again because posters don’t understand your flimsy explanations, or could it be because people hold the bullying practices of your religion in contempt?.
That you have done this to your own children is astonishing.
@divegeester saidProverbs 26:11
I wonder who is really the “dumb” person here...
Do you think that these topics come up again and again because posters don’t understand your flimsy explanations, or could it be because people hold the bullying practices of your religion in contempt?.
That you have done this to your own children is astonishing.
"Like a dog that returns to its vomit, The stupid one repeats his foolishness."
I guess "stupid" just can't be fixed huh?
@galveston75 saidOr...instead of blurting out this ad hominem, you could actually address my point?
Proverbs 26:11
"Like a dog that returns to its vomit, The stupid one repeats his foolishness."
I guess "stupid" just can't be fixed huh?
@galveston75 saidAre you going to come back to your thread and address the replies put to you?
Proverbs 26:11
"Like a dog that returns to its vomit, The stupid one repeats his foolishness."
I guess "stupid" just can't be fixed huh?
Have you looked up “ostracised” in the dictionary yet, what did you find?
On the subject of shunning, or ostracizing, or disfellowshipping, one can argue about:
- whether it should still be applied today, or
- what for
- and for how long, etc
But one cannot argue that it is contrary to the Bible. See 1 Cor 5, 11 quoted below.
Nowadays most churches do not apply this, because the offender would just cross the street to another congregation.
But for a member of a “closed shop” like the JWs, this option is not available if that someone is otherwise a committed JW.
So for them (and the Mormons, and others) it makes perfect sense.
“but as it is, I wrote unto you not to keep company, if any man that is named a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one no, not to eat.”
1 Corinthians 5:11 ASV
@caljust saidJW disfellowshipping and shunning is extreme, unbiblical and unChristlike. These people cannot and should bot be supported in any form or fashion. I suspect you do not know very much about this organisation otherwise you would not be agreeing that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Every thing about this religion is wrong and worthy of condemnation.
On the subject of shunning, or ostracizing, or disfellowshipping, one can argue about:
- whether it should still be applied today, or
- what for
- and for how long, etc
But one cannot argue that it is contrary to the Bible. See 1 Cor 5, 11 quoted below.
Nowadays most churches do not apply this, because the offender would just cross the street to another congregation ...[text shortened]... h such a one no, not to eat.”
1 Corinthians 5:11 ASV
Watchtower 2015 April 15 p.29
For every 100 Jehovah's Witnesses more than 1 is disfellowshipped each year; over 80,000,(1) with two out of every three never reinstated.(2) Being disfellowshipped results in serious emotional side affects because:
those that continue to believe Watchtower doctrine are told that whilst disfellowshipped they are condemned to everlasting destruction.(3)
those who become unbelievers, with no intention of returning to the Watchtower Society, realise they are unlikely to freely associate with Witness family and friends for the remainder of their lives.
The Watchtower explains:
watchtower 2011 july 15 p23
Watchtower 2011 Jul 15 p.23
simplified edition
"Thus "disfellowshiping" is what Jehovah's Witnesses appropriately call the expelling and subsequent shunning of such an unrepentant wrongdoer." Watchtower 1981 Sep 15 p.22
"… a simple "Hello" to someone can be the first step that develops into a conversation and maybe even a friendship. Would we want to take that first step with a disfellowshiped person?" Watchtower 1981 Sep 15 p.25
It was not until 1952 that the Watchtower introduced disfellowshipping as now practiced and the following review of the Scriptural principles involved shows that there is no Biblical justification for the extent to which the Watchtower practices this unchristian form of manipulation. Though there is Scriptural precedence to limit association with brothers practicing wrongdoing, the Watchtower application of disfellowshipping seriously deviates from Bible guidelines in a number of ways;
The word "disfellowship" does not appear in the Bible
2 John 10 says not to greet the Antichrist. The Watchtower uses this single scripture to support not saying hello to a disfellowshipped person.
At Scriptures such as 1 Corinthians 5, Paul outlined limiting association with Christians that practice wrongdoing, not strict shunning.
The Watchtower disfellowships for practices never discussed in the Bible such as smoking, gambling and having a blood transfusion.
Disfellowshipping is extended to prevent immediate family members associating with their disfellowshipped relatives.
The punishment applies forever, or until the Watchtower Society formally reinstates the person. It is considered irrelevant whether the person no longer practices the wrongdoing they were disfellowshipped for.
The talk “Shun Unrepentant Wrongdoers, to be given at the 2016 convention as part of the symposium “Loyaly Uphold Jehovah’s Judgements” will apparently expand Watchtower’s shunning policy to include the following scenario:
If you are currently considered “inactive,” and are known to have committed a “serious sin,” Watchtowers official position apparently is now that you must be shunned without the requirement to wait for a Judicial Committee.
This will include everyday “sins” such as:
Moving in with an unmarried partner
Celebrating Christmas
Premarital sex
Same sex marriage
Criticising the Governing Body
Denying Watchtower teachings
Celebrating Birthdays
Essentially, any action that would result in a baptised Jehovah’s Witness being disfellowshipped will now result in an inactive one being shunned without the requirement for Judicial Committee action.
@caljust saidI initially found your continued apologetics for the appalling behaviour of the Jehovah’s Witness organisation to be an affront to the humanitarian values which you incessantly preach out of the other side of your mouth.
On the subject of shunning, or ostracizing, or disfellowshipping, one can argue about:
- whether it should still be applied today, or
- what for
- and for how long, etc
But one cannot argue that it is contrary to the Bible. See 1 Cor 5, 11 quoted below.
Nowadays most churches do not apply this, because the offender would just cross the street to another congregation ...[text shortened]... h such a one no, not to eat.”
1 Corinthians 5:11 ASV
But now I’ve just come to suspect that your are morally crippled intellectual snob who is determined to uphold the right of amoral religious practices in the same overweening and comically politicised way that Francis wanted to fight for Stan’s right to have babies.
@rajk999 saidSo incredibly how much you don't know yet you claim to know it all.
The talk “Shun Unrepentant Wrongdoers, to be given at the 2016 convention as part of the symposium “Loyaly Uphold Jehovah’s Judgements” will apparently expand Watchtower’s shunning policy to include the following scenario:
If you are currently considered “inactive,” and are known to have committed a “serious sin,” Watchtowers official position apparently is now that you ...[text shortened]... w result in an inactive one being shunned without the requirement for Judicial Committee action.
The bottom line is this. We love our God Jehovah and we strive to do exactly what he has told his followers to do from the first laws he gave humans. We do not follow mans laws when it comes to going against God's, period. This discussion that you've got yourself so worked up over means nothing to me at all. I could care less what you post here and how much you condemn us for believing in every word in the bible and spouting of with some watered down crazy belief you've fabricated.
And we will do this until we die or way far into the future after Jehovah destroys the wickedness on this planet and the one who is behind it all which is Satan. All the humans on this planet who choose not to follow Jehovah and every word he has instructed us will answer to him. Ones like you need to seriously read the description of what Armageddon will be like and you should shudder in your tracks.
So yes when he tells us to limit our association with ones of the world or even worse ones who knew Jehovah but for what ever reason have decided to turn against him, we will do exactly as he says to do in the bible.
Whether you understand it or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!