28 Oct 12
01 Nov 12
Originally posted by sumydidThing is many murders just dont care if they get put to death. In fact , I'm sure some prefer it to staying in jail and showers,etc.
Though capital punishment can be seen as a failed deterrent; it's not solely an attempt to deter the crime. It is a message to society that the lives of innocent, law-abiding citizens are so valuable, that if you end one, you forfeit your own.
Again, what precedent does society set if, when someone murders another in cold-blooded, heinous fashion, the se ...[text shortened]... ers exist in the first place. To jump to their defense is unconscionable in my opinion.
If all you can do is "trim the branches" of this problem and not attack the root cause(s) , then this will just keep going on and on. Until your country stops 'living in fear' , no deterant is going to work.
Look at the muslim suicide bombers. Same sort of problems, really, except that they are promised "heaven" if they die for Allah.
More hardcore, but essentially that's what U.S. prisomers would be thinking - especially the uneducated, who have not had proper parenting , and quite possibly been introduced to JC and his "justice" . Perhaps they think that all of society is the devil's work , and only Jesus can truly see the truth of their actions. Whether right or wrong, this will continue.
You must educate people properly and ban firearm sales. (That's 2 attacking the root causes)
01 Nov 12
Originally posted by karoly aczelYou think people who are educated will not murder? Do you think people who own
Thing is many murders just dont care if they get put to death. In fact , I'm sure some prefer it to staying in jail and showers,etc.
If all you can do is "trim the branches" of this problem and not attack the root cause(s) , then this will just keep going on and on. Until your country stops 'living in fear' , no deterant is going to work.
Look at t ...[text shortened]... educate people properly and ban firearm sales. (That's 2 attacking the root causes)
guns must murder? Trying to understand your root causes as you attempt to stop
people from murder.
01 Nov 12
Originally posted by karoly aczelSo they don't like to shower and would like to be put to death. I never heard of that one before. So it would be better to punish them by giving them showers, in your opinion?
Thing is many murders just dont care if they get put to death. In fact , I'm sure some prefer it to staying in jail and showers,etc.
If all you can do is "trim the branches" of this problem and not attack the root cause(s) , then this will just keep going on and on. Until your country stops 'living in fear' , no deterant is going to work.
Look at t ...[text shortened]... educate people properly and ban firearm sales. (That's 2 attacking the root causes)
01 Nov 12
Originally posted by sumydidAgain I ask, are you prepared to carry out the executions? Or would you expect somebody else to do the dirty work and, in the unlikely event that the bible actually is divinely inspired, risk damning their own soul on your behalf?
Though capital punishment can be seen as a failed deterrent; it's not solely an attempt to deter the crime. It is a message to society that the lives of innocent, law-abiding citizens are so valuable, that if you end one, you forfeit your own.
Again, what precedent does society set if, when someone murders another in cold-blooded, heinous fashion, the se ...[text shortened]... ers exist in the first place. To jump to their defense is unconscionable in my opinion.
01 Nov 12
Originally posted by sumydidBy not having a death penalty the State values life.
Though capital punishment can be seen as a failed deterrent; it's not solely an attempt to deter the crime. It is a message to society that the lives of innocent, law-abiding citizens are so valuable, that if you end one, you forfeit your own.
Again, what precedent does society set if, when someone murders another in cold-blooded, heinous fashion, the se ...[text shortened]... ers exist in the first place. To jump to their defense is unconscionable in my opinion.
Originally posted by KellyJaysupernatural - not adhering to the laws of Nature
Just so I know, what is it you think of when you use the word "supernatural"?
If we are going to talk about it, it would help if you share what it is you think we
are talking about. If you've already given this, please point me to it, I really don't
want to read 10 pages of posts on the off chance you have.
ie = fantasy (Father Christmas, miracles, fairies and sky-gods)
01 Nov 12
Originally posted by KellyJayUsing this argument lets put to death possible future murderers, hey, why not kill everyone that would stop murders!
I do not think capital punishment is a failed deterrent, I ask you to produce one
person who did more crime after they were put to death for another crime.
Lets get rid of cars to prevent auto accidents.
Lets make ban all medicine to prevent over-doses.
Lets remove the internet to stop ridiculous debates.............................
02 Nov 12
Originally posted by wolfgang59God will stop all murders at His appointed time. Until then, we are to restrain evil as best we can. Capital punishment is one of the ways that we can do it.
Using this argument lets put to death possible future murderers, hey, why not kill everyone that would stop murders!
Lets get rid of cars to prevent auto accidents.
Lets make ban all medicine to prevent over-doses.
Lets remove the internet to stop ridiculous debates.............................
02 Nov 12
Originally posted by RJHindsIf your god can stop the murders he is an accomplice.
God will stop all murders at His appointed time. Until then, we are to restrain evil as best we can. Capital punishment is one of the ways that we can do it.
an accomplice in every murder.
.. and you talk about evil!
02 Nov 12
Originally posted by wolfgang59It is up to you atheist to prove that God is not needed during this present age. If God kept butting in, how are you going to prove we all don't need His help or advice.
If your god can stop the murders he is an accomplice.
an accomplice in [b]every murder.
.. and you talk about evil![/b]