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Churches made the Atheist.

Churches made the Atheist.


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Originally posted by galveston75
Yes of course how we act as Christians is a mark of a Christian. But your dismissing other identifying traits too. I don't know why but you are.
Many like yourself seem to thing that just being a good person and believeing in Christ is all Jesus asked of us. But there is a lot more to it. Again you still have not commented on Matt th 24th & 28th chapters.
Just being a good person by human standards will get you nothing but hell in the
end. You have to have a right relationship with God in Christ or you will die in your
own sins. Please do not put words into my mouth on things I have not said. Either
you are right with God or you’re not, you will be doing the things God wants as God
leads you in life, scripture is without a doubt the Word, but again, you have to
take scripture and rightly divide it, taking a few words here, a few words there,
then stringing them together and saying they prove your point only shows you are
using scripture to make a point, not that you are a student of scripture, instead
you’re a student of whatever your being taught by the organization you belong
too who you never disagree with. I know I don’t agree with the stances other
Christians on this chess site have said; however, I believe they are right with God
through Jesus Christ, agreeing with me on all points isn’t a prerequisite for being
saved as it appears to be with your organization.

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Originally posted by galveston75
"not unity that you will know them!" Is this not your statement?

A little more info on unity:

*** Insight Book-2 p. 886 Sect ***
The Greek word (hai′re‧sis, from which comes the English word “heresy&rdquo😉 thus translated means “choice” (Le 22:18, LXX) or “that which is chosen,” hence “a body of men separating themselves from others and fo ...[text shortened]... be sects among you, that the persons approved may also become manifest among you.”—1Co 11:19.
I suggest you look at the full context of what I said, you are taking me out of

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Originally posted by KellyJay
I suggest you look at the full context of what I said, you are taking me out of
Well I'm just confused as to why you said it then.. Is it to take a back seat to the other identifying traits? Are we to decide what scriptures we like and not others that don't fit our opinion?

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Originally posted by galveston75
Well I'm just confused as to why you said it then.. Is it to take a back seat to the other identifying traits? Are we to decide what scriptures we like and not others that don't fit our opinion?
I suggest you read what I wrote in context, again, it should not be that hard to
do! No where do I say that I don't believe in that scripture, I said I don't believe
the spin you put on it, so it wasn't the scripture I have a problem with, it was how
you were spinning it.

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Originally posted by galveston75
"not unity that you will know them!" Is this not your statement?

A little more info on unity:

*** Insight Book-2 p. 886 Sect ***
The Greek word (hai′re‧sis, from which comes the English word “heresy&rdquo😉 thus translated means “choice” (Le 22:18, LXX) or “that which is chosen,” hence “a body of men separating themselves from others and fo ...[text shortened]... be sects among you, that the persons approved may also become manifest among you.”—1Co 11:19.
I find this disturbing, again, you are not defending your position, you quote from
your insight book as an entire post. I'm not going to go back into your post again
and look at each scripture as I did last time, because you ignored all the posts I
did that with. If you really want to show your posts are scriptural I suggest you do
the homework yourself, think for yourself, study the Word yourself, and not just
take someone else' word for what it all means.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
I find this disturbing, again, you are not defending your position, you quote from
your insight book as an entire post. I'm not going to go back into your post again
and look at each scripture as I did last time, because you ignored all the posts I
did that with. If you really want to show your posts are scriptural I suggest you do
the homework yourself ...[text shortened]... , study the Word yourself, and not just
take someone else' word for what it all means.
Ok. All I can do is put the scriptures out there and either one sees it or one doesn't.
And again a true Christian does not stand on his own opinions in a spiritual manner. But it is sad to say it is a common thing most do and refuse to accept the Bibles view on unity.
For example..most who comment on this forum that call themselves Christian do not go to any specific church. How can that be Christian?

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Originally posted by galveston75
Ok. All I can do is put the scriptures out there and either one sees it or one doesn't.
And again a true Christian does not stand on his own opinions in a spiritual manner. But it is sad to say it is a common thing most do and refuse to accept the Bibles view on unity.
For example..most who comment on this forum that call themselves Christian do not go to any specific church. How can that be Christian?
The Christians who are on here and everywhere else are Christian isn't because
of the church they go to, or the organization the belong to, it is because they
were blood bought by the Lord Jesus Christ. If you want to be a part of a group
that tells everyone they have to agree with them, a group that tells its members
how to think, they can join you and those that you are in complete agreement with.
Me, I'll take Jesus Christ as my savior, I’ll take the leading of the Holy Spirit and
scripture over you organization publications telling me how to think any day of
the week.

I'd like to point out again, odds are for the last time, scripture I have not one
issue with, but I do have issues with your documents telling me what it means.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
The Christians who are on here and everywhere else are Christian isn't because
of the church they go to, or the organization the belong to, it is because they
were blood bought by the Lord Jesus Christ. If you want to be a part of a group
that tells everyone they have to agree with them, a group that tells its members
how to think, they can join you and ...[text shortened]... ot one
issue with, but I do have issues with your documents telling me what it means.

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Originally posted by galveston75
I think you are honorable, and I know we ended our debate disagreeing, but you
were not at any time disagreeable. That means a lot to me, thank you.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
I think you are honorable, and I know we ended our debate disagreeing, but you
were not at any time disagreeable. That means a lot to me, thank you.
Thanks. I appreciate it when ones like yourself keep civil and I try to do the same also. Maybe a few here can see and learn that it can be done...

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Originally posted by galveston75
I'm not accusing you of anything as I don't know you or your religious life. I'm just commenting on what I see and hear from others.
That's called hearsay and nothing more.


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