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Churches made the Atheist.

Churches made the Atheist.


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Originally posted by twhitehead
I would quite happily debate with you face to face. I have many times in the past discussed my atheism with Christians face to face.
As pointed out earlier in the thread, there is often strong social pressure to be Christian, and as a Child there were times when I did not tell people I was not Christian and let them assume that I was. But as an adult, I ...[text shortened]... to explain them to anyone who asks.

I wonder if you go around insulting people face to face?
Your so proud to be able to defeat Christians with your nonsense arguments, but the teachings of Christianity are mostly false anyway, so you have one false teaching arguing with another false teaching....its all nonsense.

Vedanta teachings easily defeat your atheism, but you dont accept common sense, rationality, spiritual logic and honest talk....your thoroughly dishonest and no one can defeat a dishonest person, because they always talk nonsense....their mad.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Your so proud to be able to defeat Christians with your nonsense arguments, but the teachings of Christianity are mostly false anyway, so you have one false teaching arguing with another false teaching....its all nonsense.

Vedanta teachings easily defeat your atheism, but you dont accept common sense, rationality, spiritual logic and honest talk....you ...[text shortened]... honest and no one can defeat a dishonest person, because they always talk nonsense....their mad.
the moment you are able to substantiate even one of your claims will be a day when you will have recourse to use terms like, honesty' and , 'integrity'.

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Originally posted by galveston75
The article never said there were not atheist in the past. The Bible even speaks of them. But it's false teachings and no back bone by most religions that have brought the atheist to the front today and with plenty of ammunition.
And """"AGAIN""""" me and Robbie will never disagree on Bible truths. Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But it's false teachings and no back bone by most religions that have brought the atheist to the front today and with plenty of ammunition.

No it isn't.

I see what you're trying to do here though. It's the usual false teachings from the Christian church, the JW's are the only true religion, only us can save the world, we're being persecuted as it says in the Bible mantra you usually come out with.

Why a lot of people are atheists has nothing to do with false teaching, it's about plausability. The more knowledge we acquire the more redundant God is, the gaps are being filled and God is not neeed to fill those gaps anymore.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
You guys will not disagree on Bible truths? You joined at the hip, you must agree
with what you've been taught or else? One of you doesn't have a mind of their
own so you have no independent thoughts? Your not allowed to question? Why
in the world would that ever be true, even the Christians in the New Testament
disgreed, even when they were walking wit ...[text shortened]... omething different out of it, it does not
always have to be lets agree no matter what!
If we had something to disagree about I'm sure we would. But as hard at it is for others to believe there is actually real truth..there is. How can we disagree on something that is the truth?
If the Bible says to do something..you do it. If it says not to do something, you don't do it.
If the Bible says obstain from blood.. you obstain from blood.
How can that be so complicated? Does the Bible say you have options on this command or that at a later date obstaining from blood does not apply to modern technology? Does God not have the knowledge to know the future on some matters?

And what possilbly makes you think we don't ask questions? Again your jumping to conlusions without asking us....

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
[b]But it's false teachings and no back bone by most religions that have brought the atheist to the front today and with plenty of ammunition.

No it isn't.

I see what you're trying to do here though. It's the usual false teachings from the Christian church, the JW's are the only true religion, only us can save the world, we're being persecuted ...[text shortened]... undant God is, the gaps are being filled and God is not neeed to fill those gaps anymore.[/b]
And this comment is a perfect example of what Satan is busy trying to accomplish.."No need for God anymore".
It sounds just like what the serpent told Eve, " Your eyes are bound to be opened and your bound to be like God."
So in your humble opinion you or no one else needs God because we now have enough wisdom and knowledge to make it on our own? Please explain......

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Originally posted by galveston75
And this comment is a perfect example of what Satan is busy trying to accomplish.."No need for God anymore".
It sounds just like what the serpent told Eve, " Your eyes are bound to be opened and your bound to be like God."
So in your humble opinion you or no one else needs God because we now have enough wisdom and knowledge to make it on our own? Please explain......
And this comment is a perfect example of what Satan is busy trying to accomplish.."No need for God anymore".

And this comment is a perfect example of the delusional wolrd you live in.l

So in your humble opinion you or no one else needs God because we now have enough wisdom and knowledge to make it on our own?

That's not what i said. I stated that rise of atheism has nothing to do with false teachings, that is something your orgainistaion makes up so they can feel better about themselves. Because only your organisation carries out the true teachings of Christ right?

Please explain......

I'm not sure what there is to explain.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Vedanta teachings easily defeat your atheism, but you dont accept common sense, rationality, spiritual logic and honest talk....your thoroughly dishonest and no one can defeat a dishonest person, because they always talk nonsense....their mad.
But if one of us is mad, then is there any way to find out which of us it is?

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
[b]And this comment is a perfect example of what Satan is busy trying to accomplish.."No need for God anymore".

And this comment is a perfect example of the delusional wolrd you live in.l

So in your humble opinion you or no one else needs God because we now have enough wisdom and knowledge to make it on our own?

That's not what i said ...[text shortened]... gs of Christ right?

Please explain......

I'm not sure what there is to explain.[/b]
Nope..my world of the Bible is crystal clear.....

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"You believe there is one God, do you? You are doing quite well." James 2:20

James selects the most obvious, basic truth of all worship, namely, that there is only one God, the Almighty. Clearly, this one God in whom James’ readers believed was the God who identifies himself in the inspired Scriptures. In having this faith a Christian would be doing well as far as he went, for it is a teaching that ought to be held by everyone. Even this faith or belief, if it went no further, would produce some effects. Yet unless it produced fine works, it would be valueless and would not lead to salvation. James proves his point when he next says: "And yet the demons believe and shudder."
Here James shows that mere belief in itself is not genuine faith, even though it may have some emotional effects. The demons, spirit creatures, angels disobedient to God, have actually seen God and know that he exists, and that he is one God. Their knowledge of and belief in this fact have effects on them—they shudder, knowing that they are sentenced to destruction. (Mark 1:24; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6) But certainly they will not be saved, for not only do they perform no good works, but their efforts are all works against God. So would anyone say to the demons, Your belief in God is enough, without good works; it will save you? It is of interest to note that none of the spirit creatures, not even demons, are atheists or agnostics. Atheism and agnosticism are doctrines found only on earth, among those who say that they would have to see God with their literal eyes to believe or to have faith in him.
"But do you care to know, O empty man, that faith apart from works is inactive?
But do you care to know, O empty man."
Such a man has not filled himself with the true knowledge of God or his Word. (Jas. 1:18, 21) His heart, where real faith ought to reside, is empty, because such faith is nonexistent there.

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Originally posted by galveston75
If we had something to disagree about I'm sure we would. But as hard at it is for others to believe there is actually real truth..there is. How can we disagree on something that is the truth?
If the Bible says to do something..you do it. If it says not to do something, you don't do it.
If the Bible says obstain from blood.. you obstain from blood.
...[text shortened]... akes you think we don't ask questions? Again your jumping to conlusions without asking us....
Either you are two independent minds or you are not. As I pointed out inside
scripture it was not uncommon to see disagreements even while viewing the
same scripture. My point to you is that if you two do express yourselves in your
questions, and you both walk away with the same line of reasoning every time
once you give your questions, that can only happen because it was not either of
you twos ability to reason that brought you there, someone else told you what you
had to think about a subject. If it were due to reason you would not always be
in agreement all of the time, you'd never be in complete agreement.

Having questions is healthy, but that was not the point of my concern, it was that
you do not disagree on spiritual matters at all! Scripture is one of the most
complex text there is, you are reading words that were translated from a language
you don't speak, you are reading scripture when it was written was done so in
another time, you both have I'm assuming different life experiences, and you two
are not the same person with two accounts. With all of this, the only ways you are
always going to be in complete agreement is, someone else is telling you how to
think, or one of you is completely brain dead and waits for the other to tell them
what they need to think.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
Either you are two independent minds or you are not. As I pointed out inside
scripture it was not uncommon to see disagreements even while viewing the
same scripture. My point to you is that if you two do express yourselves in your
questions, and you both walk away with the same line of reasoning every time
once you give your questions, that can only ha ...[text shortened]... s completely brain dead and waits for the other to tell them
what they need to think.
Hang on Kelly, do I read this correctly? Are you saying that one should "interpret" scripture? That one should be aware of the "context" of scripture?

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Originally posted by amannion
Hang on Kelly, do I read this correctly? Are you saying that one should "interpret" scripture? That one should be aware of the "context" of scripture?
Everything you read should be done in "context" why would you not want that?
With respect to "interpret" you need to be aware of all the things I have said,
time, context, and so on. Reading instructions to do complex tasks require
effort and writting those types of instructions is an art, because if you write
something that can be taken three ways, odds are you are going to have your
task done correctly 33% of the time.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
Everything you read should be done in "context" why would you not want that?
With respect to "interpret" you need to be aware of all the things I have said,
time, context, and so on. Reading instructions to do complex tasks require
effort and writting those types of instructions is an art, because if you write
something that can be taken three ways, odds are you are going to have your
task done correctly 33% of the time.
Interpreting the bible makes christianity divide into innomerous fractions. Because there are so many interpretations of things the christian perple cannot ever agree. The bible is very interpretable in every detail. Some say this, some say that, from the same text, and they are ready to go to war over this.

Nostradamus texts are also interpretable in any way you like, exactly like the bible. You can interprete the prophecies in any direction you want. Like the bible. Very similar, indeed.

As the vedic scriptures...

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The book I have posted a the end of the article.

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