Originally posted by galveston75My eye sight is on the bad side too; however, that does not stop me from
Thanks and your welcome to. I appreciate the kindness.
But as I've explained before to a few here is I do have bad eye sight and it would take me forever to type out basically what I posted here. I do totally agree with this information or I would either not post it or would change what I didn't agree with.
But with all the scriptures that are includ ...[text shortened]... fer the messages and hope that Jesus said to spread. We wil only stop when Jesus says to stop.
making my own points over copy and paste, as well as giving credit to the
writer I have used when I do quote. I can also hold down the Ctrl button and
adjust the size of the text with my mouse to make it so I can see even without
my glasses. I again go back to being able to think for yourself, you copied
nearly an entire page of text, you couldn't come up with your own thoughts on
the topic?
You do not get credit for filling your posts with scripture, because as I have
laid out to you, you are stringing to together scripture in such a way that they
appear to prove your point, but when you look closely at the text they do not.
So having a lot of scripture in your posts is meaningless towards this as far as
proof is concern, if they don't mean what you’re attempting to imply.
You seem to be pushing Jesus being more worried about setting up an
organization than repairing man's relationship with God on an individual bases.
Being able to witness is not a numbers matter where you go out two by two,
it is a reflection of each of our lives! Our main goal in life is to love God and
to love others as ourselves, and our lives will be a beacon of truth. We will and
can go out to the world too, and if you want go out two by two, or three by
three, or four by four, or send a party somewhere to do a good work.
I'm afraid that you spend more time here pointing people to an organization
than you do to God through Jesus Christ.
Originally posted by KellyJayWell if I were as you say thinking for myself which I'm completely able to do I would still post what I did. I'm sorry that does not meet with your approval.
My eye sight is on the bad side too; however, that does not stop me from
making my own points over copy and paste, as well as giving credit to the
writer I have used when I do quote. I can also hold down the Ctrl button and
adjust the size of the text with my mouse to make it so I can see even without
my glasses. I again go back to being able to thi ...[text shortened]... e here pointing people to an organization
than you do to God through Jesus Christ.
But the point of Jesus is where we differ. Yes it is clear that Jesus is extremely instramental in ones gaining eternal life in the future and we are greatful for that opportunity if we remain faithful to the end. No one is saved until then.
But the scriptures make it clear that just believing in Jesus is only the beginning of what else he told us to do and how it would be done.
For some blind reason the 24th & 28th chapters of Matthew are ignored and not taken seriously. But then I do know it's because the religious leaders don't inforce and teach that to their flocks because they keep them blinded to that fact.
And Jesus did establish the congregations for a reason and it was recorded in the Bible for a reason.
So if you were to reread the scriptures with that in mind you may see that they do apply to what the post is saying.
Originally posted by galveston75Okay, we should just agree to disagree. My approval is not anything you need to
Well if I were as you say thinking for myself which I'm completely able to do I would still post what I did. I'm sorry that does not meet with your approval.
But the point of Jesus is where we differ. Yes it is clear that Jesus is extremely instramental in ones gaining eternal life in the future and we are greatful for that opportunity if we remain fai the scriptures with that in mind you may see that they do apply to what the post is saying.
be concern with, the fact you would rather post something that is being feed to
you instead of coming up with your reasons is completely up to you. I can now
see why you and all the others in your group don't disagree, they tell you what
to think and you parrot it out the same way, and I guess you actually would
prefer to use their words instead of your own.
The Jesus you believe in is not the same one you do I guess.
Originally posted by KellyJayAll I can say is the bible says one of the identifying marks of Jesus's true followers would be their unity, but yet you condemn that in us. Was Jesus wrong to say that? Was he just lying to us and that it's not to be taken seriously?
Okay, we should just agree to disagree. My approval is not anything you need to
be concern with, the fact you would rather post something that is being feed to
you instead of coming up with your reasons is completely up to you. I can now
see why you and all the others in your group don't disagree, they tell you what
to think and you parrot it out the sa ...[text shortened]... rds instead of your own.
The Jesus you believe in is not the same one you do I guess.
Read this again, stick to the point and don't concern yourself that I just pasted it, ( I've noticed when ones can't answer the issue being discussed, they attack some sideline point ) and explain why you disagree with the Bible and that no one should take this seriously and why you condemn us or apparently anyone else for trying to do this..................
1Cor 1:10
10 Now I exhort YOU, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that YOU should all speak in agreement, and that there should not be divisions among YOU, but that YOU may be fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought
Originally posted by galveston75It is by our fruit, not unity that you will know them! I'm not condemning you, I'm
All I can say is the bible says one of the identifying marks of Jesus's true followers would be their unity, but yet you condemn that in us. Was Jesus wrong to say that? Was he just lying to us and that it's not to be taken seriously?
Read this again, stick to the point and don't concern yourself that I just pasted it, ( I've noticed when ones can't a ...[text shortened]... mong YOU, but that YOU may be fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought
telling you, it apears that you guys are being feed something and it is that not
your brains that are being pushed out to the rest of us. I am saying you are not
rightly dividing the Word of God, and I have spelled out in detail to you a few
examles of this, you ignored my points. I'm not at all saying ignore scripture, I am
saying study it to show yourself appoved, not by some man here, but God! Quit
taking a little snip here and there and stringing them together to prove a point
they are saying. Simply having a lot of scripture in your posts does not make your
post scriptural if you are not rightly dividing it. I do think you are an honest
person as people go, but I do think somewhere along the way someone put a lot
of things into your head that are not really backed up by scripture if you look at
what the scripture really says.
Originally posted by galveston75You are applying scripture that is telling us how we should be with one another,
Oh I see. 1 Cor 1:10 and other scriptures should not be taken seriously and we should all ignor that point of unity being an identifying mark? Why is that? Could it be you know it does not apply to you and your opinions on the bible? Just asking the obvious....
but that was not the mark we are to use to know who belongs to the Lord. Again,
you are taking a scrpture and not applying it in proper context, yes we need to
agree with each other, but people who belong to the Lord, the fruit of their lives
will show others who belong to the Lord. You it seems are more worried about the
outside of the human cup, not the inside.
Originally posted by KellyJayWell actually you and others are applying the scriptures about being in the Lord wrong. Those scriptures only apply to the 144,000. Jesus spoke clearly of 2 groups or flocks, the Little Flock and the Great Crowd? How do you interpret those?
You are applying scripture that is telling us how we should be with one another,
but that was not the mark we are to use to know who belongs to the Lord. Again,
you are taking a scrpture and not applying it in proper context, yes we need to
agree with each other, but people who belong to the Lord, the fruit of their lives
will show others who belong to ...[text shortened]... Lord. You it seems are more worried about the
outside of the human cup, not the inside.
Originally posted by KellyJaySo you say 1Cor 1:10 is not correct?
It is by our fruit, not unity that you will know them! I'm not condemning you, I'm
telling you, it apears that you guys are being feed something and it is that not
your brains that are being pushed out to the rest of us. I am saying you are not
rightly dividing the Word of God, and I have spelled out in detail to you a few
examles of this, you ignored m ...[text shortened]... are not really backed up by scripture if you look at
what the scripture really says.
Originally posted by KellyJayYes of course how we act as Christians is a mark of a Christian. But your dismissing other identifying traits too. I don't know why but you are.
You are applying scripture that is telling us how we should be with one another,
but that was not the mark we are to use to know who belongs to the Lord. Again,
you are taking a scrpture and not applying it in proper context, yes we need to
agree with each other, but people who belong to the Lord, the fruit of their lives
will show others who belong to ...[text shortened]... Lord. You it seems are more worried about the
outside of the human cup, not the inside.
Many like yourself seem to thing that just being a good person and believeing in Christ is all Jesus asked of us. But there is a lot more to it. Again you still have not commented on Matt th 24th & 28th chapters.
Originally posted by KellyJay"not unity that you will know them!" Is this not your statement?
You did not see me say 1 Cor 1:10 is not correct.
A little more info on unity:
*** Insight Book-2 p. 886 Sect ***
The Greek word (hai′re‧sis, from which comes the English word “heresy&rdquo😉 thus translated means “choice” (Le 22:18, LXX) or “that which is chosen,” hence “a body of men separating themselves from others and following their own tenets [a sect or party].” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, 1889, p. 16) This term is applied to the adherents of the two prominent branches of Judaism, the Pharisees and Sadducees. (Ac 5:17; 15:5; 26:5) Non-Christians also called Christianity a “sect” or “the sect of the Nazarenes,” possibly viewing it as a break-off from Judaism.—Ac 24:5, 14; 28:22.
The founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ, prayed that unity might prevail among his followers (Joh 17:21), and the apostles were vitally interested in preserving the oneness of the Christian congregation. (1Co 1:10; Jude 17-19) Disunity in belief could give rise to fierce disputing, dissension, and even enmity. (Compare Ac 23:7-10.) So sects were to be avoided, being among the works of the flesh. (Ga 5:19-21) Christians were warned against becoming promoters of sects or being led astray by false teachers. (Ac 20:28; 2Ti 2:17, 18; 2Pe 2:1) In his letter to Titus, the apostle Paul directed that, after being admonished twice, a man who continued promoting a sect be rejected, evidently meaning that he be expelled from the congregation. (Tit 3:10) Those who refused to become involved in creating divisions within the congregation or in supporting a particular faction would distinguish themselves by their faithful course and give evidence of having God’s approval. This is apparently what Paul meant when telling the Corinthians: “There must also be sects among you, that the persons approved may also become manifest among you.”—1Co 11:19.