@dj2becker saidYou ignored the offer I made by PM.
lol you just said I ignored your inbox messages.
16 Oct 18
@dj2becker saidYou didn't respond to the PM, so I put it to you on the forum.
If I did respond you wouldn’t have had to inbox me.
@dj2becker saidYes we both have a conscience. We have discussed where it comes from, how it is shaped, and how it translates into action. We have discussed it at length in the past.
Your lies are on your own conscience assuming you still have one.
@fmf saidPaul identifies those who have a seared conscience in 1 Timothy 4:1–2: “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.” In this passage, we learn three things about false teachers who lead others into apostasy: 1) they are mouthpieces for evil spirits, since they promulgate “things taught by demons”; 2) they are hypocritical liars, since they wear a mask of holiness but are full of falsehood; and 3) they are unscrupulous, since their consciences have been cauterized. This explains much. How can false teachers lie with no shame and spread deception with no compunction? Because they have seared consciences. They are past feeling that lying is wrong.
Yes we both have a conscience. We have discussed where it comes from, how it is shaped, and how it translates into action. We have discussed it at length in the past.
16 Oct 18
@dj2becker saidPardon the long delay; I have a real job in the real world. Short coffee breaks allow only short answers. Long answers have to wait until I get home.
What if you take a screenshot of an already photoshopped image?
While it is true that a Photoshop header could theoretically be removed by some other program, and a screenshot of a manipulated screenshot would not reveal the presence of a Photoshop header, there are other means of detecting images which have been manipulated (using Photoshop or any other tool). Manipulations leave tell-tale traces which are obvious to the trained eye under maximum (pixel-level) magnification. I know of these matters through colleagues who are professional computer forensic analysts. They are sometimes called upon to examine images recovered from computers of purveyors of illegal pornography. You probably wouldn’t know about this sort of thing, but there is a market for celebrity fake porn. A celebrity’s head is pasted onto someone else’s body. The celebrity can sue for damages if it can be proved that the image was manipulated. (This is legally different from a paparazzi getting a genuine nude image of someone and publishing it). So, in answer to your question, yes it is possible to try to cover one’s tracks by removing the Photoshop header, but there will remain other indicators within the image content that an image has been manipulated.
Technical details aside, I want to address the question, whom one is to believe when X claims Y posted something offensive, Y denies it, and the moderators have deleted the evidence? If one has confidence in the moderators, then prima facie one should believe X’s claim and reject Y’s denial. If, on the other hand, one wishes to sustain Y’s denial that something offensive was posted, either because the moderators over-reacted or because there never was such a post, it is reasonable to expect some evidence beyond Y’s say-so.
If you don’t believe a screenshot posted to flickr is compelling evidence, then consider this: there are historical archives of websites, multiple iterations frozen in time. I do not know whether RHP is archived, but if it is, such an archive could be accessed to resolve such disputes, whether or not something was posted and, if posted, whether it was offensive under the TOS. If you worry that such archives too might have been manipulated, then you have issues beyond my competence to resolve.
16 Oct 18
@secondson saidMaybe that's why nothing ever changes around here.Well you’ve only been here 20 months so maybe you should give it time, pay some attention to what’s goong on...as someone once said in a movie “open your eyes, look around sometimes”
@dj2becker saidPossibly because most of the Christians in this forum are intellectually dishonest, unprincipled, partisan, vindictive individuals with a warped sense of morality and justice.
Birds of a feather...
The fact that Raj’s (and Dive’s) staunchest supporters are in the atheist camp is rather intriguing.
Other than that, you could be onto something.
16 Oct 18
@dj2becker saidEvery day I log on here and see anyone talking to you I am astonished.
If you really believed I had Autism and weren't using it as a cheap insult why did you continue you to talk to me?