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Discipleship and Ceasing from sin

Discipleship and Ceasing from sin


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@sonship said

In the meantime I'll comment on this.


God doesn't seem to have a problem, with people He has chosen, when it comes to sinning.

The forbearance or God and the patience of God seen multiple places in the Bible should not indicate to you He [i] "doesn't seem to have a problem with people he has chosen, when it comes to sinni ...[text shortened]... the Son of God.
Many were leading UP TO the Son of God, revealing their imperfections on the way.
You are missing the point. Others who committed lesser sins were stoned to death without mercy. The reason is that God chooses his boys and the basis of his decision is righteousness and obedience to his commandments. Those who are disobedient will not find favour / mercy with God.

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Why was the apple of God's eye a man who committed adultery and murder? Why wasn't the apple of God's eye a man who didn't commit adultery and murder?

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@ghost-of-a-duke said

Why was the apple of God's eye a man who committed adultery and murder? Why wasn't the apple of God's eye a man who didn't commit adultery and murder?
David and the whole country paid for those sins, God did not blow off those deeds because He liked David. David acknowledges his sins and owed up to them, and David even though he sinned was still trying to live a godly life, his personal conduct was towards living for God. With so many chances to do away Saul, he feared touching God’s anointed. We can see David’s writings how he longed for God. The thing about scripture it doesn’t hide our faults even God’s people are all sinners in need of forgiveness.

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@rajk999 said
You are missing the point. Others who committed lesser sins were stoned to death without mercy. The reason is that God chooses his boys and the basis of his decision is righteousness and obedience to his commandments. Those who are disobedient will not find favour / mercy with God.
Are you suggesting God judges people on a sliding scale, the good among us, to the not so bad, and the very bad?

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@ghost-of-a-duke said

Why was the apple of God's eye a man who committed adultery and murder? Why wasn't the apple of God's eye a man who didn't commit adultery and murder?
The same can be asked about Saul.
Surely there was a better candidate than a man murdering Christians.

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@chaney3 said
The same can be asked about Saul.
Surely there was a better candidate than a man murdering Christians.
Paul wrote most of the NT, and laid down his life for the gospel. The fact he was not a “good” choice according to us, only goes to show God can use worst of us to do great things.

God’s grace can give us new life instead of our sinful nature. I have met people who ministered with others who murdered their family members. Stop looking at our short comings and focus on our savior!

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Why was the apple of God's eye a man who committed adultery and murder? Why wasn't the apple of God's eye a man who didn't commit adultery and murder?

As far as I know the expression "pupil [or apple] of His eye" referred to the whole nation of Israel.

"For thus says Jehovah of hosts, After the glory He has sent Me against the nations who plunder you ; [Israel as a nation]
for he who touches you touches the pupil of His eye." (Zech. 2:8)

So you seem to be transferring the expression to the David individually.

Yes David committed and awful sin. And so did you and I. AWFUL.

Yet, you didn't read about the good shepherd forsook the 99 sheep to go rescue the 1 missing one ?

How about the Bible emphasize different angles of God's awesome character at different times? Yes, God said David was a man after His own heart.

A brother pointed out to me that on the threshing floor that David bought as a remedy for his sinning, God had the temple built. On the ground of the land David purchased as a kind of peace offering for his sinning God sovereignty had His temple built.

Brother Witness Lee pointed out to us that man's sin and repentance plus God's forgiveness results in God's building, His dwelling place.

Man's sin and repentance + God's forgiveness = the building of God's dwelling place.

It is not that God despised the ones who were obedient not to commit adultery. It was that He has atonement and propitiation for those who do.

I would regard it as twisted to accuse God of showing undue favoritism to the adulterer. Rather realize that all have sinned, all have fallen short, if not in this arena in another. Only ONE is perfect - the Son of God.

So David can be cleansed from his greedy lust.
And you and I can also in Christ.

"You have heard that it was said, You shall not commit adultery.

But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman in order to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matt. 5:27,28)

Rather than chide God for showing favoritism for an unworthy one, it is better to realize that his example is for the learning of all the rest of us. All have sinned. All have come short of the glory of God. All are in need of forgiveness, cleansing, and grace to overcome sinning.

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@thinkofone said
Jesus defines a slave as everyone who commits sin.
How can anyone reasonably both be a slave and be free from being a slave?
Keep in mind that those who commit sin remain a slave according to Jesus.
According to Jesus they remain a slave. They are not free from being a slave.
According to Jesus they are a slave. They are not free.

Actually think about it KJ. How can you not understand what Jesus is saying there?
1 Peter 2:9-11 English Standard Version (ESV)
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.

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