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Discipleship and Ceasing from sin

Discipleship and Ceasing from sin



@ghost-of-a-duke said
Well, if we're going down the repetition path, when Jesus said he was sent by God, was he?

(Whenever you link to that earlier post, the thread collectively chuckles at your inability to understand sarcasm. And I say that as a neutral observer).
The deceit and trolling continue. Once again, nothing new here.

GoaD started as a troll. He continues as a troll. See the following thread for ANOTHER example of his early efforts. Note how his posts were in an effort to "stir the pot" just like on this thread: 


@kellyjay said
I understand Him, it is your addition point to the actual words used that have nothing to do with the text where things fall apart.
Any chance that you'll actually address my post within the context of what we were discussing? If you have any integrity whatsoever, you will. If you remain true to form, you won't.

To help you out, you responded to the following. Do you need everything else laid out for you in painstaking detail as well?:
It might help if you understand the context. If you have a reasonable answer to the questions, then post them here. Thus far, G75, KJ and SS have come up with bupkis:

G75: How does one cease to sin?

ToO: Jesus provided an overview here:
John 8
34Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.
31...“If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; 32and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
His true disciples abide in His word and the truth makes them free from committing sin.

G75: I agree with Kelly. That scripture says nothing 'about ceasing to sin.'

ToO: Jesus says that His true disciples are made free from committing sin. How does that "say nothing 'about ceasing to sin'"? His disciples are made free from committing sin, but don't cease to sin? How does that work exactly?

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@thinkofone said
Any chance that you'll actually address my post within the context of what we were discussing? If you have any integrity whatsoever, you will. If you remain true to form, you won't.

To help you out, you responded to the following. Do you need everything else laid out for you in painstaking detail as well?:
It might help if you understand the context. If you hav ...[text shortened]... iples are made free from committing sin, but don't cease to sin? How does that work exactly?
I did address it, but you blew it off without saying why it fell short. If you cannot at least say why what I said didn't address you complaint, I'm not going to a few rounds attempting to explain things to you, that you refuse to hear.

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@kellyjay said
I did address it, but you blew it off without saying why it fell short. If you cannot at least say why what I said didn't address you complaint, I'm not going to a few rounds attempting to explain things to you, that you refuse to hear.
By all means, show how anything you've written actually addresses my post within the context of what we were discussing.

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Do you honestly believe that whatever "assumptions" people make about what you write are rightly called YOUR teaching?

For the most part, close they get. And especially so if the teacher will not bother to adjust misunderstandings of his position.

So, as far as I can tell, and you evade correction - Jesus never had disciples and never could in this world. Your treatment of John 8:34-36 amounts to a huge bucket of cold water you wish to pour out on anyone and everyone less then absolutely sinless who says that they follow Jesus as His disciple.

There will be no retraction from me on this analysis or "confession" that I lie.

I will say I noticed that you said something about being a disciple is about transformation. But I don't know what else you expect from your hearers except to sit back and marvel at your dubious "skills" of concealment, of esoteric avoidance of the most basic tenets of the New Testament Gospel.

I think you may have lied to yourself to the point of mental imbalance.

Do you think you teach the Gospel Jesus proclaimed ?

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@sonship said

Do you honestly believe that whatever "assumptions" people make about what you write are rightly called YOUR teaching?

For the most part, close they get. And especially so if the teacher will not bother to adjust misunderstandings of his position.

So, as far as I can tell, and you evade correction - Jesus never had disciples and never c ...[text shortened]... self [/b] to the point of mental imbalance.

Do you think you teach the Gospel Jesus proclaimed ?
"No one is a follower of Jesus. He has no disciples."

I never wrote that. I never wrote anything like that. You know full well I never wrote anything like that.

Yet you wrote and stand by the following:
I understand your teaching of "No one is a follower of Jesus. He has no disciples."

That makes YOU a liar. But you deny being what you are.

Therefore, if anyone has "lied to yourself to the point of mental imbalance", it is you.

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In the quotation marks is my paraphrase not a direct quote of ToO.

I understand your teaching of "No one is a follower of Jesus. He has no disciples."

It is noted that you preferred not to answer my simple question.

Do you think you teach the Gospel Jesus proclaimed ?


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@sonship said

It is noted that you preferred not to answer my simple question.

Do you think you teach the Gospel Jesus proclaimed ?

Evidently not only a liar, but a shamelessly unrepentant one at that.

The following may provide insight into both your behavior and inability to understand the gospel preached by Jesus while He walked the Earth.

John 8
43“Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My word. 44“You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45“But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me.

Do you need it explained to you?

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Do you need it explained to you?

Was that YES, you think you teach the Gospel proclaimed by Jesus or
was that NO, you do not think you teach the Gospel proclaimed by Jesus?


@sonship said

Do you need it explained to you?

Was that YES, you think you teach the Gospel proclaimed by Jesus or
was that NO, you do not think you teach the Gospel proclaimed by Jesus?
You're absolutely shameless.

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Do you think you teach the Gospel Jesus proclaimed ?

You're absolutely shameless.

I think a normally balanced mentality should be able to answer that simple question.

Your avoidance of it as well as others manifest some twisted and warped evasion techniques. All along the one who has needed to reasonably "C'mon" is you.


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@thinkofone said
The deceit and trolling continue. Once again, nothing new here.

GoaD started as a troll. He continues as a troll. See the following thread for ANOTHER example of his early efforts. Note how his posts were in an effort to "stir the pot" just like on this thread: 
Well, if we're going down the repetition path, when Jesus said he was sent by God, was he?

(Whenever you link to that earlier post, the thread collectively chuckles at your inability to understand sarcasm. And I say that as a neutral observer).

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It was a clever checkmate question.

Points to sonship.

He has the right to answer it and add any caveats to clarify his Yes or No. He does not have to refrain from extra explanation to make a qualifying reply.

That is as long as it clearly reveals his position.

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In the meantime I'll comment on this.


God doesn't seem to have a problem, with people He has chosen, when it comes to sinning.

The forbearance or God and the patience of God seen multiple places in the Bible should not indicate to you He "doesn't seem to have a problem with people he has chosen, when it comes to sinning."

Ecclesiastes 8:11 warns - "Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the children of men is fully set within them to do evil."

It is a grave error to count God's forbearance, patience, and prolonged timing to rectify as His not accounting any evil deed.

For instance, in Scripture, there is no king who was the apple of God’s eye like David. The heart of God had a special affection for the man who was later described by the Lord as, “a man after my heart, who will do all my will.” (Acts 13:33).

If you were to ask David if God looked the other way at David's sins I think his eyes would widen and he would shake his royal head "No indeed !"

You didn't read Psalm 51 after Nathan the prophet "reminded" David of his iniquity done to Uriah the Hittite and his wife? David committed adultery and murder to cover up his adultery. The rest of his life was under divine discipline for his sin.

Are we reading the same Bible?

A Bible study on the life of David, however, would not reveal a perfect man, but rather a man who failed and sinned in many ways. So the questions must be asked, Why did God love and bless David so much?

All the patriarchs were imperfect leading up to the Son of God.
Most had their significant failures recorded.
A few others seem to have a pristine record.

The point of the Old Testament includes that NONE were as the Son of God QUALIFIED "Lamb of God" to be the faultless, perfect offering on behalf of the world. And none were qualified to furnish His own life in the form of "life giving Spirit" to be imparted into people that they may learn to abide in mystical union with the Christ.

But to say God didn't care about the sins of any of them is wrong.
He saw them as being justified in Christ who was coming.

None were Jesus the Son of God.
Many were leading UP TO the Son of God, revealing their imperfections on the way.

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