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Dive is fake, pt. 2

Dive is fake, pt. 2



These people with their ancient grudges and resentments.



It's the hypocrisy of religionists that I find more fascinating, not so much their resentment etc.

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There is NOTHING about divegeester that would suggest he is a Christian.

In fact, he is normally a cruel poster who satan would be proud of.

Dive, you're a fraud, and I'm calling you out.

The man has an idol which he exalts here above God. His idol is human originality. The utmost thing he concerns himself with is crediting what he things are the originators of certain truths.

His continual insistence on siting sources on the surface appears to be professionalism in the realm of literature. What is really going on is his being distracted from god's truth by his idol of human originality.

it is not unusual for a detached and individualistic religious person who fails to be united with others, to hold ORIGINALITY as an idol to replace God.

Whether he is a Christian or not I don't know. I know he has an IDOL that means more to him then the truth from God - human originality.

Both Ghost and FMF, as atheists, have been influenced to lay hold of his idol. For they just want something ELSE besides God and God's truth to keep them away from the Divine.

You'll see how they have jumped on his coattails to hound me about originality and plagiarism. They've found a useful dupe to follow to bolster their atheism.


@sonship said
There is NOTHING about divegeester that would suggest he is a Christian.

In fact, he is normally a cruel poster who satan would be proud of.

Dive, you're a fraud, and I'm calling you out.

The man has an idol which he exalts here above God. His idol is human originality. The utmost thing he concerns himself with is crediting what he things ...[text shortened]... e about originality and plagiarism. They've found a useful dupe to follow to bolster their atheism.
What a load of self-righteous and pretentious codswallop, sonship. Good grief. You are an unapologetic plagiarist, plain and simple. The issue is not any other poster's "idol". The issue is not how calling you out for your behaviour is "replacing God" for another Christian. The issue is your vanity-stricken integrity. All the pompous twaddle in the world ~ see above ~ cannot disguise this fact.

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@sonship said
There is NOTHING about divegeester that would suggest he is a Christian.

In fact, he is normally a cruel poster who satan would be proud of.

Dive, you're a fraud, and I'm calling you out.

The man has an idol which he exalts here above God. His idol is human originality. The utmost thing he concerns himself with is crediting what he things ...[text shortened]... e about originality and plagiarism. They've found a useful dupe to follow to bolster their atheism.
Stop plagiarising the work of others. When you do that your words are void of integrity.

It really isn't any more complicated than that.

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@galveston75 said
A Christian under direction from Jesus is to have these qualities. It is not optional , it is a requirement:
Galatians 5:22, 23:
22 "On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith
23 mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law."

Even if it is not in our personality we have to strive daily ...[text shortened]... sponsibilities are to teach just as Jesus said. We have to have these qualities in order to do that.
Dive has proven, on these forums, that he does not have any of the attributes described in Galations.....and is okay with not trying to change.

Yet....he is quick to criticize others.

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@chaney3 said
Dive has proven, on these forums, that he does not have any of the attributes described in Galations
Do you?!


@chaney3 said
Dive has proven, on these forums, that he does not have any of the attributes described in Galations.....and is okay with not trying to change.

Yet....he is quick to criticize others.
What about the poster you are replying to - galveston75?


@fmf said
Oh, the irony. You didn't confront robbie carobbie once in all the years both you and he were posting here. You didn't even once aim this kind of little homily and Bible verse at him, even indirectly. Not once, and he was arguably one of the most "rude, condescending, hateful, condemning" jerks this forum ever had.
LOl. Foolish man. You have no idea what our private discussions were about.
And no he was not. Rajk has the crown on his head for that.


Oh I see. So your apology to me in front of all here was a lie? Wow, you really sink to a new low everyday.
What did you Rajk and FMF get drunk last night and get yourself's all worked up and now your showing the fools that you are today?


@chaney3 said
Dive has proven, on these forums, that he does not have any of the attributes described in Galations.....and is okay with not trying to change.

Yet....he is quick to criticize others.
It's sad. But the more he post and talks,the more it shows how far off from the basic teachings, such as love he's gotten away from.
None of us are perfect and have all the answers, I'm not for sure but some eventually seem to cross a line of no return and they never even know it.


@galveston75 said
LOl. Foolish man. You have no idea what our private discussions were about.
Why not have "private discussions" with ALL the people here you want to want to browbeat with Biblical sanctimoniousness? Why useless ineffective probably non-existent "private discussions" with some, and then hypoctritical self-sanctified ostentatious pontification with others?

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@galveston75 said
And no he was not. Rajk has the crown on his head for that.
Don't you think robbie carobbie was arguably ONE OF THE most "rude, condescending, hateful, condemning" jerks this forum ever had? You say you had "private discussions" with him - presumably, those discussions were about that, right?

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