@sonship saidYou seem flustered sonship. Calm down.
You didn't intend these words to be shaming words ? -
[quote] Trying to preach-your-preach to people who find your idea of 'god' to be a monstrous tyrant. Eternal suffering destroys the gospel don't do see that? The persecution you probably feel you get in here is not because of the gospel or the name of Jesus (which are the only legitimate causes of pers ...[text shortened]... judgment for the Devil and his angels and those who follow them is monsterously TYRANTICAL of God ?
You seem flustered sonship. Calm down.
When you start getting trite and referring to emotions, with sparse little posts, I begin to wonder - "Where's the beef?"
Deal with the issue.
Many statements about God's endurance, mercy, longsuffering, patience, love, pardon, redemption, forgiveness, overlooking sins, pity even, are in the Bible.
"As a father pities his children so the Lord pities those who fear Him." (Psalm 102;13)
There are also some passages about severe judgment - even eternal punishment. On what bases should I only accept the former but regard the latter as indicative of a MONSTROUS TYRANT?
You should be able to address this whether I am calm or excited.
Psalm 136 repeats that God's mercy or loving kindness endures FOREVER.
But Malachi speaks of the people against whom God will have indignation forever.
On what bases should I believe the former comforting utterance of Psalm 136 but disbelieve the stern warning of Malachi?
Instead of beholding BOTH the kindness and severity of God (Romans 11:22) by what method do I ONLY behold His kindness and disbelieve in His severity?
Romans 11:22
"Behold then the kindness and severity of God; ... "
Your beliefs are an affront to the gospel and a sleight on the merciful [ nature ] of Jesus Christ.
Why do you not recognize God ridding the new universe of unrepentant enemies of Jesus Christ as merciful those saved people who inherit that new creation?
Why isn't His mercy manifested TO THE SAVED to keep away from them and confined to their own place of punishment the eternally UNRECONCIALBE ?
Why is that NOT God's mercy to His saved saints ?
Your beliefs are an affront to the gospel and a sleight on the merciful [nature] of Jesus Christ.
If millions refuse to be justified and to be made righteous in God's salvation, isn't it merciful for God to keep them away from the saved ?
The Apostle Peter says -
"But according to His promise we are expecting new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells." ( 2 Pet. 3:13)
Why is that NOT a manifestation of the merciful nature of Jesus Christ to those who inherit that age, to keep the unrighteous OUT of it ?
Would it be "merciful" of God to His saved people to allow UNRIGHTEOUSNESS to continue to flourish and run rampant in the new universe ?
In the Bible the mightiest exclamation of praise to God is in the word "Hallelujah" . The meaning of this high exultant word Hallujah is "Praise You Jah!"
The very first occurrence in the Bible of the word is in Psalm 104:35 in prospect of Divine Judgment finally ridding the earth of sinners.
" Let sinners be consumed out of the earth, And let the wicked be no more. Bless the Lord, O my soul, Hallelujah!" (Psa. 104:35)
The first occurrence of "Hallelujah" in the New Testament is in Revelation 19:1-3. Similarly it occurs at the end of God's long long period of toleration when He judges finally His enemies, to avenge His justified saints.
"I heard as it were a great voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, Hallelujah: Salvation, and glory, and power, belong to our God:
for true and righteous are His judgments; for He has judged the great harlot, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and He has avenged the blood of His servants at her hand.
And a second time they have said, HALLELUJAH! And her smoke goes up unto the ages of the ages." (Rev. 19:1-3)
If the praisers of this multitude have been conformed to the image of Christ, wouldn't their exaltation be in harmony with God's attitude about FINALLY putting an end to wickedness in the earth?
Then their heart has come into full fellowship with the heart of God. If I cannot cry Hallelujah that the smoke of eternal judgment goes up forever and ever today, someday I will.
If you are saved and conformed to the image of Christ, reflecting His heart, won't you also rejoice at this ultimate vindication of Christ against His long tolerated enemies ?
"Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son ... that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers." (Rom. 8:29) [/b]
I want to know if you will be there rebuking that heavenly multitude for defacing the merciful nature of Christ, because of thier eventual praises at His victory?
Will you be condemning them saying ? -
" ... your idea of 'god' to be a monstrous tyrant. "
"Your beliefs are an affront to the gospel and a sleight on the merciful [ nature ] of Jesus Christ."
It is true that Jesus rebuked the two "sons of thunder" - James and John for wanting to call down fire upon towns that rejected Christ. See Luke 9:54. Jesus scolded them correcting them that He came then to save men's lives and not to destroy them.
But eventually, there appears a time when Christ's servants will say His judgments are " true and righteous. "
"I heard as it were a great voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, Hallelujah: Salvation, and glory, and power, belong to our God:
for true and righteous are His judgments; for He has judged the great harlot, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and He has avenged the blood of His servants at her hand.
And a second time they have said, Hallelujah! And her smoke goes up unto the ages of the ages." (Rev. 19:1-3)
Doesn't the Bible say in Ecclesiastes that there is a TIME for every purpose under heaven?
AT this time will you argue that God's judgments are NOT true and are NOT righteous ?
@sonship saidDo you ever stop and consider that you might be wrong about something?
It is true that Jesus rebuked the two "sons of thunder" - James and John for wanting to call down fire upon towns that rejected Christ. See Luke 9:54. Jesus scolded them correcting them that He came then to save men's lives and not to destroy them.
But eventually, there appears a time when Christ's servants will say His judgments are [b]" true ...[text shortened]... r heaven?
AT this time will you argue that God's judgments are NOT true and are NOT righteous ?
Are you up for my “checkmate” question yet?