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Evolution and meat: Berkeley University

Evolution and meat: Berkeley University


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Originally posted by RJHinds
It is in the Holy Bible, the word of truth. I am not making anything up.
It is the evolutionary scientist who have made things up.
The bible doesn't prove anything.

You say it's in the bible, the bible is true.
I say how do you know the bible is true,
you say because the bible says so, or I just know it...

thus the bible is true because the bible says it is true.

This is circular.

You know That neither I, nor anyone else not already in your religion,
and not even all (possibly most) of them, will accept the bible as pure
fact/truth or proof of anything other than its own existence.

So when I say prove it you Know that I am not going to ever accept
because the bible says so as a satisfactory (or really any kind of) answer.

If you believe that the bible is literally true, and the word of god, to be followed
in its entirety, with total faithfulness...
Explain to me how you justify the part that says that a man who rapes an unmarried
virgin woman should be made to marry his victim.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29

You either have to accept this as true in which case you are abominable.

Or you have to accept that this is abominable and that not everything in the bible can be true or just.

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Yeah, me too. If that's what vegetarianism does to you, include me out!

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Originally posted by googlefudge
The bible doesn't prove anything.

You say it's in the bible, the bible is true.
I say how do you know the bible is true,
you say because the bible says so, or I just know it...

thus the bible is true because the bible says it is true.

This is circular.

You know That neither I, nor anyone else not already in your religion,
and not even all ...[text shortened]... ve to accept that this is abominable and that not everything in the bible can be true or just.
In those days this was a way of punishing the man and making him
responsible for the woman and any child that would result.
The Holy Bible proves itself to be true by telling the end from the
beginning. No other book has done this. Everything that archeologist
have been able to investigate have proven to agree with the accounts
recorded in the Holy Bible. Noah's boat has been discovered in the
mountains where the Holy Bible said it came to rest. The places that
are mentioned in the Holy Bible that was once thought to have been
mythical places have been discovered. The Holy Bible speaks of
real people and places that have been verified, not made up places
like fairy tales. The Shroud of Turin appears to be the burial cloth of
Christ because it has all the evidence of a tortured and crucified man
whose legs were not broken to ensure death like is normally the way
the Romans did it, but with a large blood stain at the side consistent
with a spear described in the Holy BIble. There were also blood stains
around his head consistent with the crown of thorns that was pressed
on the head of Jesus and evidence of the whipping to his back. There
is so much evidence that proves the Holy Bible that it would take a
book to completely list them all. I think men have already attempted
to list some of them in books. Search it out.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
In those days this was a way of punishing the man and making him
responsible for the woman and any child that would result.
The Holy Bible proves itself to be true by telling the end from the
beginning. No other book has done this. Everything that archeologist
have been able to investigate have proven to agree with the accounts
recorded in the Holy ...[text shortened]... t them all. I think men have already attempted
to list some of them in books. Search it out.
Noah's boat has been discovered in the mountains where the Holy Bible said it came to rest.

No it hasn't.

The places that are mentioned in the Holy Bible that was once thought to have been mythical places have been discovered.

Which places? Thought 'mythical' by whom?

The Holy Bible speaks of real people and places that have been verified, not made up places like fairy tales.

All of them? Are you sure about that?

The Shroud of Turin...

The image would be distorted if it had been transferred from a body around which it was wrapped. The image is not distorted.

There is so much evidence that proves the Holy Bible that it would take a
book to completely list them all.

All of the 'evidence' simply shows that these fairy tales were set in the real world. This is not an uncommon practice:

There really is a place called 'Hamelin'; do you think that makes the Pied Piper real? The epic 'Beowulf' is set in the real world; do you think this proves that Grendel existed? Mount Olympus is a real place; do you accept this as proof that Zeus and the rest of the Greek gods live at it's summit?

And all of this aside, if the fundamental elements of your religion were proven, your faith would be debased. Why would you wish this?

Finally, take a look at this link:


It's just one among many websites which details areas where archaeology is most certainly not in agreement with the bible.

Not that I expect you to listen to reason or, indeed, anything else that disagrees with you.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
It is in the Holy Bible, the word of truth. I am not making anything up.
It is the evolutionary scientist who have made things up.
Your 'holy bible' was just written by men to control other men, build a power base. No god was needed to write the bible, just men with a gift of tale tales. Now we call it science fiction or fantasy.

It doesn't take a god to come up with good sayings, every religion is full of them. Since you know other religions are not from god you have to know that. The thing is, those other religions also think YOUR religion does not come from god either so from their POV your bible is fantasy to them.

You can't all be right, but you sure as heck can all be wrong.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
In those days this was a way of punishing the man and making him
responsible for the woman and any child that would result.
The Holy Bible proves itself to be true by telling the end from the
beginning. No other book has done this. Everything that archeologist
have been able to investigate have proven to agree with the accounts
recorded in the Holy ...[text shortened]... t them all. I think men have already attempted
to list some of them in books. Search it out.
"In those days this was a way of punishing the man and making him
responsible for the woman and any child that would result.

Are... You... frikin... kidding!!!!!!

You think being forced to marry the woman you RAPED is a punishment?!?!?!?

What about the woman? Having been raped you think the best thing for her is to be
married off to the guy who raped her?

You think that the best advice your god could come up with was to advise that rapists be
forced to marry the person they raped?

It actually used to be a way of improving your lot in life, if you were the poor homely
looking lad and fancied the good looking rich man's daughter you could rape her, pay
the fine, and marry up.

And you feel you can JUSTIFY this????

you are sooo deep down in the hole you are digging the light is just a tiny dot far far above you.

There is NO POSSIBLE WAY of justifying this passage in the bible.

When I said to believe in this is abominable I was not kidding.

You can not claim to have ANY kind of morals worth the name if you think you can justify this.

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Originally posted by googlefudge
[b]"In those days this was a way of punishing the man and making him
responsible for the woman and any child that would result.

Are... You... frikin... kidding!!!!!!

You think being forced to marry the woman you RAPED is a punishment?!?!?!?

What about the woman? Having been raped you think the best thing for her is to be
married ou can not claim to have ANY kind of morals worth the name if you think you can justify this.[/b]
I'll second that and third it too. Then there is also the verse that says a man is worth 50 shekels and a woman 35. Kind of says it all, doesn't it? The standard answer for that one is, Well they are talking about the labor a man can do vs a labor a woman can do.

All well and good but what about the stuff only a woman can do like, oh, have babies?

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Originally posted by sonhouse
I'll second that and third it too. Then there is also the verse that says a man is worth 50 shekels and a woman 35. Kind of says it all, doesn't it? The standard answer for that one is, Well they are talking about the labor a man can do vs a labor a woman can do.

All well and good but what about the stuff only a woman can do like, oh, have babies?
There isn't enough room in 10 posts to list all the things wrong with the bible.

But for those saying the bible is the literal truth you only need one to prove them
wrong and I'm sticking to this one.

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Originally posted by googlefudge
There isn't enough room in 10 posts to list all the things wrong with the bible.

But for those saying the bible is the literal truth you only need one to prove them
wrong and I'm sticking to this one.
Both verses show how biased the whole bible is towards women. Not a religion I could ever believe came from any kind of rational god I would like. If that is a real god, please put me in another universe without gods or demons.

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Dasa deserves an apology for such a statement.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Your 'holy bible' was just written by men to control other men, build a power base. No god was needed to write the bible, just men with a gift of tale tales. Now we call it science fiction or fantasy.

It doesn't take a god to come up with good sayings, every religion is full of them. Since you know other religions are not from god you have to know that. ...[text shortened]... bible is fantasy to them.

You can't all be right, but you sure as heck can all be wrong.
There is only one truth and you do not know it; and even thought it has been
announced to you over and over, you refuse to accept it due to the hardness
of your heart.

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Originally posted by googlefudge
[b]"In those days this was a way of punishing the man and making him
responsible for the woman and any child that would result.

Are... You... frikin... kidding!!!!!!

You think being forced to marry the woman you RAPED is a punishment?!?!?!?

What about the woman? Having been raped you think the best thing for her is to be
married ...[text shortened]... ou can not claim to have ANY kind of morals worth the name if you think you can justify this.[/b]
I believe Jesus said that rules such as the one you mention was put in
place by Moses just like his divorce rule due to the hardness of the peoples
hearts. These rules were not meant to be in the beginning by God.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
In those days this was a way of punishing the man and making him
responsible for the woman and any child that would result.
The Holy Bible proves itself to be true by telling the end from the
beginning. No other book has done this. Everything that archeologist
have been able to investigate have proven to agree with the accounts
recorded in the Holy ...[text shortened]... t them all. I think men have already attempted
to list some of them in books. Search it out.

I admire your theism - but blindly accepting the Bible will find you on very shaky ground.

The Bible is a recent historical creation - compiled by meat eaters and politically motivated men who where spiritually unqualified.

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Originally posted by Dasa

I admire your theism - but blindly accepting the Bible will find you on very shaky ground.

The Bible is a recent historical creation - compiled by meat eaters and politically motivated men who where spiritually unqualified.
But how do you know this? You give no proof. I do not blindly accept
the Holy Bible. I do have my reasons for accepting it and it is not all
blind faith as many people seem to think. I don't understand how you
could know how many of those that compiled the Holy Bible were meat
eaters and how many were vegetarians. What about the ones that did
the actual writing of each book in the Holy Bible? Which ones were meat
eaters and which ones were vegetarians? How can you know and what
difference would that make on the truth that is written? How can they
be spiritually unqualified if God approved of them to do the writing? In
what way were each of the writers politically motivated and what did
they gain politically from writing what they wrote?

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