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For Everyone who judges

For Everyone who judges


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Everyone who judges others needs to know these things.
All of us who judge others should be aware.

"Therefore you are without excuse, O every man who judges, for in what you judge another you condemn yourself." (Rom. 2:1)

We all like to speak out our opinion. We judge others. Sometimes we have to. Sometimes we should. But the Bible informs that God knows and infallibly so that too often we do the same things.

" . . . for in what you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things."

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Paul's Roman letter outlines the basis of God's condemnation before he embarks on the basis of God's justification. One section of the condemnation section is on
the condemnation on all self righteous attitudes.

"Therefore you are without excuse ... "

That includes me, sonship. You too whoever you are who passes
judgment based on the knowledge of good and evil.

" . . . for in what you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same thing,"

Huh? But I thought nobody else knew. I thought no one else noticed. At least lots of times I thought that was just a secret. I could judge others but what I have done is my private affair.

Fool. You think there is no Ultimate Observer? That's foolish.

Paul developing his section on Condemnation says that "the judgment of God is according to TRUTH ..."

"But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth upon those who practice such things." (Rom. 2:2)

Coming out of the loose as a goose 60s this verse hit me like a bucket of cold water, like a ton of bricks. I thought it was ALL relative. And to this young Christian someone pointed out to me -

" . . . the judgment of God is according to truth . . .". There is an ultimate moral truth by which I would be judged. In fact often I use it to judge others. Not always accurately do I do so. Not always with full knowledge of all the situation I do so.

There is One who judges infallibly. "What about you?" It is not wise to have no fear of God.

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In the Recovery Version the outline describing Paul's points has
II. Condemnation 1:18 - 3:20
A. On Mankind Generally 1:18 - 32
B. On the Self Righteous Particularly 2:1-16
C. On the Religious Specifically 2:17-3:8
D. On All the world Totally 3:9-20.

B. is what I have been contemplating lately and in this thread.

"And do you consider this, O man, who judge those who practice such things and do the same yourself, that you will escape the judgment of God?" (2:3)

The existence of your conscience informing you that there is right and wrong, good and evil, should be evidence to you that there is an Ultimate Moral Judge.

Its not chemicals bouncing together that are informing us of these truths.
We may not always get it right in judging.
But that does not mean that NO ONE exists who does.
God does.

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@sonship said

There is One who judges infallibly. "What about you?" It is not wise to have no fear of God.
Personally, I think it is not wise to 'have' fear of a non-existent God.

“Do not judge. Assess.”

Naide P Obiang

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I agree that there is no need to fear a non-existent god.

And I agree that it is not wise to have no fear of God who exists.

Any sense of autonomy at having no fear of a non-existent god is really not
worth the peril of assuming your hypocrisy in judging others will only melt peacefully into the dust.

Its a gamble not worth risking.
Stalin can offer his scathing critique of his neighbor's evils.
Sure he can. And so can everyone.

You want to assume some grandiose machismo renders you autonomous and your own evils will not be noticed? Its not smart.

Fear of a non-existent deity is not wise.
Assumption of a non-existent immunity isn't either.

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@sonship said
Everyone who judges others needs to know these things.
All of us who judge others should be aware.

"Therefore you are without excuse, O every man who judges, for in what you judge another you condemn yourself." (Rom. 2:1)

We all like to speak out our opinion. We judge others. Sometimes we have to. Sometimes we should. But the Bible informs tha ...[text shortened]... or in what you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things." [/b]
Read the context. Paul here is condemning the Jews for judging the Gentiles works and righteousness. Christ and all the Apostles issued the same warnings. Making a judgment on whether or on others do good works or are righteous is condemned . You are guilty of doing that.

However making a judgment on whether or not someone is PREACHING the correct doctrine is critical. You preach a doctrine completely contrary to the doctrine of Christ and contrary to Paul. Further, you condemn others who do not agree with your doctrine. Christians are REQUIRED to listen to false preachers and judge for themselves whether or not they are preaching the truth and warn others about their false teachings.

Judging others on the matter of works and righteousness - WRONG
Judging whether or not the teachings of preachers are the truth - RIGHT.

Your teachings are false.


@sonship said

I agree that there is no need to fear a non-existent god.

And I agree that it is not wise to have no fear of God who exists.

Any sense of autonomy at having no fear of a non-existent god is really not
worth the peril of assuming your hypocrisy in judging others will only melt peacefully into the dust.

Its a gamble not worth risking.
Stal ...[text shortened]... .

Fear of a non-existent deity is not wise.
Assumption of a non-existent immunity isn't either.
There is 'no' risk of peril, for God does not exist. As a consequence, fear of Him is unrequired.

Similarly, I do not fear the bogeyman or feel in any way at peril for lacking such fear.



Scoffing. Once you do it. That's pretty much the end of it.

In your next post instead of scoffing explain in your view how
molecules and atoms interact to cause judgments and conscience to discern
what one ought to do and ought not to have done.

Help you atheist friends on that part since you have only scoffs for me.

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Scoffing. Once you do it. That's pretty much the end of it.

In your next post instead of scoffing explain in your view how
molecules and atoms interact to cause judgments and conscience to discern
what one ought to do and ought not to have done.

Help you atheist friends on that part since you have only scoffs for me.

Scoffer, "boogey man" lampooner,

Takes a tiny bit more effort doesn't it Ghost?

Waiting for some other person to step in, maybe buy you some time?


@sonship said

Scoffing. Once you do it. That's pretty much the end of it.

In your next post instead of scoffing explain in your view how
molecules and atoms interact to cause judgments and conscience to discern
what one ought to do and ought not to have done.

Help you atheist friends on that part since you have only scoffs for me.
How is my certainty of God's non-existence scoffing?

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@sonship said
Scoffing. Once you do it. That's pretty much the end of it.

In your next post instead of scoffing explain in your view how
molecules and atoms interact to cause judgments and conscience to discern
what one ought to do and ought not to have done.

Help you atheist friends on that part since you have only scoffs for me.

Scoffer, "boogey man" lampoo ...[text shortened]... more effort doesn't it Ghost.

Waiting for some other person to step in, maybe buy you some time?
Your expectation for a person not believing in your God to have fear of your God and feel at peril is completely nonsensical.

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Question for a question.

Why am I not surprised?

Get to work on explaining in your naturalistic / materialistic atheism
about your recognizing moral outrage (like a boogey man) or the evil of
scaring people for no reason like bullying children. Is this ability due to
evil molecules or bad atoms combining with good atoms and good molecules to make moral judgments?

Get to work on that. Help the fellas and gals looking to you to be
their guide into atheism as a better belief then God. They're looking to your
fearless leadership. Put some words on it.

Next post.

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Still not alternative explanation of your naturalistic based moral universe.

our expectation for a person not believing in your God to have fear of your God and feel at peril is completely nonsensical.

Explain what I asked you. Do it for the sake of your atheist friends.

Having trouble organizing your thoughts or what?

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Well folks, I was already to write some good usually verbose (to some) things about Paul's section on the condemnation of the self righteous.

But first I'll give Scoffer Ghost of a Duke a chance to shine for his supporters.
I'll give him some time to come forward like the big brave no fear machoman anti-theist that he is to explain about a materialistic only moral abilities of human kind.

He's going to help you understand the sheer nonsense (as he scoffs) of there being any more to moral judgment then interacting atomic particles.

Let's see if he does anything or just keeps scoffing at a Christian.

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@sonship said

Question for a question.

Why am I not surprised?

Get to work on explaining in your naturalistic / materialistic atheism
about your recognizing moral outrage (like a boogey man) or the evil of
scaring people for no reason like bullying children. Is this ability due to
evil molecules or bad atoms combining with good atoms and good molecules ...[text shortened]... f then God. They're looking to your
fearless leadership. Put some words on it.

Next post.
Fellow atheists, it is okay not to know the answers to the great mysteries of life and not feel compelled to attribute them to a fictional deity.

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