11 Sep 17
Originally posted by @dj2beckerYou've missed the point. My comment about sonship boasting in the past about having not read my posts is in regard to sonship's definition of "coward" earlier on this page. Could you not discern that?
Do you think you are entitled to have Sonship read your posts?
11 Sep 17
Originally posted by @fmfWhat I have discerned is that you have once again dodged my question with a giant goose step.
You've missed the point. My comment about sonship boasting in the past about having not read my posts is in regard to sonship's definition of "coward" earlier on this page. Could you not discern that?
11 Sep 17
Originally posted by @dj2beckerWhat is the issue in your mind? I have read thousands of sonship's posts and he has read thousands of mine. We have engaged in discussions across hundreds and hundreds of threads stretching back a decade or more. What does this have to do with me saying to you that your sense of entitlement, when it comes to your access to things I don't feel like discussing with you, is swollen? What does it have to do with sonship accusing FabianFnas of being a coward? What does it have to do with this thread on which sonship appears to have read all my posts and I have read all his?
What I have discerned is that you have once again dodged my question with a giant goose step.
11 Sep 17
Originally posted by @fmfThe issue that I have pointed out here is you again dodging my question. I simply asked if you think you are entitled to have Sonship read your posts. It's a simple yes or no. Obviously you are welcome to dodge it again.
What is the issue in your mind? I have read thousands of sonship's posts and he has read thousands of mine. We have engaged in discussions across hundreds and hundreds of threads stretching back a decade or more. What does this have to do with me saying to you that your sense of entitlement, when it comes to your access to things I don't feel like discussing wi ...[text shortened]... do with this thread on which sonship appears to have read all my posts and I have read all his?
Originally posted by @dj2beckerThere is no issue of "entitlement" between me and sonship, and certainly not one that's any business of yours. We have read and written hundreds and hundreds of posts to each other. Both of use ignore and engage stuff as we see fit.
The issue that I have pointed out here is you again dodging my question. I simply asked if you think you are entitled to have Sonship read your posts. It's a simple yes or no. Obviously you are welcome to dodge it again.
As for between you and me, you clearly think you are entitled to ask and get an answer to questions even when I am not interested, when I think you are trolling me, or when I have already answered them and you are re-asking them regardless. You are not.
There is no comparison between you and sonship as contributors to discourse on this forum. It has never entered my thoughts that sonship is a troll. Never. The same can't be said for you.
You have been going on about this now for a dozen or more posts: is it that you want me to like you? Are you craving my respect?
11 Sep 17
Originally posted by @fmfFine, I was merely pointing out my observation. If you are happy with people ignoring your posts just say so.
There is no issue of "entitlement" between me and sonship, and certainly not one that's any business of yours. We have read and written hundreds and hundreds of posts to each other. Both of use ignore and engage stuff as we see fit.
As for between you and me, you clearly think you are entitled to ask and get an answer to questions even when I am not interes ...[text shortened]... s now for a dozen or more posts: is it that you want me to like you? Are you craving my respect?
11 Sep 17
Originally posted by @divegeesterI believe you will find out about the error of your belief soon enough.
Do you believe there will at some point appear a [i]literal [/]"beast with seven heads and ten horns then"?
11 Sep 17
Originally posted by @divegeesterPeople gravitate to what suits their personality. Sonship likes talk would lean to the bible passages that favour talking and ignore those passages which condemn talking only. A doctrine therefore which encourages the following would therefore appeal to his conscience
Have you found that sonship, have you really?
- repetitive proclamations of love for God,
- claiming to love of Christ,
- constantly praising God,
- talking about how God is working in him and perfecting him
While none of those are bad, if they are a substitute for action and doing then they are useless.
11 Sep 17
Originally posted by @dj2beckerPeople ignoring on-topic and on-target questions is often part of the discourse. I'm OK with that.
Fine, I was merely pointing out my observation. If you are happy with people ignoring your posts just say so.
Originally posted by @rajk999People gravitate to what suits their personality. Sonship likes talk would lean to the bible passages that favour talking
People gravitate to what suits their personality. Sonship likes talk would lean to the bible passages that favour talking and ignore those passages which condemn talking only. A doctrine therefore which encourages the following would therefore appeal to his conscience
- repetitive proclamations of love for God,
- claiming to love of Christ,
- constantl ...[text shortened]... hile none of those are bad, if they are a substitute for action and doing then they are useless.
My needs consist of presenting a balanced view of the revelation of God.
For that reason I also started thread which we about the side of the saved man's responsibility before God.
To show that there were more than one side, i started thread which examined things from another angle. That is a real need i have as a presenter of the Bible's message.
and ignore those passages which condemn talking only.
I didn't ignore passages. I have taken the initiative to discuss verses in hebrews, parables of servants, lessons of reward and punishment, and warnings in the New Testament.
Your little summary is misrepresentative of my activity.
What YOU most is when I pushback on your legalism and assault of the assurance of salvation.
That is what YOUR personality took most note of.
A doctrine therefore which encourages the following would therefore appeal to his conscience
- repetitive proclamations of love for God,
lol. The Bible itself repeats itself much.
Important themes are repeated in many different ways.
I have a need for some seekers to come along the same path that I myself came.
You hear many times. One day the Holy Spirit takes away the veil - and you SEE it.
11 Sep 17
Repetition is therefore not something I plan to cease from.
" I am the resurrection and the life."
One day I pray that some readers will see it simultaneously with touching Christ the living Son of God.
Another repetition that I hope one day the reader/s sees by revelation -
"the last Adam [Christ] became a life giving Spirit" (1 Cor. 15:45)
We cannot see Him physically. But He can come INTO our being and give Himself TO us.
To give divine life is to give us God - to give us God IN Jesus Christ.
- claiming to love of Christ,
Lord have mercy! This bears a LOT of repeating!
- constantly praising God,
Praise is trust, gratitude and thankfulness.
Praise and thanksgiving to God is the practical way of keeping one's heart in the condition of leaning not on one's own understanding but relying on God.
" Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, And do not rely on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5,6)
We are told in the New Testament to "ALWAYS REJOICE". This shuts the mouth of the enemy to fill us with doubt. And God honors our thanksgiving.
" Always rejoice.
Unceasingly pray
In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Do not quench the Spirit;
Prove all things, Hold fast to that which is good.
Abstain from every form of evil. " (1 Thess. 5:16-22)
My experience is that this kind of praying without ceasing or praying without stopping, is like breathing. You continuously breath.
You may go long without eating or drinking.
You cannot go on living long if you do not breath.
Moment by moment we breath.
Spiritually the Christian ALSO needs to BREATH in prayer and communion with the Holy Spirit.
Spiritually, if you stop breathing, you die.
So the Christian hymn writer said it well -
" Blessed Jesus! Mighty Savior!
In Thy Name is all I need;
Just to breath the name of Jesus.
Is to drink of life indeed."
Breathing in the name of Jesus is healthy to keep the believer vital and living.
Praising is TRUSTING.
The opposite is murmuring and doubting.
God so honors the thankful and praising saint.
For the Christian it is an admission of "Not I but Christ".
It is to know that Christ is everything and all that we need.
Praising keeps the mind stayed on God because it TRUSTS in God.
American Standard Version isaiah 26:3
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is'stayed on thee ; because he trusteth in thee.
What do you think "Pray without ceasing" means ?
It must mean that almost unconsciously, we commune with God.
There is a moment by moment fellowship of our openness to Him and His flowing into our soul.
This is like breathing in the natural life.
In the spiritual life we need to not stop breathing in the Lord - the life giving Spirit.
"Just to breath the Name of Jesus is to drink of life indeed."
This is the way to "Abstain from every form of evil" - by fresh constant fellowship with Christ the Victor.
- talking about how God is working in him and perfecting him
I talk about God's eternal purpose to WORK HIMSELF into His redeemed people.
The "perfecting" is God working into the fabric of man's being THE Perfect One - Jesus Christ.
" My children, with whom I travail again in birth until Christ is formed in you." (Gal. 4:19)
The Apostle Paul labored to have Christ FORMED in the Christians.
That is have God work Christ INTO their beings.
We can cooperate by trusting Christ via our praise and thanksgiving. This is to stay in touch with the living and available Christ Who is to us the Holy Spirit.
"Breath in Christ,
Breath in Life.
Breath Him in today.
He's our very life supply,
So breath Him right away. "
Originally posted by @sonshipDo yo think you are good Christian to follow?
Breathing in the name of Jesus is healthy to keep the believer vital and living. Praising is TRUSTING. The opposite is murmuring and doubting.
Who in this forum is, in your opinion, a good Christian to follow?
Originally posted by @divegeesterI don't think sonship is a good christian to follow.
Do yo think you are good Christian to follow?
Who in this forum is, in your opinion, a good Christian to follow?
I rarely read what he reads, more than the beginning few lines. If he cannot catch my attention until then, I happily quit the rest.
So who read his litanies? Perhaps those who are the same as him.
He has nothing to teach me, other than to study how a personality of his works.
However, there are good christian people here that I deeply respect as persons. They are a good ambassadeurs for christianity. I would very well enjoy a nice IRL discussion over a beer. Perhaps even invite myself to one of the sermons he is attending.