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Good Christians to Follow

Good Christians to Follow



12 Jul 08
09 Sep 17

Originally posted by @sonship
God's intention is to work Himself into His saved people.
God's will is to wrought what He is in life and nature into His people.
Are you qualified to determine who these people are?


28 Oct 05
09 Sep 17

Originally posted by @eladar
So he said he thought, but did that mean he believed he was absolutely correct?

I believe that I have the Spirit of God, but that does not mean I equate that to mean I must be correct.
How can people know you "have the Spirit of God" as you claim? Is it knowable from you demeanor or behaviour?


12 Jul 08
09 Sep 17

Originally posted by @fmf
How can people know you "have the Spirit of God" as you claim? Is it knowable from you demeanor or behaviour?
I said I believe but I do not claim to know for certain. No one can know anything for certain.


28 Oct 05
09 Sep 17

Originally posted by @eladar
I said I believe but I do not claim to know for certain. No one can know anything for certain.
Is there anything about your demeanor or behaviour that might lend credence to your belief in the eyes of the people who are reading your public posts ?

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
09 Sep 17

Originally posted by @fmf
Is there anything about your demeanor or behaviour that might lend credence to your belief in the eyes of the people who are reading your public posts ?
Oh how we laughed.


12 Jul 08
09 Sep 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @fmf
Is there anything about your demeanor or behaviour that might lend credence to your belief in the eyes of the people who are reading your public posts ?
Why would children of Satan agree with anything I believe?

If children of Satan did, I'd be concerned.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
10 Sep 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @eladar
Are you qualified to determine who these people are?
Are you qualified to determine who these people are?

If a Christian were completely without qualification to recognize another Christian brother or sister we could not have the fellowship of the Body of Christ.

We can be qualified without having infallibility as God.
We can be qualified yet make a mistake in some particular case.

If you cannot admit that you have the assurance of salvation that is not a humble admission of lack of qualification. That may be more an case of not believing the word of God.

I believe for myself and for others as well Ephesians 2:8,9.
And believing Matt. 7:21,22 does not make Eph. 2:8,9 therefore not true.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
10 Sep 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @fmf
Oh OK then. So, in that case, who makes an example of a good Christian to follow in this community?
Oh OK then. So, in that case, who makes an example of a good Christian to follow in this community?

The passage I used as a foundation says to become imitators of those who are inheriting the promises. if a man does not believe that God exists or that there even is a inheritance from God to come into, the question answered is wasted.

You are not asking me this with an intention of following any believer in anything.
You are asking to reinforce your unbelief in God, pursuing God, or following any Christian in the pursuit of God.

Others people who are looking to God may learn from one or two or more Christians posting something. They should believe in God. They should know something about the inheritance. And knowing something they may learn from others how they may inherit even more.

An atheist who want to be brought from that into the enjoyment of God may follow me in a prayer something like this:

"Lord Jesus. I am willing to be changed by God. Lord Jesus, i am willing at least to be willing. I understand that on the cross You made provision for the guilt of my sins. Help me Lord Jesus not to trust my feelings but simply trust Your word. i receive this cleansing. I receive this justification. I agree that I need and want Your finished work for my soul at Calvary. Lord Jesus, I present myself to you now willingly. Please do Your best in me.

Thankyou God. I now totally renounce Atheism and trust myself into Your hands."

In this kind of honest prayer you can follow me.
But surely, you can use your own words which say to God something like this and more.


28 Oct 05
10 Sep 17

Originally posted by @sonship
You are not asking me this with an intention of following any believer in anything.
I am asking you with the intention of partcipating in the discussion you started.


28 Oct 05
10 Sep 17

Originally posted by @sonship
You are asking to reinforce your unbelief in God, pursuing God, or following any Christian in the pursuit of God.
Er, no you are wrong. I am asking in order to get your answer about who you think makes an example of a good Christian to follow in this community. It's in the post of mine you are replying to. I am not asking you to reinforce anything. You've made that up. I am asking you about the topic you raised. We're on a debate forum, sonship.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
10 Sep 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @fmf
b]Er, no you are wrong. I am asking in order to get your answer about who you think makes an example of a good Christian to follow in this community.

Most every post of this thread has specifically addressed that point.

It's in the post of mine you are replying to.

And you got one this time, a good one too.

I am not asking you to reinforce anything.


But you're debating.
So you are interested in reinforcing your side of the debate.

You've made that up. I am asking you about the topic you raised. We're on a debate forum, sonship.


I am on a Forum called Spirituality .
While it does say -

Debate ...

it also says

and general discussion of the supernatural, religion, and the life after.

Nice try though.


11 Nov 05
10 Sep 17

Originally posted by @sonship
Does the Bible give us any guidelines on who are good Christians to follow ?
The good bible, inspired by god, written to inspire, says that
"You should not harm your slaves!",
and if you are a slave, then
"Obey your master!"

Does these guidelines show how to behave as a good christian?


16 Feb 08
10 Sep 17

Originally posted by @sonship
[b] b]Er, no you are wrong. I am asking in order to get your answer about who you think makes an example of a good Christian to follow in this community.

Most every post of this thread has specifically addressed that point.

It's in the post of min ...[text shortened]... discussion of the supernatural, religion, and the life after.

Nice try though.[/b]
Do you recommend yourself as being a good Christian to follow?


28 Oct 05
10 Sep 17

Originally posted by @sonship
Most every post of this thread has specifically addressed that point.
Who's the better Christian to follow? You or Eladar?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
10 Sep 17
3 edits

Originally posted by @fabianfnas
The good bible, inspired by god, written to inspire, says that
[b]"You should not harm your slaves!"
and if you are a slave, then
"Obey your master!"

Does these guidelines show how to behave as a good christian?[/b]
Let's look at a passage mentioning slaves and masters.
" Slaves, obey in all things those who are your masters according to the flesh, not with eye-service as men-pleasers, but in singleness of heart fearing the Lord.

Whatever you do, work from the soul as to the Lord and not to men,

knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as recompense. You serve the Lord Christ.

For he who does unrighteously will receive what he unrighteously did, and there is no respect of persons.

Masters, grant to your slaves that which is just and equal, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven." (Colossians 3:22- 4:1)

He is speaking to Christians in the church assembly in the city of Colosse.
It is not a general guideline for society as a whole.

The master is to render to the slave that which is "JUST AND EQUAL".
My ancestors were slaves. And though perverted theologians used the Bible largly to sooth thier conscience for their crimes and exploited the side of passages telling the slave how to behave, they sorely neglected their own side. They did not render to the men and women and children what was "just and equal".

Rather their treatment was characterized by what was unjust and unequal.

The passage also says that God is "no respector of persons".
This was against any principle of saying God favored the master over the slave.

The exhortation to do whatever you do as top the Lord is not restricted to the slave. It includes the master as well.

In the previous verses 10,11 Paul has said that in the supernatural 'new man" that the churching people are to put on there cannot be "slave, freeman".

"And have put on the new man, which is being renewed unto full knowledge according to the image of him who created him.

WHERE there cannot be Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, freeman, but Christ is all and in all." (Col. 3:11)

In the New Testament church not only is God no respector of persons, but there is no possibility that oppressive, divisive, exploiting compartmentalization of people into classes can be upheld.

"There CANNOT BE " is not a liberal scolding like - "you should not act that way. It is not good." Rather it is a teaching that the church and the stratification of society are mutually exclusive. if Christians want one then they cannot have the other.

Paul's exhortation to the churching people are that they must be renewed into a place where Christ is all and in all. Christ is preeminent and has the first place in all living and actions.

While men and woman may be saved while in some social situation the putting on of the new man is renewing them into a community where everyone is just living Christ. He is in all and is all.

It impossible to think the New Testament had in mine raping of slaves, breaking up families, oppression with torture and death, racial superiority and inferiority, kidnapping, committing adultery with one's wife in order to satisfy lust for captive women, who in many cases were wives of men.

The "Aha! Slavery in the Bible" card does no damage to the Christian Gospel accurately presented.

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