@josephw saidCant debate the issue so you resort to gutter insults?
You're really quite anal.
Here is the bible teaching
He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 16:15-17 KJV)
God, the Father in heaven, revealed to Peter that Jesus was the His Son
Your church told you Jesus is God
You believe your church
I believe God.
Hence we are polar opposites, and we will never agree.
13 Mar 22
@rajk999 saidYou're an anal retentive false witness doing the will of your father the devil accusing Christians. The only difference between you and the devil is he knows what he's talking about.
My purpose in citing scripture is to promote the teachings of Christ. If that offends you and you feel you are being 'weaponised' ... whatever that is, then thats your problem.
I promote the teachings of Christ aka the commandments because it is this is the critical criteria for eternal life. IF you dont like it then just ignore it an mosey along the road to damnation.
...[text shortened]... You and sonship are talkers and blabbermouths, promoting your church rubbish as doctrines of Christ.
13 Mar 22
@josephw saidMore empty insults void of substance. I quote Christ and you call me the devil.
You're an anal retentive false witness doing the will of your father the devil accusing Christians. The only difference between you and the devil is he knows what he's talking about.
Clearly you profess to know Christ hypocritically. Your heart is with your church.
@moonbus saidThat is exactly right. The scriptures say what they mean and mean what they say whether one believes them or not.
It also does not say that Jesus was deified in resurrection; it says he was glorified in resurrection, which means he was acknowleged and made manifest. Whether you believe he really was resurrected is another matter.
13 Mar 22
@sonship saidThe modus operandi of cults... take a break from indoctrination, relax, listen to some music and then we will continue with the brainwashing that Christians are deified.
Josephw, take a break and listen to this gorgeous song.
Here I Am, Lord
The S.t Louis Jesuits (So beautiful)
@rajk999 saidWe're "polar opposites" because you habitual mischaracterize not only the scriptures, but those that believe them.
Cant debate the issue so you resort to gutter insults?
Here is the bible teaching
[i]He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. ...[text shortened]...
You believe your church
I believe God.
Hence we are polar opposites, and we will never agree.
You do know that the word "church" is in the Bible don't you?
13 Mar 22
@josephw saidChurch is just a word, and clearly you worship the church. The church is nothing. Church is something only if it preaches the teachings of Christ. Your church has departed from the teachings of Christ and are part of the synagogue of Satan.
We're "polar opposites" because you habitual mischaracterize not only the scriptures, but those that believe them.
You do know that the word "church" is in the Bible don't you?
13 Mar 22
@josephw saidWhen you have scripture that can be interpreted in two opposing ways you have a problem. Case in point, Luke 18:19:
You are mistaken. The cause of what appears to be contradictions and inconsistencies falls entirely within the realm of interpretation and application.
There are no verses in the Bible that contradict the truth with regards to the deity of Jesus. No such proof text exists.
It is a logical fallacy that there are contradictions in the word of truth.
'And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.'
@rajk999 saidThere's not a word of truth in what you're saying.
Church is just a word, and clearly you worship the church. The church is nothing. Church is something only if it preaches the teachings of Christ. Your church has departed from the teachings of Christ and are part of the synagogue of Satan.
13 Mar 22
@ghost-of-a-duke saidHow is that verse interpreted in two opposing ways? What are the two opposing ways that verse is interpreted?
When you have scripture that can be interpreted in two opposing ways you have a problem. Case in point, Luke 18:19:
'And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.'