If anyone is contemplating suicide.

If anyone is contemplating suicide.



15 Oct 06
25 Oct 18
6 edits

@sonship said

What exactly do you mean when you say, "The way is Jesus", "The divine life is Jesus Himself", "The destination is a living Person", etc. ? What exactly does it entail?

You're a teacher of the New Testament and you don't know what those things mean ?

AS long as you have a unbelief in His resurrection, it will be very hard for you to know ...[text shortened]... sk Him to remove the barrier that is cutting you off from intimate fellowship with the Father - God.
You're a teacher of the New Testament and you don't know what those things mean ?

I advocate for the gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry.

You believe in a very different gospel.

How can I have an understanding of what YOU mean when you refuse to articulate exactly what that is? Instead you hide behind verbiage that is way too vague and ambiguous to have any meaning. I suspect that you refuse to articulate exactly what YOU mean, because you know it won't hold up under the light of truth.

Once again:
What exactly do YOU mean when you say, "The way is Jesus", "The divine life is Jesus Himself", "The destination is a living Person", etc. ? What exactly does it entail?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
26 Oct 18
3 edits

Some people have had their thoughts blinded by "the god of this age" who is the evil spirit of the Devil.

"In whom the god of this age has blinded the thoughts of the unbelievers ..." (2 Cor. 4:4a)

Thier praying organ is not used. And being without the exercise of prayer and repentance they are "veiled" and blinded to the truth.

Again -

"And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled in those who are perishing.

In whom the god of this age has blinded the thoughts of the unbelievers ..."

A blinded mind and a comatose spirit that will not pray keeps them veiled as if a dark cover was spread over their inner eyes.

Such unbelievers are already in the process of perishing.

" ... it [the gospel] is veiled in those who are perishing ... the god of this age has blinded the thoughts of the unbelievers that the illumination of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God,

might not shine on them."

Because of this spiritual blindness and darkened and veiled inner eyes the illumination of the gospel cannot shine in them. They study Jesus Christ but cannot discern the Jesus Christ manifests the glory of God Himself.

They need prayers and the mercy of God to break through their rebellious unbelief. Then as in Genesis when God said "Let there be light" He would shine the even greater light of the truth of the gospel into their hearts causing them to touch the living Christ within.

Because the God who said, Out of darkness light shall shine, is the One who shined in our hearts to illuminate the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (v.6)

This shining of the glory of Christ into darkened hearts is part of the MINISTRY of Christ which continues on to this very day through His apostles. They preach with the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven and also wrote the New Testament after Christ's ascension.

" .... things ... which have now been announced to you through those who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven ..." (See 1 Peter 1:12)

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
26 Oct 18

Don't accept any thought that Jesus Christ's ministry has concluded. He is STILL "a Minister of the holy places" (Heb. 8:1) with a high priestly ministry to shine into people's innermost spiritual being today.

" Having therefore a great [ministering] High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast the confession." (Heb. 4:14)

We need then TODAY to come forward in our hearts to this great High Priest, Jesus Christ, Who lives and is at the right hand of God, so that He can carry out His merciful ministry of bringing God INTO our being.

"For we do not have a High Priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all respects like us, yet without sin.

Let us therefore come forward with boldness to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace for timely help." (Heb 4:15,16)

Christ is today a living, sympathetic High Priest. He understands our weaknesses. He understands our temptations. We can open our hearts and come forward to this ministering High Priest for timely help.


28 Oct 05
26 Oct 18

@sonship said
Christ is today a living, sympathetic High Priest. He understands our weaknesses. He understands our temptations. We can open our hearts and come forward to this ministering High Priest for timely help.
When it comes to people contemplating suicide, how does this endlessly repetitive recitation of dogma relate to the fact that 90% of suicides are linked to mental health problems. Is it affected by that reality?

For the most part this thread seems to have been about you and Witness Lee and your in-a-vacuum-ideology ...and not really about "people contemplating suicide" at all.

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03 Jan 13
26 Oct 18
2 edits

Are you saying Witness Lee wrote the New Testament book of Romans ?

I believe the Apostle Paul wrote that. And in that he wrote many truths which he pioneered into as a successful believer. See Romans, Galatians, Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians ....

Believers have been crucified with Christ and raised with Him.
Believers may enjoy the termination of many germlike bad things in their behavior by the killing off power in Holy Spirit.
Believers may, by the Spirit, put to death the practices of the sinning body.

Believers may terminate the old man by being one with Christ.
Believers may reckon themselves dead to sin and living to God.
Believers may grow with Christ in the likeness of His death in order to live in the likeness of His resurrection.
Believers may believe it is no longer they who live but Christ who lives within them.
Believers may count that they have been crucified with Christ.

Believers may enjoy a new beginning.

All these concepts are based on words written under inspiration by Christ's apostle.

Put forth your evidence that such concepts originated in one Witness Lee about twenty centuries from the writing of the New Testament.

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03 Jan 13
26 Oct 18
3 edits


your in-a-vacuum-ideology

I would like anyone reading this to select the most helpful few posts from FMF of his last 400 posts that they found helpful to their pursuit of the benefits of Spirituality.

I would like to see at least three people link me to what they thought were FMF's most helpful contributions to Spirituality going back over about 400 of his submissions.


28 Oct 05
26 Oct 18

@sonship said

your in-a-vacuum-ideology

I would like anyone reading this to select the most helpful few posts from FMF of his last 400 posts that they found helpful to their pursuit of the benefits of Spirituality.

I would like to see at least three people link me to what they thought were FMF's most helpful contributions to Spirituality going back over about 400 of his submissions.
If you aren't willing to talk about the issue of mental health as it pertains to the reality of people contemplating suicide, then - yes - your monologues exist in a vacuum.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
26 Oct 18


Now is the time for you to let others come up and speak on your behalf. This is not now the moment for you to speak for yourself.


28 Oct 05
26 Oct 18

@sonship said
Are you saying Witness Lee wrote the New Testament book of Romans ?

I believe the Apostle Paul wrote that. And in that he wrote many truths which he pioneered into as a successful believer. See Romans, Galatians, Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians ....

Believers have been crucified with Christ and raised with Him.
Believers may enjoy the termination of ...[text shortened]... concepts originated in one Witness Lee about twenty centuries from the writing of the New Testament.
If "Witness Lee" was aware of the fact that 90% of suicides are linked to mental health problems, it certainly cannot be discerned from any of your rote-learned regurgitations of what he thinks.


28 Oct 05
26 Oct 18

@sonship said

Now is the time for you to let others come up and speak on your behalf. This is not now the moment for you to speak for yourself.
What about the utterly dominant role mental health problems play in the great majority of suicides and attempted suicides?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
26 Oct 18


If you aren't willing to talk about the issue of mental health as it pertains to the reality of people contemplating suicide, then - yes - your monologues exist in a vacuum.

FMF's pressupositions:
- #1 Christ as a Healer is not alive or available
- #2 Spiritual help does not include mental health.


28 Oct 05
26 Oct 18
1 edit

@sonship said

If you aren't willing to talk about the issue of mental health as it pertains to the reality of people contemplating suicide, then - yes - your monologues exist in a vacuum.

FMF's pressupositions:
- #1 Christ as a Healer is not alive or available
- #2 Spiritual help does not include mental health.
You refuse to talk about mental health. Conspicuously so. It's as if you aren't really talking about people contemplating suicide at all. You're just posting monologues about dogma. The topic seems to be your ability to deliver heedless dogma and not about suicide.


28 Oct 05
26 Oct 18

@sonship said
Are you saying Witness Lee wrote the New Testament book of Romans ?
What was "Witness Lee"'s training and expertise in treating mental health and handling suicidal people?


28 Oct 05
26 Oct 18
1 edit

@sonship said

your in-a-vacuum-ideology

I would like anyone reading this to select the most helpful few posts from FMF of his last 400 posts that they found helpful to their pursuit of the benefits of Spirituality.

I would like to see at least three people link me to what they thought were FMF's most helpful contributions to Spirituality going back over about 400 of his submissions.
I'll take a leaf directly out of your book on this one, sonship.

Here we go: Maybe hundreds of non-posting readers have been encouraged to release themselves from the grip of your morally incoherent torturer god ideology. And maybe that has been felt as a benefit by countless anonymous people. We just may never know.

Like you and the supposedly "hundreds of people on this forum" who may face eternal torture as a direct result of being exposed to my posts [you remember that one, sonship?], we just may never know.

Maybe that FMF-caused "damnation" is now faced by countless anonymous people. Maybe that FMF-caused rethink and its implications are now being enjoyed by countless anonymous people. We just may never know.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
26 Oct 18

Let us consider also:

Mr X suffers from schizophrenia and 24hrs a day is tormented by negative voices in his head that are depraved and completely out of his control.

Sometimes all of us, seem to have things injected into our minds. Becomming a Christian has led to many people realizing that foreign thoughts can be shot like flaming arrows into one's mind.

We learn not to take responsibility for some of them.
For some of them are designed to invoke needless anxiety and guilt.

As a maturing believer in Jesus, I learned to say "I do NOT take responsibility for that thought."

The old folks saying was you cannot keep a crow from flying over your head. But you can keep him from making a nest in your hair.

Not knowing the spiritual dimension leaves one at a disadvantage.

Let's move on with some comments. They are not meant to be totally remedial to the problem.

(This was the first time I noticed this questioned post.)

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