If anyone is contemplating suicide.

If anyone is contemplating suicide.


14 Mar 15
26 Oct 18
2 edits

@sonship said
Let us consider also:

Mr X suffers from schizophrenia and 24hrs a day is tormented by negative voices in his head that are depraved and completely out of his control.

Sometimes all of us, seem to have things injected into our minds. Becomming a Christian has led to many people realizing that foreign thoughts can be shot like flaming arrows into one's ...[text shortened]... to be totally remedial to the problem.

(This was the first time I noticed this questioned post.)
"As a maturing believer in Jesus, I learned to say "I do NOT take responsibility for that thought."

And that will eradicate schizophrenia?!

(Probably better if you hadn't spotted the question).

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03 Jan 13
26 Oct 18

For the last 20 years, he has been trapped in a cycle of relapse and hospital admissions where almost every medication known to man has been given, and sometimes forced upon him.

I think such should continue good professional consultation.
If such has not been introduced to the Savior Jesus Christ, he should.

He should learn to BEGIN each new day with a little time reading aloud with a prayerful spirit the word of God.

For one being tormented in such a way the book of Psalms might be good. That is reading and praying over a Psalm or two a day.

Behind the words of the Bible, the living Holy Spirit will cause God's speaking to intimately meet his need.

In reading with an open heart the logos of the Bible, the living God will illuminate the rhema of the personalized speaking Spirit in marvelous ways.

He needs to know that no one knows the innermost workings of the soul and mind as Jesus the Savior does. And it is not His will that he be left helpless.

" For the word of God is living and operative and sharper than a two edged sword piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow,

and is able to DISCERN the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

And there is no creature that is not manifest before HIm, but all things are naked and laid bare to the eyes of Him to whom we are to give our account." (Heb. 4:12,13)

The symbol of a TWO-EDGED SWORD which is LIVING and operative speaks of the Holy Spirit. He is defensive and offensive. He is defending and attacking.

He is defending against foreign invasion into the mind of the unwanted. He is also terminating of hidden influences which cause problems to the soul.

He is penetrating to the innermost part of man - dividing down to the place where the human SOUL and the human SPIRIT meet - very, very deep.

That is as deep and deeper then the subconscious. There the living and operating word of God can do a healing.

No person is obscure before God. All person's hearts are laid open to God. There is no mystery to Him.

Healing, transformation, comforting may take time and grow deeper and deeper.

Hope is instilled. A best Friend and most intimate Physician comforts the sufferer from the inner most chambers of his heart.

For this reason I would encourage a person, as he continues clinical help, to begin each day with a little time in the potent word of God.

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16 Feb 08
26 Oct 18

@sonship said

Now is the time for you to let others come up and speak on your behalf. This is not now the moment for you to speak for yourself.
If Jesus has made suicide obsolete as you claim, then how come Christians still commit suicide?

14 Mar 15
26 Oct 18

@divegeester said
If Jesus has made suicide obsolete as you claim, then how come Christians still commit suicide?
Oh, he's already dismissed such Christians as 'shortsighted.'

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03 Jan 13
26 Oct 18
1 edit

But still the negative voices persist, his every living moment torturous and void of any happiness. Finally, he has reached his limit and takes his own life.

A precious promise to the one who trust in Christ is that God will always provide a way of escape. He will not allow a person to be tempted beyond what he is able.

So it behooves us to get to know Christ the AVAILABLE living Lord and His word.

First Corinthians 10:13 promises -

" No temptation has taken you except that which is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow that you be tempted beyond what you are able,

but will, with the temptation, also make the way out, that you may be able to endure it."

Jesus was "a man of sorrows" says the prophet Isaiah.
Jesus was "well acquainted with grief."

Jesus was tempted in all respects like every other human being, yet without sin. Now He lives and can blend with us as His form of Holy Spirit.

He is sympathetic to our weaknesses. And whatever our temptation is, He can provide HIMSELF within us as an escape, a way out, that we are able to endure our trial.

One despairs when one things NO ONE knows and NO ONE understands, and NO ONE can help. Christ came as a man. The symbol of His feet being like burnished bronze in Revelation signifies that in His life He walked through the furnace of tribulation and trouble. He walked through a life of intense trouble for us in order to be a faithful and merciful High Priest.

Whatever our ailment, along with clinical helps, we must present ourselves to the High Priest, the Friend of Sinners, the Great Physician Jesus.

When I come to Jesus I often say something like this -

Lord Jesus, I bring my case to You. I thank You Lord that at this very moment You are dealing with a million such cases of people all over the globe, some worse than me, some less then me. Lord Jesus, I realize I am only ONE of millions for whom You are caring for at this very moment.

Thankyou Lord. Thankyou Lord Jesus that You have time, skill, wisdom, power, ability to see to MY case also. Amen.

14 Mar 15
26 Oct 18

@sonship said

But still the negative voices persist, his every living moment torturous and void of any happiness. Finally, he has reached his limit and takes his own life.

A precious promise to the one who trust in Christ is that God will always provide a way of escape. He will not allow a person to be tempted beyond what he is able.

So it behooves us to get to kn ...[text shortened]... Lord Jesus that You have time, skill, wisdom, power, ability to see to MY case also. Amen. [/quote]
If you are going to quote me, you need to indicate you have done so. (Twice now you have neglected to do this).

Oh, and your reply is flippant.

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03 Jan 13
26 Oct 18



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16 Feb 08
26 Oct 18

@sonship said

"Yes", what?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
26 Oct 18

@sonship said

This is what I asked you:

If Jesus has made suicide obsolete as you claim, then how come Christians still commit suicide?

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03 Jan 13
26 Oct 18
3 edits

The foolhearty idea of some skeptical unbelievers is that Jesus Christ is only the God for people with relatively comfortable lives.

No. We have found Jesus as One who can untie terribly difficult knots.

We have found Jesus as "the Shepherd of your soul" (1 Peter 2:25) . This means He is One who can tend to as a wise, bold, shepherd, the guidance and leadership of our SOULS.

Our mind, emotion, and will benefit greatly from the shephering of this Shepherd of our souls. No one knows our innermost being as Jesus Christ does.

We have found Him to look beyond our faults to see our needs.

Here is a classic song about "Come and Rejoice with Me" or ... "I Have Found a Friend" in Jesus Christ Who really knows the healing art of the soul. I love this hymn.

Read all of it. You have time.

Come and rejoice with me!
For once my heart was poor,
And I have found a treasury
Of love, a boundless store.

Come and rejoice with me!
I, once so sick at heart,
Have met with One who knows my case,
And knows the healing art.

Come and rejoice with me!
For I was wearied sore,
And I have found a mighty arm
Which holds me evermore.

Come and rejoice with me!
My feet so wide did roam,
And One has brought me from afar,
To find in Him my home.

Come and rejoice with me!
For I have found a Friend
Who knows my heart’s most secret depths,
Yet loves me without end.

I knew not of His love;
And He had loved so long,
With love so faithful and so deep,
So tender and so strong.

And now I know it all,
Have heard and known His voice,
And hear it still from day to day.
Can I enough rejoice?

Lyrics:Elizabeth Rundle Charles (1828-1896)

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03 Jan 13
26 Oct 18

I tried to find this song sung without commercials.

This is not my favorite MELODY to this hymn. But it is Okay.

Come And Rejoice Me

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
26 Oct 18

@sonship said
I tried to find this song sung without commercials.

This is not my favorite MELODY to this hymn. But it is Okay.

Come And Rejoice Me

If Jesus has made suicide obsolete as you claim, then how come Christians still commit suicide?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
26 Oct 18

Are you ignoring me sonship...I can feel your pout from here

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03 Jan 13
26 Oct 18


Are you ignoring me sonship...I can feel your pout from here

Probably, I am ignoring you.

Christians TOO need to learn to appreciate the extensive work of Christ. Did I say "EVERY Christians knows and appreciates how extensive the work of Christ is."

I'm a Christian. And I need to know more and more of "the unsearchable riches of Christ as the gospel"

Was that suppose to be a devastating and condemning question ? I mean, was it suppose to mean if ALL Christians have not experienced ALL of Christ's benefits then it follows those benefits are not real ?

What wise implication was being cooked up by that subtle cynical mind of yours in asking this ?

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03 Jan 13
26 Oct 18

Now, it is good to know that God CARES for us and we should cast ALL our anxieties on Him in prayer.

"Casting all your anxieties on Him because it matters to Him concerning you." (1 Pet. 5:7)

The scope of things which we can place before the Heavenly Father is vast and without limit. All our concerns we may place before Him.

I love the Psalm 116 when David made the discovery the God HEARD his voice.

"I love Jehovah because He hears My voice, my supplications, Because He inclines His ear to me;" (v.1)

It is so good to have an honest talk with God in the name of the Lord Jesus. I mean you pour out your heart before Him. He always receives an honest petition.

When life too seems hopeless, He will HEAR your voice, your supplication. I advise you to enter into His presence always with thanksgiving.

God is faithful. God will honor your sacrifice of praise in thanking Him. You know it could always be worse. In spite of sour troubles someone is in a more difficult situation then you.

It is good, in pouring out your concern to God, to remember this. You still have much to look back on and give thanks to God for.

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