If there is no God, how do we combat nihilism?

If there is no God, how do we combat nihilism?


Walk your Faith


24 May 04
10 Mar 06

Originally posted by LemonJello
I'm not trying to be dense, but I still don't understand what you are saying. You are either saying that our actions during this life are meaningless if they lack some form of external justification derived from eschatological considerations, which is patently false; or you are saying that there is no ultimate purpose to life if there is no ultimate purp ...[text shortened]... our point is the latter, you won't need to twist my arm to make me agree with your tautology.
Correct, if there is nothing at the end of it all than all purpose is
lost in the end, there isn't a real lasting purpose, there isn't a
scale of good or bad, all actions, all inactions would all end the
same way. Vaniety would be at the core of all meaning for us here,
all things are equal, all things, all views, all ideas will with time
come to naught, that is all nothing does, nothing more, nothing
less. You cannot take anything with you, and you make anything
last if at the end of the equation, nothing is the score.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
10 Mar 06

Originally posted by bbarr
When debating true-believers, you have to know when to cut and run. Remember, the point is not to convince the true-believer, or even to get him to understand your point (you're not a miracle worker). Rather, the point is to convince reasonably intelligent third-party readers that the true-believer is full of it. Mission accomplished.
When debating true unbelievers the same thing is true. 🙂


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
10 Mar 06

Originally posted by bbarr
You, as a graduate student, should know that every sober hour is a personal failure. Write through the haze...
Spoken like a true "scholar."

Chief Justice

Center of Contention

14 Jun 02
10 Mar 06

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Spoken like a true "scholar."
Apparently, unsurprisingly, you don't know too many scholars.

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
11 Mar 06

Originally posted by KellyJay
Correct, if there is nothing at the end of it all than all purpose is
lost in the end, there isn't a real lasting purpose, there isn't a
scale of good or bad, all actions, all inactions would all end the
same way. Vaniety would be at the core of all meaning for us here,
all things are equal, all things, all views, all ideas will with time
come to naugh ...[text shortened]... h you, and you make anything
last if at the end of the equation, nothing is the score.
Well no, but even if you're right then this is no reason to start believing in ghosts. I will live for another 35 years or so and my life's meaning will be carried on by those I've influenced and by those they influence until humanity becomes extinct.

I can't help but point out that there have been a number of moral justifications for the slaying of tens of thousands in Iraq on the basis of religeous belief recently. I may be vain but I've never ordered a nuclear (powered) submarine to fire 100 cruise missiles at a countrie's capital city. The man who did that sets great store by his Chistianity - presumably because the people he was killing forever wouldn't really be dead and all go to heaven. I'm with the Nihilists.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
11 Mar 06

Originally posted by bbarr
Apparently, unsurprisingly, you don't know too many scholars.
Contrary to your misconception, true scholarship is disciplined and sober-minded, not 'set free' via alcohol and/or pharmaka.

I don't know any scholars, but I've stood next to them on elevators before.

Chief Justice

Center of Contention

14 Jun 02
11 Mar 06

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Contrary to your misconception, true scholarship is disciplined and sober-minded, not 'set free' via alcohol and/or pharmaka.

I don't know any scholars, but I've stood next to them on elevators before.
Ha! You're killing me here! You take yourself so very seriously.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
11 Mar 06

Originally posted by bbarr
Ha! You're killing me here! You take yourself so very seriously.
Sounds dangerously like, "Get over yourself."
Being the true independent thinker you are, I highly doubt you are given to imitation.

Chief Justice

Center of Contention

14 Jun 02
11 Mar 06

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Sounds dangerously like, "Get over yourself."
Being the true independent thinker you are, I highly doubt you are given to imitation.
Where's that tongue in cheek emoticon again? You're too dim to know when you're being mocked.

Been there...

... done that

29 Jan 02
11 Mar 06

.... ahem 😛


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
11 Mar 06

Originally posted by bbarr
Where's that tongue in cheek emoticon again? You're too dim to know when you're being mocked.
That's right: I'd forgotten how much smahtah you ah than everyone around you. I beg your forgiveness.

Chief Justice

Center of Contention

14 Jun 02
11 Mar 06

Originally posted by widget
.... ahem 😛
I contain multitudes.


19 Nov 03
11 Mar 06

Originally posted by bbarr
I contain multitudes.
We should call you Legion?

For RHP addons...


16 Mar 04
11 Mar 06

Originally posted by KellyJay
Correct, if there is nothing at the end of it all than all purpose is
lost in the end, there isn't a real lasting purpose, there isn't a
scale of good or bad, all actions, all inactions would all end the
same way. Vaniety would be at the core of all meaning for us here,
all things are equal, all things, all views, all ideas will with time
come to naugh ...[text shortened]... h you, and you make anything
last if at the end of the equation, nothing is the score.
Your whole way of thinking is completely alien to me.

What you're trying to say is that if the mother of the child that you are holding in your avatar, was to suddenly die today (the gods forbid), then if there is no afterlife, her life has been meaningless and her life will have been as though it never existed, nothing?

We've all spoken about the legacy one can leave behind in this tangible life. You say that this is meaningless, but can you really believe that, when you are potentially holding that legacy in your arms?


Walk your Faith


24 May 04
11 Mar 06

Originally posted by Ragnorak
Your whole way of thinking is completely alien to me.

What you're trying to say is that if the mother of the child that you are holding in your avatar, was to suddenly die today (the gods forbid), then if there is no afterlife, her life has been meaningless and her life will have been as though it never existed, nothing?

We've all spoken about the leg ...[text shortened]... t can you really believe that, when you are potentially holding that legacy in your arms?

I don't personally hold to the view that nothing is what awaits us after
this life. I have a hope of much more, but I am looking at what
nothing does if that is all there is. I have lost people close to me,
their lives greatly touched mine. It isn't a matter of how much
importance we have here on other people or other things, because
once we die, if there is nothing beyond this, it would all even out to

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