@secondson saidWell I guess this how you self-justify your at times appalling behaviour in this forum while simultaneously castigating others for far less.
You need to read all of Romans. You are in error. Pulling a verse out of its context and using it to support the idea that obedience to the law "makes us right" with God demonstrates your profound ignorance of the meaning of Romans.
Romans 3:20,21
Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
...[text shortened]...
Romans 3:28
Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
Three adjectives sum you up Josephw; blowhard, pretender and hypocrite
@secondson saidIncorrect, only some of the Christians in this forum hold to the torturer god ideology; you, sonship and KellyJay are the front runners.
That is a strange post coming from you. For someone like you, that believes that the Christians posting in this forum hold to a "torturer god ideology"
@secondson saidBecause it points directly at your hypocrisy.
What purpose does it serve to satisfy your "interest" about how "living in the truth" translates into the "nitty-gritty" of everyday life if you don't believe and acknowledge that Jesus is The Truth?
@secondson saidWhat amazes me is how many know what it says but cannot discern what it means. Starting with the difference between metaphors and literalisms for example.
Amazes me how many people claim to be Christian yet don't believe what the Bible says.
Satan is "the ruler of this world" which the bible clearly says. You are either a subject of this world and it's ruler, or you are a subject of Jesus and his Kingdom that the bible clearly describes and the one that will soon destroy the Kingdom of Satan at Armageddon.
Is it possible to be “subject to Jesus and his Kingdom” as you describe it here, without being a member of the Jehovah’s Witness church?
As you won’t reply because you’re a lurking gutless cultist, I will reply for you based on your church’s teaching and belief: NO YOU CANNOT.
Reason: the JWs claim to be the sole holders of god’s truth on earth and it is a cult.
@caljust saidI asked you now several times to briefly flesh out your “Living for Jesus” statement. Merely saying “I am doing what the Bible says” just doesn’t cut it.
I clearly stated (also on more than one occasion) what I mean by living in the truth.
To repeat, for me it means to not knowingly and willingly present falsehoods to others and myself. To live according to the light which I now have, knowing that my current understanding of truth may be subjective and open for correction and/or growth.
Does this answer your complaint?
Now will you please answer mine? Without merely quoting Bible verses?
But no reply forthcoming. Should I wait a little longer or just go away?
In starting this thread, I had hoped that perhaps a rational discussion berween consenting adults was possible.
It seems, regretfully, it ain’t.
It is almost impossible to avoid the ping-pong, back-and-forth insults:
You guys are all naive, ignorant and misguided! Nyah, nyah, nyah! .........
And you guys are all going to hell! Nyah nyah backatcha!
And nobody gets bored of this, year in year out? 😳😥
But then, I can understand that people like sonship, secondson and KJ will be understandably defensive and ready to retaliate on the slightest pretext, (even reasonable questions) after all the abuse heaped on them regularly.
But then the pot shouldn’t call the kettle some dark colour...
Anyway, I started this thread, so I guess I should say goodbye, and let this thread sink (like most of the others) into the dark and dismal depths of the quiksands of mutual insults and interpersonal rejection. I weep for mankind (and womankind).
@caljust saidJesus Christ is a living Being, He and the Father are one, they sent the Spirit of God to us to live in us. Without the Spirit we don’t belong to God and can not walk with Him. They are One, living with Christ means you have the Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
To secondson and KJ:
OK, I accept your bona fides that for you living in truth means living with Jesus. No arguments there.
All I ask if you could please fill in the picture, so that I can understand how that works for you.
For example, it could mean that every morning in your quiet time of prayer you seek guidance for the day, and then you try to the bes ...[text shortened]... th for arguments, but a sincere seeking to understand how "living for Jesus" plays out in your life.
@caljust saidIn starting this thread, I had hoped that perhaps a rational discussion berween consenting adults was possible...But then, I can understand that people like sonship, secondson and KJ will be understandably defensive and ready to retaliate on the slightest pretext, (even reasonable questions) after all the abuse heaped on them regularly.
In starting this thread, I had hoped that perhaps a rational discussion berween consenting adults was possible.
It seems, regretfully, it ain’t.
It is almost impossible to avoid the ping-pong, back-and-forth insults:
[i]You guys are all naive, ignorant and misguided! Nyah, nyah, nyah! .........
And you guys are all going to hell! Nyah nyah backatcha! ...[text shortened]... of the quiksands of mutual insults and interpersonal rejection. I weep for mankind (and womankind).
Most have an aversion to, if not hatred of, truth - fundamentalist Christians such as the aforementioned as much if not more than anyone. This is why you are unable to get them to engage in "rational discussion". This is why they are "defensive and ready to retaliate on the slightest pretext". It is what it is.
Matthew 6
22“The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. 23“But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!
An honest request and I hope one that ALL will consider because this spiritual forum is rotten. It stinks and has become something I've almost come to hate and that saddens me so much as I know it does to many others.
If God were to possibly be looking in on this to see what is being discussed, well I'd have to assume he'd be pretty ashamed with what is often expressed here on a regular basis with regards to insults and other down grading remarks.
Of course we all have different beliefs or principles. Why would we expect anything different. If we all believed the same this would be boring.
But all here should recognize there needs to be an abundance of respect, honor and decency.
((( Of all the forums here at RHP this is the one that should be held up to the highest regard on all levels )))
God sees all and how we all act to any human no matter their beliefs.
If anyone here can't show something as simple as a normal amount of respect that I would think should be used by all, you shouldn't be here.....