04 Mar 19
@philokalia saidAnd why should anyone be subjected to stupendous never-ending violence as a punishment for having a different view from you vis a vis "the other religions are not satisfactory"?
You asked what would cause me to seek out the true God in Christianity elsewhere and I provided a good answer as to why the other religions are not satisfactory.
04 Mar 19
@philokalia saidIf you want to discuss the validity of sonship's beliefs about vengeance, wrath and glorification-through-the suffering-of-the-tortured, then sonship is the poster to tackle, not me.
Lol, you asked me my opinions on hell and as I described them you are like
"slow down there! I'm not your proxy to debate hell with Sonship!"
04 Mar 19
The fate of what hell is like is described in the link from the St. Andrew's Greek Orthodox Church, more or less. God returns in judgment, and His uncreated light is like a fire, which burns away the impurities from those who are His sheep, and is the glowing warmth of his love for eternity, but to those that have juxtaposed themselves against God, it is a fire that is torturous, and then they spend an eternity away from God, "where the worm ceaseth not" (conscience) "and the fire is not quenched."
So more of the same hellfire and brimstone I guess!!
Who is “St Andrew”?
Why should anyone take any doctrinal notice of what he said?
04 Mar 19
@divegeester saidGreek Orthodox Church, friend. Smell the glove.
Who is “St Andrew”?
Why should anyone take any doctrinal notice of what he said?
04 Mar 19
@philokalia saidIt must terrify you knowing that so many of your neighbours and going to be tortured for eternity. What kind of street evangelism do you do?
As I have pointed out to you several times over the last few weeks, I do believe in hell and have standard Christian theology.
04 Mar 19
@philokalia saidI understand it just fine. No need for the logical fallacy. The fact that I find the torturer god ideology morally incoherent is not because of a lack of understanding on my part.
This is a very big handicap in your understanding of Christianity.
04 Mar 19
@philokalia saidAnd what do they say when you say this?
I just say to others
"Come and see."
@divegeester said"Do I really have to kiss the bishop's ring?"
And what do they say when you say this?
@philokalia saidIs your girlfriend a Muslim? I’m presuming she is based on your wonky interpretation of “be not unequally yoked”
my girlfriend's family are all Muslims.
What does she and her parents think of your despotic torturing God disguised as a version of the loving Jesus, and they going to accept your invite to “come and see”?
04 Mar 19
@philokalia said“Bias”
This is where your bias is showing: you believe people don't question the religions they're a part of.
That is all we do these days.
Tell me again about why you believe it ok to be “unequally yoked” in a relationship?
04 Mar 19
@philokalia saidI’ve asked you dozens of times what your stance is on eternal suffering since your been a member here, all I ever got from you was a bunch of pretentious flim-flam.
Lol. I was trying to tell you that.
But every time I described it, you shied away.
It feels like you don't want to discuss it right now, either.
@philokalia saidYou should talk to sonship and KellyJay, or maybe just read their posts occasionally. You might actually find out what people here believe, why they believe it and subsequently what’s going on in threads where you just rock up with hangover and start blurting tangential rhetoric you have read somewhere.
How is it revenge punishment?
The light of God is uncreated. It's a necessary consequence of rejecting God to be pained by God's existence and His Light because this is how the soul now relates itself to God.
04 Mar 19
@philokalia saidWhat is worse, to be beheaded for being an infidel, or to be supernaturally kept alive and burnt for eternity for being an infidel?
Any religion which propagates backwards views on marriage life and goes back to old testament style sharia punishments is off.
You really are a piece of work!
@philokalia saidI would like you to discuss it with sonship yes.
Wait, you don't want to discuss this with me?
Again, you're using this to try to direct me to debate another Christian?
One you aren't even naming now?
Then you would know something worth knowing and be able to join in the debates in this forum instead of just shoving your snout into FMF’s groin and taking deep breaths.
04 Mar 19
@philokalia saidNot only sonship, but clearly you and sonship share the same ideology. The perfect justice of torturing people for eternity because they are not part of your religion.
Why not mine?
Why only Sonship?