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Mary Mother of God?

Mary Mother of God?


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Originally posted by checkbaiter
You can judge and mock now, but all you are doing is accumulating wrath for yourself.
It gets crazy here doesn't it? It seems that they can't connect the dots and as the Bible says they are "babes" with their understanding of the deeper things.
But if their heart is right and I believe a couple here are, they will learn. They just have to be patient in their learning and must listen to do that.... We all have to do that.

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Originally posted by galveston75
It gets crazy here doesn't it? It seems that they can't connect the dots and as the Bible says they are "babes" with their understanding of the deeper things.
But if their heart is right and I believe a couple here are, they will learn. They just have to be patient in their learning and must listen to do that.... We all have to do that.
Or it could be a grand waste of time...I have been here before, different names, same old arguments. I ventured here on a whim and it is looking like a waste of time...I think I will stick to chess and check back from time to time..🙂

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I guess not huh? Lol

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Originally posted by checkbaiter
Or it could be a grand waste of time...I have been here before, different names, same old arguments. I ventured here on a whim and it is looking like a waste of time...I think I will stick to chess and check back from time to time..🙂
I believe it is but sometimes it's interesting to see the responces that get posted here.

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But to remain babe's is not good as the bible says.

Ephesians 4:14
Good News Translation (GNT)

14 Then we shall no longer be children, carried by the waves and blown about by every shifting wind of the teaching of deceitful people, who lead others into error by the tricks they invent.

This is the perfect example of ones that believe in the man made doctrine of the trinity. They have been tricked into believeing it is truth and to argue against the clear truth that God is ((((( 1 )))))) God.

Many that I know used to believe in it, have made comments over and over such as they can't understand how they used to think it was truth when the Bible in reality is very clear on who our God and his Son Jesus are.
But Satan is strong and very conviencing.

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