30 Apr 22
@fmf saidYou have read the Bible right?
The heart is an organ that pumps blood throughout your body.
Luke 16:15
But Jesus told them: You are always making yourselves look good, but God sees what is in your heart. The things that most people think are important are worthless as far as God is concerned.
04 May 22
@kellyjay saidYes. "Heart" is a metaphor used in poetry and other literature or in things like song lyrics. It refers, metaphorically, to it being the centre of human emotion and the seat of deeply held beliefs. But it's just a metaphor. There is no evidence whatsoever that any cognition takes place in the heart which is, in fact, a muscular organ that expands and contracts and so moves blood through the body's arteries and veins.
You have read the Bible right?
@fmf saidThe heart is a metaphor for something real in scripture, it basically refers to what
Yes. "Heart" is a metaphor used in poetry and other literature or in things like song lyrics. It refers, metaphorically, to it being the centre of human emotion and the seat of deeply held beliefs. But it's just a metaphor. There is no evidence whatsoever that any cognition takes place in the heart which is, in fact, a muscular organ that expands and contracts and so moves blood through the body's arteries and veins.
is really going on inside a person.
Proverbs 21:2
We may think we are doing the right thing, but the Lord always knows what is in our hearts.
1 John 2:24
Keep thinking about the message you first heard, and you will always be one in your heart with the Son and with the Father.
So I again point back to how we can say all the right things but our hearts are not
in it.
Isaiah 29:13
And the Lord said: “Because this people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment taught by men,
04 May 22
@kellyjay saidYep. It is a metaphor for something real: cognition.
The heart is a metaphor for something real in scripture, it basically refers to what
is really going on inside a person.
It is used as a metaphor for "what is really going on inside a person" [that is to say: strong emotion and the more deeply held of our personal beliefs]: i.e. cognition.
@fmf saidIt is what is real to us, not much different than saying a double-minded man, that is
Yep. It is a metaphor for something real: cognition.
It is used as a metaphor for "what is really going on inside a person" [that is to say: strong emotion and the more deeply held of our personal beliefs]: i.e. cognition.
not suggesting someone has two brains, just conflicted loyalties, or is filled with
doubt and vacillating between two opinions.
04 May 22
@kellyjay saidThe "heart" depicted as a seat of cognition is just a literary device.
It is what is real to us, not much different than saying a double-minded man, that is
not suggesting someone has two brains, just conflicted loyalties, or is filled with
doubt and vacillating between two opinions.
@fmf saidAnd all of this talk is still just talking about our parts, not God's, which is the point
The "heart" depicted as a seat of cognition is just a literary device.
does He do what the scriptures say, or do they lie? If the Word of God is true, Jesus
does enter into our hearts to those who do turn to Him for grace and mercy
repenting of their sins, and He becomes their Lord, our hearts are His, and He is
ours and the experience is real, not imaginary, not something you can believe in
moment and deny the next.
04 May 22
@kellyjay saidHello, KellyJay. I am FMF. Pleased to meet you. I am an agnostic atheist. Oh, really, you don't know what that means?
And all of this talk is still just talking about our parts, not God's, which is the point
does He do what the scriptures say, or do they lie? If the Word of God is true, Jesus
does enter into our hearts to those who do turn to Him for grace and mercy
repenting of their sins, and He becomes their Lord, our hearts are His, and He is
ours and the experience is real, not imaginary, not something you can believe in
moment and deny the next.
@fmf saidYes, I agree; the point is still Christ Jesus changes us from the inside out that, He
I wasn't only talking about body parts. I was talking about poetry and literature and metaphors. And cognition.
comes to us from the outside into our hearts. A belief about it is nothing but a
mental acceptance; we can be taught to fear God because someone said so, but to
know that is altogether different; one is purely understanding a precept or statute;
the other is meeting someone.
@kellyjay saidI am well aware of the beliefs that constitute your faith. I was thinking ~ and would have been saying ~ more or less the same things as you 20+ years ago to someone who had lost their faith.
the point is still Christ Jesus changes us from the inside out that, Hecomes to us from the outside into our hearts. A belief about it is nothing but amental acceptance; we can be taught to fear God because someone said so, but toknow that is altogether different; one is purely understanding a precept or statute;the other is meeting someone.
@fmf saidSaying it is different than having it happen, one simply requires a change of mind to reject the other a denial of an actual event.
I am well aware of the beliefs that constitute your faith. I was thinking ~ and would have been saying ~ more or less the same things as you 20+ years ago to someone who had lost their faith.