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Questions for Biblical literalists.

Questions for Biblical literalists.


King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
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@pettytalk said
Actually, truly understanding Revelation is the key to understanding the Kingdom of God.

Since Jesus spoke so plainly, why would anyone need to obtain a Biblical degree at a Christian university? I would think that a degree in true Philosophy, with a languages minor, would suffice for those who have difficulties understanding Christ and Christianity.
Since Jesus spoke so plainly, why would anyone need to obtain a Biblical degree at a Christian university?
To pursue a position in ministry, furthermore, there is much much much more than Jesus speaking in the Bible.
I would think that a degree in true Philosophy,
I was also required to take two Philosophy courses to earn my Bachelors Degree in Biblical Studies and the History of Christianity.
I also had to take several other courses like math, English, biology, etc.
for those who have difficulties understanding Christ and Christianity. I've never had difficulty understanding Christ,.
Nothing like your difficulty in understanding academic degrees and job requirements for positions in most churches and elsewhere. I will also say that much of what you post about Christ is incorrect. like this:
Actually, truly understanding Revelation is the key to understanding the Kingdom of God. And no it is not. It's a small piece of it. Anything else? Your addy seems to fit you well "petty talk."
You would think that since you claim to know Christ and the Bible so well, that you would know these things. At least you admit that you're uneducated about the Bible, Christ, and His teachings.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@pettytalk said
Let me tell you from the perspective of an average guy about prophecy and why it has confused scholars for centuries. As the times approach ever closer, the visions begin to come into focus, depicting a sharper image... slowly, but surely.

"For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."

I want ...[text shortened]... this, I'm having my own visions which may be self-deceiving. I like to contradict myself, if I can.
Do you mean "elect" or "elite"?

You use both: do they mean the same thing or are you speaking of two groups?


14 Jan 19

@kingdavid403 said
Since Jesus spoke so plainly, why would anyone need to obtain a Biblical degree at a Christian university?
To pursue a position in ministry, furthermore, there is much much much more than Jesus speaking in the Bible.
I would think that a degree in true Philosophy,
I was also required to take two Philosophy courses to earn my Bachelors Degree in Biblica ...[text shortened]... these things. At least you admit that you're uneducated about the Bible, Christ, and His teachings.
The irony of my selected username. It always comes down to it.... 'The name fits you well.'

Jesus made sure he selected most of his 12 close disciples from the best schools of fishing. With the exception of Luke and Matthew, the disciples were all graduates of Oral Roberts University.


14 Jan 19

@suzianne said
Do you mean "elect" or "elite"?

You use both: do they mean the same thing or are you speaking of two groups?
Subconscious slip? The elect are the elite. And the elite are the elected to unmask the false Christs, false prophets, and the false teachers. But, as is written, if it were possible, even the elect can be fooled... to believe they are elitists.


14 Jan 19

God, let me understand.

Some nice bloke with a degree from a Christian university, seeking to be a minister of God's word, the Bible, tells us that the Bible is much, much, much more than just about Jesus. Is not Jesus God to Christians? And is not the Bible, from Genesis to the End, Revelation, entirely the word of God?

Jesus Christ! Some theological degrees were bestowed by Grace.

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
7 edits

@pettytalk said
God, let me understand.

Some nice bloke with a degree from a Christian university, seeking to be a minister of God's word, the Bible, tells us that the Bible is much, much, much more than just about Jesus. Is not Jesus God to Christians? And is not the Bible, from Genesis to the End, Revelation, entirely the word of God?

Jesus Christ! Some theological degrees were bestowed by Grace.
Some nice bloke with a degree from a Christian university, seeking to be a minister of God's word, the Bible, tells us that the Bible is much, much, much more than just about Jesus.
lol, it's always the uneducated that slip into lies and false witness about others when confronted with the truth. btw, I never said any such thing dumb ass. Do you know how to read? Do you know that you are lying to God?

Do you know that there are Bibles WITH ALL THE WORDS SPOKEN BY JESUS IN RED? Maybe you should get one sometime. lol
A small portion of the Scriptures but the most important. It's all important really. Ever heard of the Old Testament? lol btw the Apostle John was also educated; wealthy, and a Roman Citizen; and a fisherman. lol

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
5 edits

@pettytalk said
The irony of my selected username. It always comes down to it.... 'The name fits you well.'

Jesus made sure he selected most of his 12 close disciples from the best schools of fishing. With the exception of Luke and Matthew, the disciples were all graduates of Oral Roberts University.
Jesus made sure he selected most of his 12 close disciples from the best schools of fishing. With the exception of Luke and Matthew, the disciples were all graduates of Oral Roberts University.
You are not one of the 12; and by the way, the way you lie and bear false witness you're not even a follower of Christ.
Jesus chose the 12 to be His close students; and He was their Rabbi and their Great TEACHER. Maybe look up the definition of TEACHER and DISCIPLE. lol
Webster's definition of a disciple is "a pupil or follower of any teacher or school."[i] A true disciple is not just a student or a learner, but a follower: one who applies what he has learned.


14 Jan 19

@kingdavid403 said
Some nice bloke with a degree from a Christian university, seeking to be a minister of God's word, the Bible, tells us that the Bible is much, much, much more than just about Jesus.
lol, it's always the uneducated that slip into lies and false witness about others when confronted with the truth. btw, I never said any such thing dumb ass. Do you know how to rea ...[text shortened]... t? lol btw the Apostle John was also educated; wealthy, and a Roman Citizen; and a fisherman. lol
For the life of me, I have never heard a minister of Christ address an inquisitive soul as a 'dumb ass.' Is that what you learned at your Christian university? Instead of being sweet and understanding with my seeming haughtiness, you insult me rather than love me, and be gentle as a dove? Is that how to win souls for Christ?

By the way, before I accept any of your expertise and abuse, tell me which Christian University is your degree from? I want to lodge an official complaint. Also, ask the dean there why they would not touch Revelation with a ten-foot pole? Is there no red text in the Book of Revelation?

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
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@pettytalk said
For the life of me, I have never heard a minister of Christ address an inquisitive soul as a 'dumb ass.' Is that what you learned at your Christian university? Instead of being sweet and understanding with my seeming haughtiness, you insult me rather than love me, and be gentle as a dove? Is that how to win souls for Christ?

By the way, before I accept any of your expert ...[text shortened]... hey would not touch Revelation with a ten-foot pole? Is there no red text in the Book of Revelation?
Instead of being sweet and understanding with my seeming haughtiness, you insult me rather than love me, and be gentle as a dove? Is that how to win souls for Christ?
lol, It's the exact same way Jesus treated the Pharisees, false teachers as yourself, and Religious leaders of those days. Ever read the Bible? You would know that if you had read it. And, very few of them came to Him; but some did.
You snivel like a little grade school girl. Awwwwww.... lol
I love you enough to not want you do go to hell; however, you're close to the borderline; which shows me that I need to grow some. Either way, I'm not a fake or a phony.
Anything else grade school girl?
before I accept any of your expertise
A bachelor's degree is hardly considered as expertise. One needs three Bachelor's degrees to become a Catholic Priest. Ones needs a degree as mine to become a Catholic Deacon. Just to give you a clearer spectrum. And no, I'm not Catholic.


14 Jan 19

@kingdavid403 said
Instead of being sweet and understanding with my seeming haughtiness, you insult me rather than love me, and be gentle as a dove? Is that how to win souls for Christ?
lol, It's the exact same way Jesus treated the Pharisees, false teachers as yourself, and Religious leaders of those days. Ever read the Bible? You would know that if you had read it. And, very fe ...[text shortened]... that I need to grow some. Either way, I'm not a fake or a phony.
Anything else grade school girl?
That's what I thought! Never mind!

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05

@pettytalk said
Actually, truly understanding Revelation is the key to understanding the Kingdom of God.

Since Jesus spoke so plainly, why would anyone need to obtain a Biblical degree at a Christian university? I would think that a degree in true Philosophy, with a languages minor, would suffice for those who have difficulties understanding Christ and Christianity.
Understanding the book of Revelation is the key to understanding the countdown to the end of the current system if things, and the birth of a new era of peace on the earth Rev 21:3 - 4

Still to come is the destruction of Babylon the great, a female figure which appears to represent corrupted religion.


16 Feb 08

@medullah said
Understanding the book of Revelation is the key to understanding the countdown to the end of the current system if things, and the birth of a new era of peace on the earth Rev 21:3 - 4
Have you used this “key” in such a way as to give you this “understanding” or are you just throwing this claim out?

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05


I haven’t referenced a “key” or a “understanding”, unless you count these as being able to read and understand what is said in the bible?

Prettytalk correctly links Revelation to The Kingdom. If you look at Daniel 2:44 Daniel explains the kings dream and having been given the answer to that dream, through divine mean, tells the king that it is The Kingdom that crushes the last world power of mankind before the end.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
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@medullah said

I haven’t referenced a “key” or a “understanding”, unless you count these as being able to read and understand what is said in the bible?

Prettytalk correctly links Revelation to The Kingdom. If you look at Daniel 2:44 Daniel explains the kings dream and having been given the answer to that dream, through divine mean, tells the king that it is The Kingdom that crushes the last world power of mankind before the end.
I have said in the past that Babylon the Great is the United States.

I'm not quite as sure now that the comparison is completely true.

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05
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That’s interesting - what leads you to that conclusion ?

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